Monday, January 13, 2014

Faith, Deeds and Proofs

My children in Hebrews Chapter 11, the Holy man of God Inspired by the Holy Ghost does record that it is by Faith, that all the Patriarchs and Saints were justified and made righteous with God, for they believed Him when God spoke to them.

"By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith."

By Faith the Mother of Christ received the salutation of the Angel Gabriel without question and obedience and she became pregnant by the Holy Ghost of the only begotten Son of God.

By Faith Joan of Arc received the commission from God to deliver France from extinction.

By Faith Martin Luther was moved to emancipate all Christians from the false doctrine preached from Rome.

Faith is that which is required, for Jesus said not, He that has proofs or He that has accomplishments, will be saved, but it is by Belief in the Word of God heard is that Word which convicts, ends the sinful person, who then is made alive regenerated in the washing of the Holy Ghost.

What will we say then that proofs do not matter? Not in the least, but a heart which requires proofs is a heart with doubt as Thomas doubting the Lord Christ's resurrection. One tries the spirits by the Word of God to make certain of the message, but the proof is not upon the Lord, but the proof is upon each person proving by Faith they are a child of God.

Yes proof is of the human condition in proving to God that which is confessed and professed is what is in the heart, and that proof is only made manifest in the deeds which that person accomplishes in proving they are living according to the 10 Commandments as proof that they do indeed love God, for by that each person proves they in keeping them, loves God.

The burden of proof is not upon God nor Evangelist. The heart is either destined to that belief in God or it is one of doubt and listening to the whispers of satan. The burden of proof in evidence is in the actions of the person professing they are a Christian.

One can lie from a Church pew as satan does in professing that Jesus is Lord, but unless one submits to that Lord in Faith, and changes from sinner to Saint by the Holy Ghost transforming, the grand lie will always be exposed for the faithlessness of that professor.
satan can not change nor repent as it is a spirit. The human can change and repent, until the time their rebellion, sin and iniquity has so corrupted them, that being seared, they are cast off to their own demise by a loving God, where that soul will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire.

Faith, actions and proofs are a Trinity for the human in the Gift of Christ's Salvation, for all of God has already been proven in actions by thee Creator Christ and testify in physical evidence of all God is. By Faith are we made right with God in believing His Word, and by actions in living a moral life, we then provide the proof that we are indeed God's children.

Salvation is a Gift which can not be earned. It is a Gift of Faith, where actions are the proof we have received this Gift and honor it by which we are saved by the only Name given among all people, Jesus the Christ.

If you doubt, then ask the Lord,  for by His Holy Ghost He will give you the Wisdom and Understanding to live by Faith. God abandons no one to hell. It is those who have abandoned God for lack of Faith in their own doubts who choose hell.

It is always by Faith. Those who set up themselves as judges in needing proofs are their own witness against themselves, for God requires the proof in who you are, for He is Judge, and you are the one in this life's trial.

No defendent leaps from his seat and thrusts out the Judge, demanding proofs the Judge exists, and yet that is what the faithless constantly attempt and reveal to the court as their own witness that there is no Law in their hearts.

The Law teaches the heart to be moulded as a Spiritual child, after the receiving of the Fulfillment of the Law in Christ, Who is the Grace of God Redeeming all who choose to confess their sins and profess that Jesus is their only Lord and Savior.

Good works do not gain admission to Heaven. Good works before Salvation are a praise to God inviting Him to reveal His Word to the good person, and after Salvation, those good works reveal the person is true as a child of God.

We as Saints are One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism, but we are many actions daily providing many proofs before God that we are One Communion with God as Spiritual children.

By Faith, it is always by Faith one receives God.
