Sunday, January 12, 2014

Beast Coins and Block Chains

 at least he didn't ask to have the monkey in his pants rubbed

The above title is not a creation of mine, but of a reader named Mike who shared with me his work which had been published on Rumor Milll News, but as it did not exactly cause a sensation there, he wondered what I could do with it.
So I place the words here as we are all in this together, and have quite a pandemic of stupidity in there is an obsession, an addiction, where everyone wants to be indulged with the the latest thrill of information, to run off with, but it is never enough.

The theory of the beast coin is unique in it will be government bank accounts for everyone and the block chain would place everyone on a production line for the state and be made to productive.You hear allot of that from the Limbaugh listeners who just do not want any handouts for free. You just got to get a pound of fliesh out of those people without jobs, as after all Rush always focuses on those damn people EATING.

That oral fixation of Limbaugh is interesting, and a psychopathy, but the author touches on how the total control will probably be. The Bloombergs want your Sarah Palin big gulp, so managing people's bank accounts and tracking every beast coin with a chip would due away with the entire blackmarket economy which is a competitor to the cartel illegal economy.

My focus though is not so much on the coming empire, but how hard it is for authors to get things posted, and then if you are not a big fish with the glam, of course no one is going to read it, or you know Matt Drudge is not going to post on things.
I think sometimes that Matt Drudge is dead like Howard Hughes and Mockingbird just computer posts everything as he got the whack job.

People should never give up on their ideas nor what they write. If I based everything on World Net Daily or Roberto Morton or that clique, then this blog would never publish as that is the big wall of Mockingbird which has a complete censorship to Lame Cherry. There are levels in the operations in this and I am out in the gulag cold in a hole, and they just would appreciate it if  I would go away.
In looking through the blog things today in trying to find an email, I was surprised at how much information is catalogued here. I really do have a global readership in some really remote places.
It is like who the hell are you whether it is from Croatia or Lame Cherry or the writer of beast coins. I had a tough day getting knocked around, but then we all are getting knocked around far too much as I have said, if Rush Limbaugh went on air as Teddy Twat, no one would listen, but then he doesn't say diddle worth listening to while others who have valid ideas to ponder are not getting the chance.

If I could have gotten some richtard to invest a few million and build a blog media which would have made them a few hundred million, but that is something they will not do as it is too big of idea to wrap around and they are conditioned to stock market dividends which are going to tank in that beast coin era and then they can get hooked to a plough like an ox and the regime will get some real labor out of them as they have sucked life out of everything enough.

The reality is you are not going to get a new idea out of any of the media as it is all controlled in content. The ideas are going to come from individuals who are seeing things, and sometimes all you can do is get your own blog, or just run the rounds of comments making points on things. Some things are still too far out there for people to contemplate. Like Obamacare did not matter until it imploded and started affecting the spud heads. People will not listen about economic things until gas prices spike and your retirement checks suddenly start being rationed.
No one listened to Noah and what did he do but build a boat for 500 years or something like that.

I should quote myself as no one else is worth quoting.

'All you can do is serve God, take pleasure in what He creates through you, and let the world go to hell as it is hell bent to go their any way'.

Lame Cherry
PS: I found no reference to this in Rumor Mill News.


The Jewish SS Death Squad

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

It is fitting that after one year, that Newsmax has caught up with the hint that Aaron Swartz was assassinated, by at least including the reality as this blog published first in that there was a group of internet experts who were Jewish, beginning with Andrew Breitbart's murder were neutralized after hacking into information which would bring down the Obama regime.

Director Brian Knappenberger, whose documentary "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz" will debut at the Sundance Film Festival later this month, drew parallels between Swartz and National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

"Now we are all submerged in a massively networked world where every important part of our lives has an online component to it,” Knappenberger said. "Geeks and hackers already knew this but, thanks to Edward Snowden, now everyone realizes it."

The reality is a proven fact now that Edward Snowden in his revelations were directly linked into these other computer experts as private contractors for themselves, in what MIC has attempted to expose.

The second S in this Jewish sacrifice is Ariel Sharon, the destroyer of the Jewish right in his Kadima wiping out Likkud in the Clinton era of machinations which installed Ehud Barak.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, Ariel Sharon was retaliated on in order to save the Israeli state by the "Begin Group" of the former Prime Minister. It was they who provide the two strokes to PM Sharon to neutralize him.
Rabin was taken out by the same group for Israeli security.

What has taken place now in the Israeli state is an offering like that of Nelson Mandela. Sharon was terminated by the Simone Peres faction which answers directly to the Pater Pope. This is all power curve and anti Christ related. In the consumptive offering of Sharon, it bodes not well for the Israeli state. The Pater knew of this and it points to war.

The Vatican wants Pope troops in the West Bank and Gaza in dividing up the Jewish state for the beasts control.
It does not point to a destruction of Damascus in this cycle, but it does not bode well for Gaza.

Dead Jews birthed a Jewish state. It is arranged that dead Philistines will birth a Popish state. Tis part of the Peres doctrine.

nuff said


Fat asses at 50

This blog sympathizes with Muchelle Obama for no woman wants to reach an age where your ass size matches your age size.

It has been a hard road for Muchelle Obama to ho, as her husband Barack preferred the scent of feces penis and the Fang Jinn impersonator prefers sucking on the hands of blondes at necrophilia Nelson Mandela burial orgies.

A woman can only take so much as she works her ass..........her perhaps mammary fat tissue off as those flat papa are just something this blog does agree with in are not flattering and she could get a bushel basket of silicon pumped into them mamas to be more appealing to the Jinn.
Look if you lay 100 pounds of silicon tit on a 180 pound shapeshifter it is a well known fact in Ghostbusters 101 that the demon Jinn will be incapable of getting up. Something about the dynamics of ectoplasm not being able to penetrate fake boobies.
Is why all women never speaks of an incubus ever feeling them up, as demons are terrified of silicon chest tubies.

Where was I?

Rumours of marriage problems threaten to overshadow Michelle Obama's 50th birthday

Oh yes, we feel  bad about Muchelle only finding lesbians to sweat to the oldies with, as nothing is worse than to turn 50 and know all the women in the room have seen you naked and all the men do not ever want to see you naked with your two size zip code butt.

Muchelle though is partially to blame in she could have taken 200 hundred pounds out of her ass and injected it into her breasts. Then all the men would like to see her naked, even if men are terrified over huge breasts as it is like an infant terror at finding a basketball sized whopper ball.

I recommend that Muchelle Obama start looking for a billionaire to replace the shapeshifter, as the regime has created enough of them in looting the US Treasury. That way when the chicken entree comes out of cold storage, the country will be already prepared for Muchelle  and her Mr.

I do not think Muchelle will like living in DC afterwards as DC is all black and the Obama's do not like black folks. I think her laid out on some island  with crabs would be something she would really enjoy, as a nice crab salad always makes everyone more chipper.

I have to close this as I am about to bake peanut butter cookies with TL. I know that is like adding another ton to Muchelle, but everyone knows black men and latins love big asses on women and then there are big assed buffalo, pigs and whales. Some species types just like  huge posteriors and perhaps some tycoon of the seas just might let down his line and give Muchelle the hook.

nuff said


Thar's Oil in dem dar Greens

I was pondering the wonder that you can put lighter fluid into pot and out comes a hash oil product sure to stone your mind to oblivion.

This might sound odd, but it fascinates me how with butane you can add it to mashed up marijuana and like washing laundry, the butane will then combine with the oil in the weed, and in natural evaporation literally distillate it out.

The problem was pot heads were adding fire to make the butane evaporate quicker as apparently pot profits are large and one can not wait for natural evaporation which was bringing then natural combustion.

What you are left with is hash oil. It did not look like oil, but looked more like milky caramel that one would not want to eat.

I do not care a great deal about this, but care about how I could get a permit from the federal government in order to grow marijuana and then concentrate it into brown turd form for some kind of medical reasons, in which I could make a living as the rich people seem to have a problem finding a DONATE button.'
It is not like I am asking a millionaire to dump the whole 350,000 in at once. They could like donate an echeck of 50,000 as that is what a rich person spends on fart odorizers really in a week. They could open the winds and air things out instead at least in the servant's quarters and economize in just using fart odorizers in the crapper and the bed snug.

It would be their penance or something in which the wealthy could look mournfully at their rich friends over cocktails and announce, "I am a sinner as wonderful as I am, but I still make dues in suffering, so a flage my servants with their own farts and let mother nature take her course, as I whiff it up in parfume my personal quarters which many of you have been at in committing adultery and fornication with me or one of my servants."

Where was I?

Oh yes, the oil thing, in I would grow, I promise only good plants of high mind altering white sap of the best imported Dutch seeds, and I promise to only distill the best oil from my weed, if I could just get the permits from Eric Holder.
I would think this would be of great value to Mr. Holder as the Obama and Jinn have plumes of smoke about their dope heads, and with my permit, they would be permitted to just carry around an oil turd and do with it whatever they do with oil turds.

In most cases, I will not ever consider growing dope or distilling it, because it effects the Spirit and I will not do that to any being in sending them to hell, but for medical or Obama who is already there, it would be proper I would think.

I was wondering if there were any other oil plants I could just use that were not legal, just to have an adventure milk weed is full of latex.....not that I want to build condoms or dildos are anything, but I think it would be a grande adventure to just mulch up some plants and add butane, and watch it all turn into something that looks like a chicken turd.

Maybe I could do that in Colorado......I don't know, but am not moving all that ways as  it might be quite a trip on horse and TL might not want to pull a cart that far.

I have to quit now as this was only a test of something in posting. I would like to say that if the NSA in spying on me would like to give me a permit to make hash oil in some kind of national security operations, I would be pleased and promise to turn out a good product.

Oh did you know that most people view this with Safari and I have readers in Malaysia and all sorts of far off places.

nuff said


Forest Pen

It seems strange to me that the two best books of settlement in America's frontiers, came not from English writers, but from Gentlemen who were Irish.

One was a dashing account of what Florida was like before major settlement and the other is an amusing story of an Irish Soldier out of the King's army, came to America, and being looked upon with suspicion in the 13 colonies, made for the Illinois country.
Once settled there, he returned to Ireland for his promised bride and her two brothers came along, but came to Irish temper parting.

It was this Uncle Denis who was a most interesting man in both Gentleman in nature, and slave owner, had a profound knack for catching wild animals. Below is a description of one of his Turkey Pens he kept in operation, which were simple devices, and preyed upon the nature of wild birds of the upland type in putting their heads down to enter a trap and not being intelligent enough to look down again to escape, but instead would move round and round the pen looking out through the holes.


The pens Uncle Denis was speaking of were simple structures formed like a huge cage by poles stuck in the ground sufficiently close together to prevent a bird from getting out. They were roofed over by boughs and leaves, and were without doors or windows. It will then be asked, how can a bird get in? The trap is entered in this way.

 A passage or trench is cut in the ground twelve or fourteen feet in length, passing under the wall of the hut and rising again in its centre. Inside the wall and over the trench, a bridge is thrown. To induce the bird to enter, grain is strewn along the trench and scattered about its neighbourhood, while a larger quantity is placed on the floor inside the hut.

The unwary turkey, on seeing the grains of corn, picks them up, and not suspecting treachery follows the train until it finds itself inside the pen; instead however of endeavouring to escape by the way it entered, it, like other wild birds, runs round and round the walls of the hut, peeping through the interstices and endeavouring to force its way out, each time crossing over the bridge without attempting to escape by the only practicable outlet.
In this way Uncle Denis said that he had caught numbers of birds, one and all having acted in the same foolish manner.

William Henry Giles Kingston. With Axe and Rifle

It is that reality in how does one eat when no rifle abounds or no hound is around to catch the feather afoot?

They are all good lessons to keep in mind as in a Great Tribulation, who really does know what will be available when the wonders of high strength fish hooks is gone as much as the wonder of little shells which go boom.

Do you ever realize that for one shotgun shell, it requires plastics, chemicals, wood and steel just to make something go "bang"? That means forests, kilns, smelters, oil wells, refineries and laboratories. It is a complex thing when one desires a Thanksgiving meal and the yond coyote and bobcat has eaten all your tame turkeys in your pen as the horned owl ate the brains out the gobbler and the mink ate the head off the hens.

Your daily bread takes on new sweat when you have to plough that acre by spade, and your sowing is eaten by birds and mice, and the harvest comes by cutting it by knife, and then beating the grain heads with a flail, to where you gain your 18 bushels of wheat, to be winnowed in the wind in a blanket...and hopefully kept safe from mice eating it and festooning it with their rancid little feces.

I wonder as life becomes real, just how the primitives like myself looked down upon, will be the ones not eating their pets in the first PETA month of starvation.

"Build ye thy pen, keep safe the flint and rust not thy pot."

Lame Cherry


Birch Wine

It is of interest to me how the candies and drinks were once medicines in Coca Cola for example or Horehound candy was for coughs.

I add to the list of oddities Mead, which has no cure that I know of and Birch Wine which apparently cured everything so who would need Obamacare eh?

To make strong Mead:—Take of spring-water what quantity you please, and make it more than blood-warm, and dissolve honey in it till 'tis strong enough to bear an egg, the breadth of a shilling; then boil it gently near an hour, taking off the scum as it rises; then put to about nine or ten gallons, seven or eight large blades of mace, three nutmegs quarter'd, twenty cloves, three or four sticks of cinamon, two or three roots of ginger, and a quarter of an ounce of Jamaica pepper; put these spices into the kettle to the honey and water, a whole lemon, with a sprig of sweet-briar, and a sprig of rosemary; tie the briar and rosemary together, and when they have boiled a little while, take them out and throw them away; but let your liquor stand on the spice in a clean earthen pot till the next day; then strain it into a vessel that is fit for it; put the spice in a bag, and hang it in the vessel, stop it, and at three months draw it into bottles. Be sure that 'tis fine when 'tis bottled; after 'tis bottled six weeks 'tis fit to drink.

To make Birch Wine:—In March bore a hole in a tree, and put in a faucet, and it will run two or three days together without hurting the tree; then put in a pin to stop it, and the next year you may draw as much from the same hole; put to every gallon of the liquor a quart of good honey, and stir it well together, boil it an hour, scum it well, and put in a few cloves, and a piece of lemon-peel; when 'tis almost cold, put to it so much ale-yeast as will make it work like new ale, and when the yeast begins to settle, put it in a runlet that will just hold it: so let it stand six weeks or longer if you please; then bottle it, and in a month you may drink it. It will keep a year or two. You may make it with sugar, two pounds to a gallon, or something more, if you keep it long. This is admirably wholesome as well as pleasant, an opener of obstructions, good against the phthisick, and good against the spleen and scurvy, a remedy for the stone, it will abate heat in a fever or thrush, and has been given with good success.

This last one I can only guess that someone's pet rooster fell into the ale and desintigrated before they knew, and with feathers on top, thought the potion quite tasty and announced it was cock ale.

To make Cock Ale:—Take ten gallons of ale, and a large cock, the older the better, parboil the cock, flea him, and stamp him in a stone mortar till his bones are broken, (you must craw and gut him when you flea him) put the cock into two quarts of sack, and put to it three pounds of raisins of the sun stoned, some blades of mace, and a few cloves; put all these into a canvas bag, and a little before you find the ale has done working, put the ale and bag together into a vessel; in a week or nine days' time bottle it up, fill the bottles but just above the necks, and leave the same time to ripen as other ale.

William Carew Hazlitt. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
