Sunday, January 12, 2014

Beast Coins and Block Chains

 at least he didn't ask to have the monkey in his pants rubbed

The above title is not a creation of mine, but of a reader named Mike who shared with me his work which had been published on Rumor Milll News, but as it did not exactly cause a sensation there, he wondered what I could do with it.
So I place the words here as we are all in this together, and have quite a pandemic of stupidity in there is an obsession, an addiction, where everyone wants to be indulged with the the latest thrill of information, to run off with, but it is never enough.

The theory of the beast coin is unique in it will be government bank accounts for everyone and the block chain would place everyone on a production line for the state and be made to productive.You hear allot of that from the Limbaugh listeners who just do not want any handouts for free. You just got to get a pound of fliesh out of those people without jobs, as after all Rush always focuses on those damn people EATING.

That oral fixation of Limbaugh is interesting, and a psychopathy, but the author touches on how the total control will probably be. The Bloombergs want your Sarah Palin big gulp, so managing people's bank accounts and tracking every beast coin with a chip would due away with the entire blackmarket economy which is a competitor to the cartel illegal economy.

My focus though is not so much on the coming empire, but how hard it is for authors to get things posted, and then if you are not a big fish with the glam, of course no one is going to read it, or you know Matt Drudge is not going to post on things.
I think sometimes that Matt Drudge is dead like Howard Hughes and Mockingbird just computer posts everything as he got the whack job.

People should never give up on their ideas nor what they write. If I based everything on World Net Daily or Roberto Morton or that clique, then this blog would never publish as that is the big wall of Mockingbird which has a complete censorship to Lame Cherry. There are levels in the operations in this and I am out in the gulag cold in a hole, and they just would appreciate it if  I would go away.
In looking through the blog things today in trying to find an email, I was surprised at how much information is catalogued here. I really do have a global readership in some really remote places.
It is like who the hell are you whether it is from Croatia or Lame Cherry or the writer of beast coins. I had a tough day getting knocked around, but then we all are getting knocked around far too much as I have said, if Rush Limbaugh went on air as Teddy Twat, no one would listen, but then he doesn't say diddle worth listening to while others who have valid ideas to ponder are not getting the chance.

If I could have gotten some richtard to invest a few million and build a blog media which would have made them a few hundred million, but that is something they will not do as it is too big of idea to wrap around and they are conditioned to stock market dividends which are going to tank in that beast coin era and then they can get hooked to a plough like an ox and the regime will get some real labor out of them as they have sucked life out of everything enough.

The reality is you are not going to get a new idea out of any of the media as it is all controlled in content. The ideas are going to come from individuals who are seeing things, and sometimes all you can do is get your own blog, or just run the rounds of comments making points on things. Some things are still too far out there for people to contemplate. Like Obamacare did not matter until it imploded and started affecting the spud heads. People will not listen about economic things until gas prices spike and your retirement checks suddenly start being rationed.
No one listened to Noah and what did he do but build a boat for 500 years or something like that.

I should quote myself as no one else is worth quoting.

'All you can do is serve God, take pleasure in what He creates through you, and let the world go to hell as it is hell bent to go their any way'.

Lame Cherry
PS: I found no reference to this in Rumor Mill News.
