Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fang Jinn

It has been difficult for a period after June 13th to obtain any photos of Fang Jinn after Birther Hussein left the building, as I desired to study the effects of shapeshifting.

Exclusive to this blog, photos were found of disappearing moles and even the disappearing Obama penis which was so lewdly on display for years, since Fang Jinn took to the stage.....including the Jinn teeth did not match Obama's, including those creepy fangs which appeared before the public.

In forensics, many things can be altered on people, but the one thing which is an absolute is the distance between pupils in the eye, can not be altered in humans. The eyes you were born with are the eyes one has.

That is why I desired to compare a known Obama photo from years past, to one of the Jinn currently.. In assembling for this post the documentation, it is a reality that the space between the Obama's pupils and the Jinn's pupils are not matching.
The photos compared, were based upon ear to ear measure for skull size and from eyebrow to top lip, to provide an equilateral distance of same cranium size. Once that was the base, the pupil to pupil measurements were taken with a divider, and the end result in photos, was that the Barack Obama pupil to pupil size from 44 Obama was greater than the Barack Obama pupil distance of days ago at a Union event.

That can not be so, and yet it is. The distance between the previous and current Obama in pupil space has changed. The photos are in the two millimeter distance, but in real life, the distance would be in the half inch distance, which is impossible.
Further evidence that Barack Obama of before June 13 is not the same Barack Obama on display after June 13th.

That is fascinating to me, as the study of shapeshifting is a field never allowed for public examination in known entities. One would assume an exact duplicate, but in Obama's case to the Fang Jinn, there have been all sorts of incongruities from different mental patterns, different handshakes, moles disappearing and reappearing, and now the documentation that the pupil distance has changed from prior to June 13 to after June 13.

This melds into a different jowl look from the Obama of a few years ago to the Obama who appeared immediately after June 13, in the previous Obama had Asian lips, and the current Jinn has some large European type jowls, which are not Negroid in the least, as one genetically has evidence the Negroid was prone to large lips.

Even the old Obama had a round cranial structure, but the new Jinn has a rectangular shaped skull.

None of this is staged in photos, but actual comparison official photos of the government or media. The pupil distance for Obama and the Jinn do not match, and he has now large giant European lips compared to his previous thin Asian lips......his skull has in a few years gone from round to oblong.

Those are the realities of this and while no one else will address this, it falls to this blog in matter anti matter exclusives again. The information appears to give the Fang Jinn and Muchelle crew something to do though, as they spike stocks to try and jig the information so as not to match what was posted here.

Interesting dichotomy in all of this, as this blog was the only source reporting on that club hand Obama had that kept appearing and now has disappeared with the Jinn.

How I just want to be away from all of this and enjoy watching all of the rich groping for answers as have them all and am no longer being stolen from.

Baby appears active....always enjoy her company.

Lame Cherry
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Camptown ladies sing this song, doo dah, doo dah......

Music Man, The (1962) -- (Movie Clip) Seventy Six Trombones
Jul 17, 2011
Professor Hill (Robert Preston) inciting the folks in River City to buy marching band ... Music Man, The (1962 ...

Always like Robert Preston.

 Hosea 9:7 The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred.

agtG 295Y