As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I rarely go on Google now to check on what Baby is trending, but did so today and noted the artificials are focusing on Obama stoned and Donald Trump's assassination. God keep Mr. Trump, and it makes me wonder who much the Obama stand in's are huffing the choom for Baby to focus on that.
Lame Cherry
lamecherry.blogspot.com/As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I really hate the cut and paste media, as it is annoying and shiftless. The subject here are the 13 ...
This though is about a link to Larry Sinclair, which I have noted for some time, and it is something which touched my heart deeply.
My reason for posting this, as we are in this Donald Trump glide to the Presidency through the handicap of vote fraud is that I desire all of you to remember the hallowed ground on which you stand, as very few of you who are reading this blog were even here when this all started.
The pundits are wrong when they say that Barack Obama's occupation of the White House created Donald Trump. Donald Trump is an American who stepped into a breach which was abandoned by Sarah Palin, and she was raised to that standard by me in my promotion of her in 2008.
I want all of you to take a moment and look at your surroundings and know who provided Donald Trump this platform, because I said I would never forget Lawrence Sinclair and I never will.
A Reminder from Lame Cherry - (Larry) W. Sinclair
The below is from Lame Cherry who despite almost Seven years to the day remembers what Beau Biden pulled in June of 2008 to help secure the VP slot for his ...larrysinclair.com/blog/a-reminder-from-lame-cherry/
Larry Sinclair appeared in early 2008 with his life experience in a chance meeting in Chicago with a black "hostess" by the name of Barry Obama. There was coke, there was sex, there was the morning after, and then there was the phone call from Donald Young who was Barry Obama's gay sexual partner at the Jeremiah Wright church in Chicago.
Donald Young was murdered to cover up what he knew. Larry Sinclair was threatened, arrested, jailed, intimidated and left for dead in a DC prison without his meds, as the Biden Machine was trying to imprison him for life, over something he never did in money fraud.
Into this the Obama regime, took away Mr. Sinclair's disability checks he was surviving on for a time. Everything we see in America, started with Lawrence Sinclair as the first political prisoner of this era, and every dead black kid from Ferguson to Chicago, to the Oregon Ordeal of LaVoy Finicum and the Bundy's all is linked to the original assaults upon Larry Sinclair.
I want each of you to know that from Lawrence Sinclair, arose the Birther movement, which gave life to the Tea Party movement, which is now forming this revolution which Donald Trump is about to be elected by.
Where Donald Trump stands now, began in a dark DC prison, where Mr. Sinclair was deliberately lost in the system. I want you to remember that in what you would feel like in having the entire Obama regime come down on you, and your being missing in prison.
I want you to remember what it was like for Lawrence Sinclair to watch Joe Biden be awarded the Vice Presidency for attempting to destroy Larry Sinclair in quieting him.
I want you to remember as you sit in front of your internet links in your lives which are secure, where this all began, in the 3rd world nastiness of the cartel and their puppets, which we only get glimpses of in LaVoy Finicum gunned down in the snow to Ted Cruz attacking first Sarah Palin, then the Evangelicals and now Donald Trump, as this is the cut throat lot that has been behind every action of this from the start.
I have been fortunate in missing my appointments with death every time, sometimes too close. It is a moment of a pause to look in a mirror and see your eyes looking like you just pulled 10 g's in a fighter jet, because the regime hit you with a pulse weapon which was not set to kill, and finding stories moved in this blog's archives because I am touching on things that matter and the CIA wills to send me a message.
All of what Donald Trump is leading now, started out with a political prisoner in DC, and followed on Lt. Col. Terry Lakin being destroyed by the same machine, protecting it's own.
That is why what these stooges of Cruz and Rubio are so reprehensible to me, as they are owned by the same elite and they will be used after destroying Donald Trump, they will track you down like the Bundy's and throw every one of you into prison for what you posted on Facebook.
Lawrence Sinclair did something which no other American would do in 2008. He stood up and told the Truth. Larry Sinclair is an American and I hold him dear. Not for race, creed or color, but because he is a rugged individual who held his ground when every one else fled.
Lawrence Sinclair was in this fight before there was a Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, but Lawrence Sinclair never sold out, so he does not have the mansion and security.
Mr. Sinclair is not the poster boy for Patriot, but that is who he is, an American Patriot.
Each of you remember that in your snotty overtones and your keyboard bravery, that you are the tourists in this, in you gave nothing and were hiding in your homes too intimidated to say anything, as someone might call you a racist or a bigot.
If by God's Grace, Donald Trump overcomes all the fraud and assassination against him, you remember the political father in all of this in a homosexual who did something which no one else would in being the first roadblock in stopping the Obama dictatorship. Everything came from that one man's action in the butterfly wing beat of Larry Sinclair has developed into the perfect storm of Donald Trump.
My part was as it is now, in I was then just under surveillance, pissing off the Biden Machine in Delaware in making them squeal, as it is always about getting the message out in a clever manner in most unpleasant business, as the Bush machine lost it's wheels and I continue on God's Grace.
I have always been just a sapper in the wire, going on point, making things easy for you, so that you can stand up and not end up in prison for saying something. I judge the Cruz and Rubio voters most ungrateful in not listening to their Godmother who knows a great deal more about all of this, than her bratty wards who are new to the scene and think that they have all the answers.
Do not forget in victory that the spark of the Trump Revolution, was burning in the Sagebrush Rebellion, and ignited in the spark of one American in Lawrence Sinclair.
For all Larry Sinclair suffered through, I will never forget him, and it is your responsibility to not forget all you owe this one American who stood up in 2008, when Rush Limbaugh was standing down, and Cruz and Rubio were both bent over for the same Obama cartel.
A lot of people have suffered for what you have, and there is regrettably more suffering coming, but we have what we have from a cast of characters who had one thing in common, and that was the Love of America.
Nuff said