Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Honey Tree

The Honey Tree of buzzing bee
Of no defense of honeycomb menagerie
The bee may sting upon fury wing
But the bear still eats the honey

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Israelite West is really a ship of fools in how this is being constructed in ostracizing the greatest nuclear warfare power in the world in the Russian Republic.

With the American British duo led by the fagsexuals of image Obama and dildo David, there is absolutely nothing productive in response, but little puss cats spitting at the bear in the room.

"But it has left David Cameron less than impressed. “I didn’t feel it necessary to bring a warship myself to keep myself safe at this G20, and I’m sure that Putin won’t be in any danger,” he said last night.

Mocking Mr Putin’s machismo was more than just a joke. It was yet another dig at a man who has backed rebels and split Ukraine in arguably the most delicate European crisis so far this century."

The Russians have upgraded the real threat in stealth MERV nuclear warheads, their quick strike conventional forces, and they hold the T edge in their mainline battle tanks, of thousands of them, which will go like shit through a goose, wherever the Kremlin points them.

Moscow can literally disable Europe in 5 days and the Mideast in 3.

I bring you again the Catholic oracle of the Farmer of Krems a time line point of the Russians invading Europe and pulverizing Prague. This is an issue as these inept Western politicians edge this closer to the annihilation of Europe and the invasion of Alyaska America by the Chicoms.

The world is being pushed toward this again. It has been my prayer that Vladimir Putin becomes a Cyrus for the Christian peoples of Europe. What is the reality is the West has been instigating this coming world war via the cartel, just as it did the American Civil War, Spanish American War, World War I and World War II.

The following are the percentages for World War being initiated. Do not assume that there is just one World War in this time line. There may be a precursor event of world war, before Armageddon.

2015 - 20%

2016 - 50%

2017 - 100%

2018 - 10%

2019 - 50%

2020 - 100%

I repeat as a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. It may be trending that as the 7 Years War was the first global war in being World War I, and the Great European War of 1914 AD in the year of our Lord was not the first World War, but the second, that the world in these next years might erupt into a literal World War IV and World War V, within a few years of the conclusion of the first.

That is what Lame Cherry appears like on a November 15th when distracted, but focusing, and only hitting on a few cylinders in the matrix.

For the non donors.......get off a my cloud.

agtG 269

a thick coat

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I enjoy coming across information which makes little sense, as that is information more interesting than that which does make sense.

The example today is from like 1890 AD in the year of our Lord, and some dude is off ruffed grouse hunting, and I will allow the story to be told in the part which interests me.......

"I was among the blackberry-patches of Saginaw County, Mich., for a week's shooting, and had as companions two dogs; one a well-broken pointer (not a blue-blood), the other a thick-coated Irish setter, who had so far forgotten his early training, by serving as "town dog," as to chase a bird until it took refuge in a tree, and then proclaim the fact with an indefatigable vehemence that was very amusing to everyone save his owner.

On the second morning, the pointer refused to enter the thorny coverts. I therefore sent in the ambitious red-coat, who hurriedly dispersed the congregations. At the end of the first hour, I caught and thrashed him. This was repeated at irregular intervals until night-fall, when I had a thoroughly subjugated dog, and all of my shells intact.

Next morning, much to my surprise, this dog pointed like a veteran, while the pointer again refused to face the briars. The setter was therefore used during the remainder of my stay.

By the third night he had worn off what we term the "wire edge," and a large portion of his coat; but, undaunted as before, He resolutely obeyed every motion, pointed with excellent judgment, and without breaking, and worked as industriously and unflinchingly on the last-day as on the third. It was a wonderful performance, but one that shall never be repeated by one of my dogs, for after our return home the poor fellow lay by the fire three days, nearly blind, and so foot-sore he could not walk."

For those not in on the poop here, English pointers are known as being hard headed dogs, while Irish Setters are known for being rather soft in their disposition, as yelling at a setter is like beating the hell out of them, while a pointer one could break their hand beating them to obey.

It puzzles me why this Setter is so hard headed and is able to take the beating, which honestly, beating a dog gets you two of two things, and that is a dog which runs away from you and you get to watch it running away from you.
In this case though, the surprise was the Setter was spoiled and the beating unspoiled it, but then someone should have beat the bajesus out of this hunter for over hunting this poor dog, which was tore up with that intelligent pointer which needed a beating to get into the scratchy stuff was left to watch the show.

I never have had any good results in spanking a dog in volume in training. Dogs that need spanking end up hurting your hand worse than you can deal anything out, and dogs that need other methods in discipline never obey to a spanking and only cower.

I give you two examples in two Golden Setters I have been owned by. Dixie was a little girl that simply liked to range and I did not. The cure was to make her heel behind me as we walked in training. She hated that and soon learned to keep close. I started her off on very little sloughs which she had to work close, and she behaved wonderfully.
The only time she ever ran off, was after a downed bird she had marked, and that is what she was supposed to do.

Ruby was a big girl, with no stamina, but she liked to run. Ruby was always more pleased with life than with hunting. She just loved being alive. I swatted her, but there was no controlling her and instead of ruining her and her company, I simply changed my hunting and let her do her thing, while I hunted around a different angle, and birds got flustered with all that unorthodox work, and we got game.

This is not to intimate that Ruby did not love hunting. That dog shook, made all sorts of pitchy noises while we drove to an area, and was thrilled by it, but due to AKC field trial spoilage in her genes, she just was a rocket going off, while I needed a simple lighter.

There are those people who use shock collars and I will have nothing to do with them, as if you have to electrocute a dog to listen to you, then you have lost the battle. Ruby was never out of control as if I commanded, SIT, she would stop and sit.
I know I have mentioned this before in dog training, but will give the La'me Cherry lesson again.

Do not ever use the word NO to stop a dog, as a dog equates NO with you punishing them as they learn NO does not stop them from going nuts when people show up and they are all over them, as you look like a fool, screaming NO NO NO and it does no good.
Instead, I use the word SIT sharply. Sit is an action, and an action that if necessary swat reinforces to gain control of the dog. A dog learns to respond to an action by gaining their attention to a command. NO is not a command to do anything. Sit is something they have to do as an action, and once a dog is sitting, then you can command them to COME, and the world is at peace.

I have baffled people with that reality which was God Inspired, as they think it is marvelous to have a dog mind so well. It is instead giving the puppy something to do, instead of ignore you.

I do not care for those damned whistles either. A well trained dog should neither need collar nor leash. That will sound puzzling from someone with a Ruby who would not obey in hunting style, but Ruby was bred to hunt like that and genetics do override obedience, just as if you are a person who does not like people talking to you closely, and you will immediately back off for distance.

I judge every field trial and show dog as worthless, as they are so niche oriented that a real person can do nothing with so much energy or so much prima dona. A moderate dog with moderate energy, doing moderate things, is more than enough dog for most people.
Field trials and dog shows have ruined breeds for the majority of people, as dogs were bred for interaction with people in working as in herding, hunting, fetching, trailing or in all of those terrier breeds from Aerdale to Dachshund, killers who killed things killing your livestock.

I wonder not that the Irish Setter has been ruined by show dogs, but that even with crossing them with English Setters, they still are not great dogs, but the Golden Setter is awakening them, providing the Golden is not one of these AKC or blind man dogs, which is ruining that breed too.
Any Irish Setter I ever knew, if I had wailed on them for a day, they would never have been any good to anyone ever again. The breeds have changed as apparently the 1890 Irishman was harder headed, but then the breed did originate as two groups of dogs in white and red, and black at their founding.
It was only through killing pups which did not measure up, or were of a standard color, did any breed standardize. It was a rough handling of dogs, but that is how the breeds were ruined too, as all those flowing Goldens and Irish fur coats came from breeders knocking the thin coated ones in the heads. One never hears though of those such things of reality from the Ron Reagan jr. dog show groups.

This probably should return to the original quote, but thinking of a dog laying half blind and lame by the fire from over use is another puzzling thing, in just what part of skinning your dog on briers did not soak in, and that person thought it was ok to do it another day.

I just probably am biased as this was a setter.


The Bulge in the Wall

So you know this is a live update from dial up on November 15th. No I can not get into Facebook as the connection is too slow as are all other connections, so be patient as I can not shit money.

Now Isaiah 30:13

"Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant."

In GOP South Dakota, the chamber of commerce is now funding a multi million dollar operation of "FEEDING SOUTH DAKOTA". This ruse is not about feeding South Dakotans, but feeding and clothing Mexicans and Ebola carriers. This is a Republican ruled state, and the cartel is dumping huge amounts of money into it, in order to dump inside of it all of these illegal imports to flip this state, along with lezbo imports from the outworld.

This is a only an urban feedlot.......the poor rural people can starve who are white and Indian.

Feeding South Dakota
Food pantries and food banks in Sioux Falls and Rapid City leading the fight against hunger in South Dakota.

Hours & Locations

About Us. You have read our statistics on hunger in South ...

About Us

About Us. You have read our statistics on hunger in South ...

Agency Portal

Food pantries and food banks in Sioux Falls and Rapid City ...

Donate Money

Donate Money. With each dollar you give, Feeding South Dakota ...

Contact Information

Contact Information. Need to get in touch with Feeding South Dakota?

BackPack Program

BackPack Program · Food Pantry · Mobile Food Pantry ...

This group is in the process of buying a huge warehouse........yes do you think Mutard Daugaard businesses are donating to this, or do you think this is Obama funding from the US Regime funneling money to this project? Of course it is the latter.

You have my Bible reading as of 7:30 this morning, after cleaning up calf shit on the floor from a better doing Belle, whose pneumonia was loosening up yesterday, and I will probably vaccinate another shot into her today to keep her on the winter mend.

Point of this is, is God is warning all of you, that when the collapse comes, it is going to come like a bulging concrete wall, like the 911 towers being pulled in a moment. It will come and fast without warning.

Now you know and I have to go do chores as I can not shit money nor can I afford to do this blog in constantly repeating myself in what you will not hear.

They are accomplishing this in a GOP stronghold.......they are doing the same multi billion dollar programme in every state.


The New Order

As another Lame Cherry exclusive of matter anti matter.....

The seduction of learned men who think themselves too wise to be deluded lead to the destruction of the civilized world.

- Lame Cherry

I have been conducting a study of the Conservative genius of Lord Randolph Churchill who was the father of Sir Winston Churchill. He was a most interesting gentleman in being politically shrewd and wise.
In that though, I found a telegram by a Rothschild to him after the Conservative victory of 1886 in taking over her majesty's government.

There was also in that year of 1886, from Birmingham the election of Mr. Matthews, a Catholic for the Home Office.
The Scottish Protestants were in alarm over this, in fearing exactly the same thing Americans did in the election theft of John Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy promised, he would have nothing to do with the Vatican, and yet history now reveals from the start that John Kennedy was coordinating policy with the Vatican.

I place before you the two letters from the Protestant leader, and the condescending dismissal of Lord Randolph Churchill.

"I have the honour to inform you that at a meeting in Glasgow yesterday of the directors of the Scottish Protestant Alliance the recent appointment of a Roman Catholic to the Cabinet office of Home Secretary was considered, when the following resolution was unanimously adopted: ‘That as the Papacy claims universal supremacy over all Sovereigns and their subjects, as Roman Catholics can no longer render an undivided allegiance to Protestant Princes, and as the avowed aim of the Papacy is to reduce Britain to the subjection of the Vatican , this meeting protests against the elevation of Roman Catholics to positions of power and trust in the British Empire."

Sir,— I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter enclosing a copy of a resolution passed by the directors of the Scottish Protestant Alliance, and, in reply, to remark that I observe with astonishment and regret that, in this age of enlightenment and general toleration, persons professing to be educated and intelligent can arrive at conclusions so senseless and irrational as those which are set forth in the aforesaid resolution.

I am, Sir, Yours faithfully, Randolph S. Churchill

This is most interesting in context, that Scotland was in intrigue by her Catholics after the ascention of Queen Elizabeth I, to the Queen's murder.
Bloody Mary, the forerunner of Queen Elizabeth I obtained that name for butchering Protestants for the Vatican.
There is a letter from the Pope to the Kaiser of Germany during this period, urging the Kaiser to become the sword of Rome.

It was beyond intellectual arrogance for Lord Randolph to dismiss the above on historical grounds as the same Vatican was trying to make Germany it's war tool and in 1960, it placed it's man in the White House, and in 2004 through black liberation by it's Jesuits seated the Marxist backed Barack Hussein Obama into the same White House in an election theft.

Lord Randolph in this same period, in order to undo Irish self governance, had in an education bill placed all education in Ireland into the the Bishop's hands. The Bishops were at odds with the Jesuits and Nationalists, so in order to maintain control over Ireland, Lord Randolph's Tories, had goen to bed with the Vatican. That is what is most reprehensible in the dismissal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer dismissing this Christian Protestant's letter.

Great men as King Solomon proved by genius example, succumb to their own wisdom in being caught in it. They delude themselves that they could never be duped in any intrigue when they are such masters of intrigue.

Sir Winston Churchill once said of political foes, "I would rather have them pissing out of the tent than pissing into the tent". Meaning keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. The problem with this has always been exploited by the cartel from interbreeding marriage in family ties, to the financiers buying support of the elite, with their own money.
There is now record that Lord Randolph in order to secure power for Tories was at the head of a Conservative movement which had a Rothschild in the background and members of the Vatican managing things.

Queen Elizabeth implored her British people as British first as loyalists, and religion affiliation was second. It was all she could do to hold a dual religious state together. It was though not a matter of turning over entire nations to the Vatican nor in putting Catholics in powerful positions where it has been proven, they are conduits of Rome rather than their native states.

All of this was the destruction of the British Empire, it's best men slaughtered in war, and it's treasury looted. The diversion was Ireland and Germany, and in the end the British were overthrown.

Understanding history is not a matter that it repeats itself, but that the wise think themselves too infallable to ever be duped, yet time and again the leaders of powerful nations are duped and those nations destroyed, always by the same moneychangers in league with the Babylonian mystery religion.

nuff said


The Shit Eaters

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

In the world at large, hungry people eat a great deal of human shit and I mean in  this exclusive to answer something which most people never take the time to ponder.

White people pretty much learned to create latrines as block houses, tended to be disgusting concentrations of humans when you had 40 people shitting around the camp or in the safest bush nearby.
Certainly one could dig a hole each time they took a dump, but all the same, squatting down and having flies bite your ass got a bit old in a hurry.

The Indian camp was different, as some were villages of permanence or nomad personality. Yes Indians picked up and moved as their camps looked like garbage dumps and smelled as bad in a few weeks, as 100 people shitting, hides curing with rotten brains in unwashed grease covered Indians were about the same aroma of Chinese coolies for being rank dwellings.

What you do not know, as no one ever spoke of it who was there at the time, is something you have Lame Cherry around for, and that is the Indians did have a latrine system, and it was their dogs.
Yeah, the Indian dogs ate shit around the camp and then they shit out what they ate. It is why you never slept outside in Indian camps for all the horse shit, dog shit and human shit....well human shit was there in a good season, but in hungry times the dogs ate the human shit.

I never much minded eating dog, but the idea of dogs eating human shit in rib showing times, meant that of course that meat was human shit nourished. Yes Indians ate allot of shit. That is what Indians ate was entrails first, but all the same three times over buffalo steak in a good dog boil just was something you did not care to contemplate as honored guest.

Well I have to go make dinner now, but I thought you pilgrims needed to know a bit more of history in dogs like eating human shit.

nuff said in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
