Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Jewish SS Death Squad

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

It is fitting that after one year, that Newsmax has caught up with the hint that Aaron Swartz was assassinated, by at least including the reality as this blog published first in that there was a group of internet experts who were Jewish, beginning with Andrew Breitbart's murder were neutralized after hacking into information which would bring down the Obama regime.

Director Brian Knappenberger, whose documentary "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz" will debut at the Sundance Film Festival later this month, drew parallels between Swartz and National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

"Now we are all submerged in a massively networked world where every important part of our lives has an online component to it,” Knappenberger said. "Geeks and hackers already knew this but, thanks to Edward Snowden, now everyone realizes it."

The reality is a proven fact now that Edward Snowden in his revelations were directly linked into these other computer experts as private contractors for themselves, in what MIC has attempted to expose.

The second S in this Jewish sacrifice is Ariel Sharon, the destroyer of the Jewish right in his Kadima wiping out Likkud in the Clinton era of machinations which installed Ehud Barak.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, Ariel Sharon was retaliated on in order to save the Israeli state by the "Begin Group" of the former Prime Minister. It was they who provide the two strokes to PM Sharon to neutralize him.
Rabin was taken out by the same group for Israeli security.

What has taken place now in the Israeli state is an offering like that of Nelson Mandela. Sharon was terminated by the Simone Peres faction which answers directly to the Pater Pope. This is all power curve and anti Christ related. In the consumptive offering of Sharon, it bodes not well for the Israeli state. The Pater knew of this and it points to war.

The Vatican wants Pope troops in the West Bank and Gaza in dividing up the Jewish state for the beasts control.
It does not point to a destruction of Damascus in this cycle, but it does not bode well for Gaza.

Dead Jews birthed a Jewish state. It is arranged that dead Philistines will birth a Popish state. Tis part of the Peres doctrine.

nuff said
