Monday, January 21, 2013


I never watched the Obama Bible swearing election theft inauguration as I did not want to vomit as the thought nauseates me in watching America finished as a nation.
Mom though had on the broadcast news to torture me and something bizarre caught my attention in there was nothing but black folks there.

Granted they all had the holiday off we are all paying for costing billions, but seeing all those people there in an Obama Super Depression just is puzzling as where in the hell did they get all that money as that is like a 1000 dollar trip and it is cold as hell there so travel was not easy.......they certainly could not have driven a million more cars there as traffic jams would have shut it all down.

So I started wondering about this fraudulent show, which  said fewer people showed up for Obama houses this time and turkeys and found the headlines:

Sold out: N.J. group bound for Obama inauguration has no bus ...
1 day ago – The sold-out bus departs Newark from Lincoln Park Monday at 6 a.m.. ... said Lawrence Hamm, state chairman for the People's Organization for Progress. ... Obama's historic inauguration, Hamm's group chartered 11 buses to ...

Memphis OBAMA INAUGURATION Bus Trip | Facebook
Jan 19 - Jan 22 - Inauguration 2013
Sign UpConnect and share with the people in your life. Memphis OBAMA INAUGURATION Bus Trip. Export · Report · Memphis OBAMA INAUGURATION Bus ...

Community organizers who taught Obama the ropes get an ... › NewsChicagoland
1 day ago – Related; Obama inauguration excitement underway · Obama ... friends and donors, and average people who put up with an overnight bus ride.

Last-minute options for inauguration travel - Sun-Sentinel › Business
3 days ago – For the 2009 presidential inauguration, Mitchell arranged a similar bus trip with about 54 people who wanted to see Obama sworn in as the first ...

Kelly: For teen, a bus ride to history at Obama inauguration - Omaha ...
2 days ago – As with four years ago, the people on the bus come from an array of ... D.C., for the inauguration Monday of President Barack Obama

Hundreds from N.C. to attend Obama inauguration ::
1 day ago – Hundreds from N.C. to attend Obama inauguration ... The 30 buses are expected to carry about 1,700 people.
That is just a sample......30 buses contracted for?

I never heard of the GOP ever doing that for Reagan or Bush.

How about this:

President Obama's inauguration still a draw second time around › NewsLocalGovernment and Politics
2 days ago – Hubbard chartered three buses for people who want to see the president's second inaugural on Monday, and every seat is reserved.

Apparently Obama's folks chartered every fricking bus in America, and I will guess gave away tickets and probably some damn travel stipend we tax payers are paying for to feed this mob, and I'm betting that is how Obama filled Washington with all those blacks as they called SOOEY and the hogs came a runnin'.

Obama desperately wanted the illusion along with the liberal media that he was popular, TO MATCH HIS ELECTION THEFT in flipping votes. That is what was behind all of this and no one but this blog in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive has exposed this.

I listened to that crowd and they were bored. I listened to those stupid Afroids in interviews and it was like, "Yeah Obama is uniting all us......blacks........and uh whites."......."Yeah, I ah.....never thought I would see this".
Those people had no enthusiasm in the least. This inauguration theft was smoke and mirrors in a hog call, and that mob was shipped in pokers meant to fill the seats to reinforce that this mysterious mob actually voted for Obama in mass, instead of his proven election theft in 2013.

This apparent hog call was nationwide in urban centers in community organized goons all getting the call. I repeat Obama loaded buses with blacks to give the illusion on camera that masses of people really did vote for him in November, so no one would question why only more press showed up on January 21 than people.

More proof of the Obama election theft. Obama faked the crowds by a coordinated effort to ship people in by bus.

This is BUSGATE and dimes to dollars, that money was filtered through those Obama green grants to all those bankrupt corporations that made millionaires of Obama cronies before the money was dumped back to remember how that Obama donation scheme was running in cuts to certain states.

This is BUSGATE another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

Tulsans travel to D.C. for inauguration | Tulsa World
10 hours ago – She's going to be one of the 500,000 to 800,000 people expected to fill the ... the bus trip as she did in 2009 for the first Obama inauguration.

They already had the numbers contracted for in what the regime was planning for this show.


Obama Inauguration Sponsors Spent Millions Influencing Government
6 hours ago – At Obama's Second Inauguration, How Emancipated Are We Really? ... Chief among corporate inaugural donors: AT&T Inc., Microsoft Corp., energy giant Southern Co., .... By Will Potter, Green Is the New Red | News Analysis ...

Inaugural donations from corporations: Not okay in 2009, totally cool ...
5 hours ago – In 2008/2009, President Obama's inaugural committee (amidst much self-promoted fanfare, I might add) ... This year, Obama is taking unlimited donations, including corporate cash.

 Bingo Bango Bongo and Obama......I told you this was a paid for sham propaganda event to cover up the Obama 2012 election theft and in USA TODAY they printed it.

D.C. hotels have availability for inauguration

Barbara Delollis
by Barbara Delollis - in 143 Google+ circles - More by Barbara Delollis
Nov 16, 2012 – Barack Obama's second inauguration as president on Monday, Jan. 21, ... constituency is going to receive free government travel vouchers to ...


The reality is that Google lists that in the story, but it has been wiped from the USA TODAY story and is only a story about 1000 dollar a night hotels in DC......yeah all these black folks could afford that in like a 2500 dollar junket they paid for.
The retail on this is if 900,000 people were bused in, that at two people to a room, that is 450 million dollars these poor bus riders would have had to have shelled out.

You know they did not. This was money laundering and graft from Obama.

Obama just was exposed in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive. You children wanted proof, so there is the proof of this sham.

BUSGATE Busted here on the Lame Cherry blog.

agtG 249Y

Obama 1984 DOA

I watch signs and omens, because they matter. They are not things to base one's life on, unless they are from God in signs, but they are a collective thought of expression from the spiritual matrix that manifests in this world.

I discern and judge the event of the jumbotron suddenly broken when B. Hussein Obama gave his election theft speech a telling bad sign and omen for Obama.
I suspect the source in this might have been someone in intelligence having a bit of fun, but if not, there certainly was an electronic surge which interrupted the Big Brother signal of B. Hussein Obama to his Obamatrons.

The story was pathetic and telling, in Obama voters wandering around looking for direction and new ways for Obama to give them marching orders, only to find there was no back up from the teleprompter reader.

In viewing this from the position of signs and omens, this is a bad omen again for Obama, as what  this relates is, Big Brother is dead for the next four years. I do not mean Obama in this, but I mean in 1984 George Orwell terms of the dictator on the screen is going to be interfered with in his orders to the masses.
The masses on the receiving end are not going to understand Obama's orders and the message is going to be gabbled. These Americans are going to wander around looking for direction, try to find it, find nothing there and then trudge back to see if Obama is still talking, only to find nothing there, before they trod on off home in disappointment.

It is a telling omen in this that the crowd was taking Hilter like Nazi cues from the cheers of others  on the Mall to cheer. These followers as all know are clueless, but this is the aimless Obama mob which is America that is going to experience 4 years of no leadership from this dictator as the spiritual forces are going to cut B. Hussein off from the people.

The spiritual forces in this omen appear to be stating they are going to unplug Obama's power. He very well indeed stole the 2012 election and got re installed into 1600 Penn Avenue, but the forces which be are going to isolate him.

America will have a leader they can see in broken signal, but not hear nor understand. They will search for him, but will scatter to their homes in disappointment.

Utter ruin was the Prophecy of 2009 and it comes true. 2013's Prophecy appears to be Obama cut off in America being leaderless and the mob abandoning him.

The Obama mob will not want to be identified with him.

Baby trending.......election theft.

Lame Cherry
12 hours ago – 9 hours ago – So that is the Lame Cherry advice to assist Barry O on election theft numbero duo. ... Lame Cherry right again about Jill Kelley.

2012 Election Theft Thread

2012 Election Theft Thread. My children, did you know there ...

Obama's Dirty Laundry

Obama's Dirty Laundry, second load. As another Lame ...

Lame Cherry: Lame Cherry ...

Lame Cherry right again about Jill Kelley. My children, who ...


How much of ANALGATE started bent over in the White ...

FOX News now

The tourist FOX News is attempting to catch up to this blog's ...

Analgate: Quid Pro & Ho

Analgate: Quid Pro & Ho. When one examines the murder of ...

The natural law historically has shown to remedy stolen elections.

agtG 283

By Mike Lillis - 01/21/13 01:29 PM ET

Tens of thousands of people who flocked to the Mall to watch Monday's inaugural ceremony will have to watch a replay to hear what President Obama said.
A  television set up just north of the Washington Monument was streaming terribly, sending a garbled signal — both audial and visual — that left observers west of 15th Street having to guess half of what Obama was saying.

Many in the crowd — perhaps thinking there was another big screen on the south side of the monument — trudged that way only to find nothing, and were forced to loop back into the north-end throng that was trying its best to be upbeat despite the malfunctioning screen.
While most endured the glitch with smiles — taking cues from the cheers much closer to the Capitol — hundreds, perhaps thousands, wandered away long before Obama's speech was through, many of them dismayed.
"This is terrible," grumbled one man, joined by his family, who did not want to be identified.


There are many divisive subjects in Christianity, all taking on fears and biases of moods or teachers as St. Paul wrote in his time of different groups in some claiming to be of Paul and some of other leaders.

The reality is drinking grape juice or drinking wine in Communion, no more than sprinkling or dunking in Baptism, does not Grace a Believer into Heaven. Abraham never took Communion nor was he Baptized. That is not to state those Sacraments are not vital, but one gains admission to Heaven only through the One Way, One Truth and One Life, and this is Jesus the Christ, Thee only begotten Son of God and Savior to all who answer His call to become the Spiritual children of God.

In noting that, a teaching arose called the Rapture. The basis of this is said to be John Nelson Darby in 1830 AD. To not get caught in the details, the Rapture was invented by people who in reading the Bible were terrified of the events of the Great Tribulation, and reasoned a way out of this to comfort themselves.

The Great Tribulation is a terrifying event structure of God's wrath poured out on evil and ending it in this world, at the blade of the sword of Jesus the Christ, when He returns in His Personage as King of kings and Lord of Lords to complete victory at the Battle of Armageddon.
The Faithful must understand that this is not to scare people at all in God's Justice, because that is what this is, is a balancing of the accounts in your favor, in God recompensing evil for all it has done to you as His child.
Atonement at Armageddon is an act of God's Love in removing evil and evil people, to the end they have chosen contrary to God, so the seared do not degrade to a worse condition as those at Sodom and the cities there or Canaan.

God's first divorce of Israel and Judah, with full execution and slaughter was an act of Love in ending reprobates from interfering as in Noah's time with God's Plan of Salvation.

God is not going to lose one person though, just as he sifted the children of Israel and never lost one of the Faithful, who became the western peoples of Christianity, led by the tribes of Joseph in his sons, who are Great Britain and America.

This foundation and understanding of God's Love, where Love has no fear as God has purpose and planning for all His children is the reality so that when one begins to examine the wrong teaching of the rapture, that one can know that God protects His children.

The rapturians teach that Jesus appears and all of the Faithful vanish, to be in Heaven and then return with Him after the final 7 year cycle as spoken of by the Prophet Daniel in what the Holy Ghost moved him to reveal.

Jesus though in the Revelation He gave in the last Book of the Bible has St. John record this in Revelation 7:14.

And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

"These" that John has seen are stated as having come out of the Great Tribulation. COME OUT, means in verbiage that they were in the Great Tribulation and not taken out before the event.
No where in Scripture, including in Revelation context does it ever show, nor did Jesus ever say He would take people out of this world before the Great Tribulation.

In Revelation, chapter 6 verse 11, John records Jesus Revelation in the following:

And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

In verse 12, John records the time line in this:

And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

The darkened sun and moon as blood is a frequent way mark in Scripture. In Joel 2:10, Joel 2:31 and Joel 3:15, this event is recorded.

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.

We know now that there are martyrs who have been murdered, martyrs who are coming out of the Great Tribulation and martyrs that will be killed during the Great Tribulation.
Now let Jesus explain the time line completely as He did in the Revelation synopsis of Matthew 24 verse 29:

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Jesus just gave the time of the sun darkened and moon as blood, as after the Great Tribulation has taken place and is winding down to His return when the world is gathered to Armageddon at war.

Some rapturians have attempted to state that Jesus takes out the Faithful, and then a new crop of Faithful somehow repent to go through the rapture and are spoken of.
The Bible does not teach that, and in fact it calls into question how a loving God could rescue an immense host from suffering supposedly and then in absolute abandonment allow millions of repentant people to be murdered in going through this horrid time.
God does not do for one person what He would not do for another. God is not a respecter of persons. He treats all the same.

 In Revelation 11 chapter 3, Jesus reveals His two witnesses, the chosen of the Christian Faithful. Are these two Christians in Jerusalem supposed to be converts? The answer is not in the least as these are Faithful who are on earth before the Great Tribulation and are involved in it.
They in fact are prosecutorial witnesses who send torments on the earth to the extent  that when satan murders them, the entire world has a three day celebration, before the Spirit of God enters into them, and God orders them to "Come up hither" and they arise to Heaven as their enemies look on.

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

God would not rapture all Faithful out and then leave two of the most Faithful to be murdered and suffer alone in the Great Tribulation.

Some teachers like  Jack Van Impe misquotes Scriptures as in Revelation 4:1 as evidence of the Rapture, when in fact the verse is spoken of to only St. John, so he can be shown these things.

After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

 The greatest refutation of the Rapture comes in Revelation 20:4 by St. John in:

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

One notes this group is witnesses for Jesus and the Word of God, who had not worshiped the reincarnated Roman Empire and it's ruler, as the only way one could deny the 666 mark was having been in the Great Tribulation to be murdered by the anti Christ and it's associates, because the full scope of the trauma of this does not start until the half way point of the last 7 year cycle.

There is a false peace in a coming treaty that the world exists under, and the anti Christ progresses it's power grab for the world system to set up the anti God rule which the universe and earth convulses in rejection of.

In Daniel 12:11 and 12, the Holy Angels reveal to him more proof of that no rapture has taken Christians out of the world.

And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

This time period spoken of is the final 7 year cycle yet to be initiated. It is divided up into 3 1/2 years. The first part is false peace of the anti Christ, and the second part is the real chaos of the Great Tribulation.
Those spoken of as "blessed" are those who have gone through the entire period, and for those who do not comprehend the 1335th day, the mystery is simple.
The Lord returns at the end of the 7 years in the only second coming Jesus has. The 1335th day is that day in December when He re consecrates the Temple made desolate by the abomination of satan being offered to on the Holy Altar.

Matthew 24:14 and 15 are Jesus provided verses in this time line:

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

In verse 16 Jesus warns the Faithful in Judea:

Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
In verse 21, Jesus notes the time:

 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
We have already read in Matthew 24:29, that after the Great Tribulation, the sun is darkened and the moon is red. So we know the time line in complete form and Jesus is telling Faithful people in Jerusalem exactly to flee for their lives.
Jesus did not come to Rapture those Christians out, but told them to flee as they were going to remain in the world at war.

The reality of the Bible is plainly put and supported by other Prophets as the Bible interprets itself. There will arise a reincarnated super power in the Roman Empire. At it's head will be satan, the anti Christ and the false prophet in an unholy trinity.
They will bring a false peace treaty to a very frightened world and deceive the Faithful if possible. For those who question such things, observe what demonic influence created in Barack Obama being called a messiah and a god, in how many hundreds of millions around the world followed him.

Around Easter or Passover in the middle of this 7 year period, the anti Christ offers to satan at the Temple, and then the final events of the Great Tribulation unfold with fury, in that poisonous star Wormwood hitting the earth, the sun darkened, moon red, immense wars that gather to a valley north of Jerusalem whose choke point is Har Megiddo, and called in Greek Armageddon.

Armageddon is Atonement or Yom Kippur. All of this starts in the autumn and ends 7 years later in the autumn when Christ returns with a trump and all are gathered to Him in the twinkling of an eye changed.

Matthew 24:31

 And He shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

 As Jesus notes in the Matthew time line, this takes place after the Great Tribulation in verse 21 which is 10 verses earlier.

The Great Tribulation is honestly a time for the Glory and Honor of God. God would never cheat His Faithful from this time as Daniel 12:10 explains:

Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

The Great Tribulation's purpose for Christians is a time for all of us. Some of us have chosen to lay down their lives for Christ as martyrs numbering in the millions in not saving their lives to gain them in Christ. Some will witness and all will be tried in this fire and made even brighter lights for the Glory and Honor of God.

People have chosen destinies they have chosen with Joy. None have ever failed from St. John to Joan of Arc for all are Christ's Who overcame all first and by the Holy Ghost Who guides each of us.
All of this has been worked out, and the Prophet and Apostles have longed to look upon this time which the Elect were born into, as this is their chosen time for purpose.

Jesus knows this time will be trying, that is why He warned of it often to have people prepare. That is what the parable of the 10 Virgins was about in trimming lamps and keeping watch. We are to always be watchful for this coming time and to keep the Faith in Christ.

I have longed for this time, not for the hardships, but because this was the time I was born for. All of this preparation is necessary for Christians, but I want the Lord to return. I want to see Prophecy fulfilled. I want to bless the two witnesses for their work. I want to see Christians fulfilled as only the Great Tribulation can accomplish this. I want to see Jesus come quickly in his second and only coming. No partial peeking in the clouds, but Him shining like lightning east to west and all bowing or cowering before my Lord and Master.

I have prayed and continue to pray that the Lord gives me Light in the darkness and His Peace in the Great Tribulation. I do not intend to suffer as I have been persecuted enough already in preparing this time.

I will though go through this with the Tiger Lily with Joy as I know Jesus will carry us and I know He is coming on the other side.

 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Revelation 22:20

God bless you my child, and may the Truth sown by you in those you love, be blessed in Christ and bear fruit by the Holy Ghost guiding in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

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 It all You, Lord Christ, not me in the least. All Glory and Honor are the Father's, Your's and the Holy Ghost. Here am I nothing, but a conduit to serve You. It is so.

The Designer Caucasion: Baraham Messiah O'Lincoln

I have a prediction concerning B. Hussein Obama's "inauguration" speech.....well it is a series of predictions.

They all though amount to one thing.

Obama is going to lie.

Obama lied in the democratic primaries in saying he was a Natural Born Citizen.

Obama lied in the 2008 campaign in being like Ronald Reagan.

Obama lied for four years in the Oval Office and ruled like a dictator on Obamacare, predator strikes murdering brown skinned babies, Gun Runner, Hutatree......he just lied non stop.

Obama lied in the 2012 campaign on everything.

Obama lied on election theft night in sounding the perfect American President of being the uniter again. America has witnessed those lies as the first thing Obama did was tear America apart on gun control.

So Barack Obama is going to lie on Martin King's day, just like he trampled on Mr. King's day with Colin Powell and every black four years ago in not caring one iota about "I have a dream" as they all had their messiah Obama they traded up to in that deluxe white house on 1600 Penn Avenue.

Barack Hussein Obama is a liar. That is not even his name as it is Barry Soetoro in his Indonesian adoption. His real name is from some Filipino woman serviced by some other black man as Barry Chin looks nothing like a Luo African in Barack Sr.

BHO is a liar. Everything about him is a fabrication and the one thing anyone can count on Barack Obama is that when he opens his mouth, he will be lying about something.

B. Hussein will try to be Abraham Lincoln, because he is one of the few God's, Presidents or People of note who Obama has not tried to wipe from the history books and replace hisself with in being transformed now from the Berlin boy, Designer Negro, to the 1600 Penn Avenue, Designer Caucasian.
Yes Mr. Obama Chin is going to attempt to become Baraham Messiah O'Lincoln, but only fools will be fooled again in hearing Obama piss and thinking they are drinking beer at the pub.

Barack Obama has this fixation as the same sociopath he was at 10 to be some new person to validate hisself, as his old chameleon skin has not made this bright boy happy with who he is at all.

Barack Obama has been Stalin these past several years. In reality, his trying to be Lincoln will probably initiate another Civil War in America one day, and then Chairman Maobama will have his forbidden city and other draconian muses to inspire him as tanks run over people in the square.

What is it 30, 000 innocents slaughtered in Syria alone, 80 more sacrificed in the Sahara in more Obama rituals to his grandiose godlike persona.

The fraud of Nobel Peace, Barack Hussein Obama, is an olive branch liar.

The Birthers were right. The Birthers are right and the Birthers will always be right. The only thing the deniers have not come to terms with is B. Hussein has been rubbing out names like Lincoln and scribbling his own name over on the many birth certificates that Obama tries to be born into.

Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin is a fraud and a liar. Do not expect honesty from a usurper of the Constitution of these United States.

Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin is an olive branch liar.

Lame Cherry

Barack Hussein Obama is no Messiah, no Jesus Christ, no Prince of Peace and Barack Hussein Obama is no Abraham Lincoln or any other American.

agtG 240

Scooter Bush

To the outside world, he is known a George Prescott Garnica Bush. To the Naval world he was known as Pepe Gonzales, Speedy's little brother while he was adding a resume title to a faux service record in Afghanistan like Prince Bill and Will.

To his confederates he is known as Jeep Bush, short of GP Bush, after his nefarious Rothschild and Rockefeller grandfather Prescott, involved with  the Harriman's and the other planted Ashkenaz financier interests out of Europe to overthrow America.

To those who do not take him seriously he is just known as Scooter Bush, the Prescooter Bush who was bred from a Mexican chica that Terri Schiavo killing Jeb mounted, and that begins the seriousness of this Texican now having the Bush interests clearing the deck in Texas, so this son of Mexico will herd all the little latin illegals to vote for him for President.

You can lay this out easily in Scooter Bush is going to announce to run for Texas Land Commissioner which is a stepping stone office. He followed Barbara the hit Sarah Palin below the pantie line Bush's orders in getting a resume of marriage, business and military before running for President.
Scotter though is a light weight in never doing things the hard way or right way. He quit baseball in college and has to list he was intramural football player......which is like saying you played for the NFL by wearing a Bradshaw jersey.

Rick Perry has stated that he is going to run for Governor in a fourth term in 2014, so that would mean that Scooter or Jeepers Bush is going to have to take a different route to 1600 Penn Avenue than Uncle George.

Sure, you got Jeb thinking he is going to run in 2016, but with Obama sucking the egg sack out of the entire reptilian nest, that is quite a thing to be overcoming for Scooter.

So the 36 year old Scoot, gets hisself selected Mexican in waiting in Texaa.

Currently Texas has that fraud John Cornyn who destroyed the Tea Party candidates to keep Sarah Palin from running and then there is Ted Cruz.

Cornyn will not be up for election until 2014 and I doubt he is going to be leaving office.

Same with Cuban Cruz, who is junior whiz kid sounding like he wants to be Vice President as he just assumed office in 2013. That makes him a 2020 candidate, and all of that really fricks the frack for Scooter Bush as there are no national offices to launch a GOP off of for el presidente.

No one gets elected to 1600 Penn on House saw how great Paul Ryan helped Obama in his election theft. LBJ going into the Senate could not even beat fraud John Kennedy, so for some Bush kiddo looking to be Obama III, really is not too bright in the mix as Texas Land Commissioner might be better than Chicago communist organizer, but at least Obama stole a few elections before he stole the big one in 2008.

Scooter got hisself positioned into Afghanistan in Naval Intelligence or the same intelligence command, that you might recall, had those big titted women sex texting Patraeus and that other horn dog general in the scandal that wiped out Patraeus from the White House in Patreausgate.
None of it looks good in this, as Cruz and Rubio are auditioning for Aspen Institute Mexicans with Foster Freiss to take on Obama in the third term, so why would anyone want Scooter Bush with latins who actually accomplished something.

For some reason the big wake up call for Scooter was the Pat Tillman shooting in Afghanistan. Bush and his people called it the worst thing, but I see nothing worst in this. Tillman is a case of a foul mouthed asshole that the fellow Soldiers did not some how like being called pussies, so they shot him.
Sort of is a lesson in how to be a Soldier and get along with others who have guns.

In forensic examination, I find nothing in this Scooter that is admirable. He is a quitter. He is a rich man's boy. He had things happened to him. In reality, Scooter Bush is Barack Hussein Obama.....only thing is we know who Jeepers sperm donor is in Great Expectations, but Barry Chin's dock worker donor is still only something chuckled over in the Sugarland breeding program.

So I hope that the tag of Scooter Bush sticks, and sticks hard. I hope he gets laughed out of Texas and hope his Terri Schiavo killing daddy finds more Obama presents left for him in his 2016 election orchestration.

I voted for old man Bush twice and Bush43 twice. They were mistakes in they both brought in the third and first worst people ever to be in the White House in Bill Clinton and B. Hussein.
I do not want any more Bush's at 1600 Penn Avenue, because what comes after that Amy Carter or is our next occupant of the White House in the Bush rejection, Xiang Hu, of the PLA living in Peking?

The only good thing about this is George Scooter Bush is an idiot. He is running for office in a state with a Mexican taco ceiling in he can not run for Governor or Senate.......of course the long shot is, daddy Jeb somehow eats the vipers of Obama, gets Cruz to run as VP and Perry names Scooter to fill the seat in a great deal of drama.......or Scooter waits till 2018 or something to be Govenor of Texas and keeps stealing that office until his old man gets his 2024 occupancy at 1600 Penn over.

See even the explanation of this is boring as Scooter Jeepers. People have had enough Bush and are too tired to vote for all of this.

The only interesting thing in this is, after brain seizure Obama, the only two contenders in Biden and Clinton both had their brains exploded.

Ain't that something.

Yeah well Obama controls Scytl, SOE and Sequoia......Karl Rove helped him beat McCain and Romney, to set this all up, and then Hillary and old man Bush got calling cards as Obama brags up Biden.

Never thought it would happen, but yes, Barack Obama is the man with the balls in these contests as he has Karl Rove's and the Bush boys.

agtG 251