Wednesday, October 19, 2016

For the Good of a Rigged Election

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is beyond fraud for Obama voter Chris Wallace of FOX and Hillary Clinton to speak about "conceding elections for the good of the country", when just a few days ago Hamrod had on stage with her in Florida, the man who contested the 2000 election in Al Gore.

Al Gore Contests 2000 Presidential Election Results - YouTube

Al Gore Contests 2000 Presidential Election Results ... Al Gore Jr. Oral Arguments: ... Election Night 2000 Bush vs Gore ...

For the Good of the American Nation, I applaud Donald Trump for standing for the American Majority in their Rights to not have their ballots stolen by Hillary Clinton and her billionaire owners.

Here are a few contested Presidential Elections in which the people did not just roll over.

1800 Presidential Election -

By the election of 1800, the nation's first two parties were beginning to take shape. The Presidential race was hotly contested between the Federalist President, John ...

 So just realize and understand, that crooks in the 21st century are after seizing this election to protect themselves from prosecution, in trying to browbeat Donald Trump into submitting to Hillary Clinton vote rigging.

Donald Trump is correct in assessing the vote fraud, in protecting the American majority who vote for him, and then making his political decision in how to proceed, how to exercise the judicial rights of the American majority to protect their votes for Donald Trump, and it is a reality that Donald Trump is in his rights to resist all election overthrow against this United States Government, with his legally armed military, legally armed border patrol, legally armed police forces across America, and legally armed People of America.

When Al Gore has the right to contest an election, then Donald Trump has every blessed right to contest this 2016 election in these crooks for crooked Hillary Clinton.


FOXGATE at the Trump Debate

Proof the Clinton Media broadcast different flesh tones on Hillary Clinton
than her normal pasty morgue tone 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So the Lame Cherry predictions of the debate ran true in Hillary was given the questions, she whined about women and she continued her gutter attacks on Donald Trump.

What was of interest was though the media turned down Donald Trump's mic and made it scratchy from the start, and in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, I actually caught FOX using a flesh tone filter on sick old Hillary Clinton. The proof is in the above in Clinton had on virginal white, but in the debate it was being broadcast in peach tones........that means it was to enhance her morbid flesh.

You will notice that Mr. Trump's shirt is white, and in the end of the debate, Chris Wallace's shirt was also white.

Donald Trump won the debate, and Hillary Clinton lost the debate. I will not go into the cheating, in her blinking, in her blear eyes or her focus, because that is old news in how crooked Hillary Clinton is. What I will state is BRAVO in President Elect Donald Trump not rolling over for election fraud.

Seriously, there is nothing more damaging to America than people who win elections, having them stolen from them, whether it is Bernie Sanders or what is being plotted against Donald Trump. It is Mr. Trump's duty as an American not to except vote fraud, when it subverts the will of the majority of the People.
Seriously, how absolutely stupid is it for Chris Wallace and all of these Clinton Traitors, to say Donald Trump should concede when a crook like Hillary Clinton steals another election. That is disenfranchising of the American Majority.

Kellyanne Conway is reporting from the Trump Campaign that privately reporters are telling the Truth in Hillary Clinton lost bad, in her worsts appearance and Donald Trump was growing stronger all along and won. That is the reality and will continue the reality even as the lying press for Clinton is trying to make Americans doubt their own conclusions.

We all know the spin in this was the Donalds requiem for defeat according to that treacherous Mark Shields and Hillary is the virginal incarnation of 14 year old Mary the Mother of Christ who will live forever, but we know the facts in Hillary Clinton lost this debate as she looked weak, even as Chris Wallace let her wiggle out of answering questions about her crimes.

Reporters Caught Cheering for Hillary...
She Goes On Bizarre Gun Control Tear...
Wallace Grills Her on Corruption...


A Note to NFL Owners

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry will address the realities to the head up the ass billionaire owners of the NFL and their fag liberal Commission which has created the demise of the National Football League as the Lame Cherry knows how to fix this and what the problem is.

Sagging NFL TV ratings leave owners scrambling for answers...

First a little bit of history for the billionaires.

Do you know how many people were watching football in the 1960's? No one was.

Want to know why?

Because football is a damned boring sport like baseball and golf. Football sucks. Football players used to have to work as car salesmen in the 1960's off season to afford to live, because the NFL had no money.

What changed all of that?

Pete Rosell in the 1970's. Mr. Rosell  as NFL Commissioner created an illusion that football was faced paced, exciting and sexy.

Football players used to hit each other, knock the snot out of each other, break bones, and football coaches used to tear phones off walls when they lost.

That all stopped when Pete Rosell died and a series of fag leftists like Jerry Seaman as head of NFL coaches fucked everything up, along with this last Obama voter Roger Goodell or whatever that shit head's name is.

The NFL changed from the No Fun League to the Nigger Fag League. Instead of playing to the team the NFL  went gangsta with a bunch of doped up worthless Nigs, who had little talent, less brain matter, and to try and suck ratings from Blacks.......who do not watch football, they put worthless Blacks at Quarterback.

Next the NFL started cheating in making certain teams win and robbing other teams. The Refs were crooked and the players quit playing. Randy Moss should have had his ass booted out of the league for the pariah he was, but the NFL made shit like that their symbol.

So the NFL fucked the fans over in charging a shit load of money to be bored in stadiums or pay per view, go rid of the fun in Monday Night Football, and politicized it all with commentary from bone heads like Howie Long.
Get a clue, football is not life or is a game people watched to get away  from the shit in their lives.

Of course the NFL chose to have tit cancer ribbons, Goddamn Nigger protests, faggots on parade and now million dollar players pissing on America.
Incredible that the billionaire pompous ass owners of the NFL never figured out in dissing their bosses in the American People paying the bills, that real Americans hate whiners, feminism, politics and faggots......all wrapped up in image Obama.

So all of the work that Pete Rosell did. All of the work that the Minnesota Vikings, Oakland Raiders,  Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers and Los Angeles Rams has been obliterated in real men playing football in hurting each other legally and not being prissy whiners.

To fix this, the NFL has to be in the politics of one thing in promoting Christian America. The players are going to have to play. Teams are going to have to not cheat for Vegas and ratings, and there is going to have to be a banning in the NFL, if players are political or pulling shit, they are going to be banned and no one gets to hire them and they are done for life.

The Lame Cherry is going to point something out too which the NFL knows and it has to do with cheerleaders in your fag league. The NFL DELIBERATELY stopped showing cheerleaders. They positioned cameras so these women did not even appear on the sidelines.....or marched them off any time a team got close to them being in the background.
You leave normal sexual attraction for women in the background and stop your butt f*cking child molesting Mockingbird out of the NFL, and in doing all of the above in making players play or banning them, you will get your ratings back.

The NFL willingly became a social engineering platform to fag out America. Go back to the National Football League, get rid of the Nigger Fag League, and in a decade you might get your revenues up again if you fire that fuckhead Roger Goodell and all of this other shit.

Otherwise you billion dollar owners are looking at a reality of you will put your worthless players on pay television which no one will watch, and you will be stuck with teams you can not sell........and others will buy them cheap, and following the Lame Cherry advice, will build the NFL again.

Nuff Said


Americans Do Not Have Things Handed To Them

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Where is Julian Assange.

No I do not mean in the Ecuadorian embassy, but as most of you need reminding of the fact that he promised all the world damning revelations about Hillary Clinton and then disappeared, which numbers of you stayed up to 3 AM for.......and now have run back to Julian as some savior, I ask again, where is Julian Assange when the world needed him?

It has been posted that he worked a deal for a pardon, and that is why the damning evidence disappeared. One can look at his internet being shut off, as much a matter of giving him cover so he does not have to provide all of the information he promised to imprison Hillary Clinton..........and in that I desire each of you to remember a few realities in all that has been accomplished is document dumps in massive amounts, which all could have been sorted for the damning stuff months ago, and it was not.

Tomorrow the Lame Cherry is going to publish a stand alone which is a revelation in all of this, which will explain everything about the Clintons which has been missed. It will be a stand alone.

Everyone of us was promised video of something about Hillary, and nothing has appeared at the exact moment when it needed to where is it?

What I am telling you is to not trust Julian Assange with your lives or hopes and dreams. He has let you down, and is the same Ozzie who termed Donald Trump a sexual disease as bad as Hillary Clinton. That is no friend of America.

We win this with Donald Trump by God's Grace as there is no cavalry coming riding over the hill to save in Wikileaks, because we are the Cavalry.

It is disappointing to have all of these betrayals, but what can one expect as these are not Americans and they do not keep their word. I am sure there are associates of Mr. Assange who want the best for this world, but I am stating we have the facts now before us, that Julian Assange can not be depended upon to deliver the goods.

I repeat this in we are all there is now that stands between the anti Christian world and complete genocide. Donald Trump is the leader we have on earth and Jesus is our leader in Heaven. We have to get this done as no one else will do it.
By God's Grace we have done it before in 1776, 1864 and 1980. It is all on the line again and either America resurrects with us, or we are the last generation of the Great Experiment.

Stop thinking what Donald Trump has to do at the debate. Start thinking how Hillary Clinton fails at each debate because of Donald Trump. Nom de Deius, you people whine about those pussies in Congress and all you do is have a defeatist attitude in thinking your adversaries are all powerful boogermen.
You remember what God said in, Fear not them that are able to kill you, but instead respect the God Who can destroy both your body and soul in hell.

Davy Crockett didn't walk out of the Alamo. George Custer didn't walk out of the Little Big Horn. George Washington did walk out of Valley Forge though and you will walk out of this with Donald Trump.

You are Americans, so start acting like Americans and stop hoping some foreigner or somebody else is going to get things done in winning an election for you.

Nuff Said


put not your trust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Just a reminder to the supporters of Donald Trump who are putting their trust in Julian Assange, someone who apparently has absolutely no problem with exposing pre Clinton America draconia in his native Australia.

"Choosing Between Trump or Clinton is Like Picking Between Cholera or Gonorrhea... Personally, I would prefer neither."

Julian Assange

Sound like a Trump fan right mate?


'mertvaya ruka'

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Obama regime attempts to start a nuclear war with Russia to install Hamrod Clinton, there is a reality in this which exists, that most of you have no idea exists as the regime dispatches nuclear jets to cruise the Arctic to try and intimidate Russia in more war games.

It is called 'mertvaya ruka' or Dead Hand.

Dead Hand (Russian: Система «Периметр», Systema "Perimetr", GRAU Index 15E601, Cyrillic: 15Э601), also known as Perimeter, was a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union. General speculation from insiders alleges that the system remains in use in post-Soviet Russia.An example of fail-deadly deterrence, it can automatically trigger the launch of the Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) if a nuclear strike is detected by seismic, light, radioactivity and overpressure sensors. By most accounts, it is normally switched off and is supposed to be activated during dangerous crises only; however, it is said to remain fully functional and able to serve its purpose whenever it may be needed

Dead Hand is the Russian Fail Safe. As the above explains, if a pattern develops which convinces the Russian bots that Russia has come under attack, a count down procedure is enacted. Call this a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, but when Dead Hand engages as it runs in the background of all Russian defense systems, and it triggers codes which must be responded to in a set period of time, to reset it, if that human response does not take place, then the Russian WMD arsenal begins to deploy.

This includes nuclear torpedoes which will launch for America and Europe. This includes tidal wave nukes in the Gulf and other European areas, this includes prepositioned devices inside Europe and America, and this includes the nuclear submarine arsenal.

Russia could be decapitated, wiped out or conquered, but Dead Hand is in place. It is wired into the system and can not be removed, for it is the system, that is how fail safe it was engineered.

The stupidity in discussions of "first strike" never does evaluate the reality of what is the true danger of "lasting strikes", because this is the kill shot which continues to degrade a nation that thinks it has won.

Dead Hand has over 500 devices at it's disposal, and it is active for over a year, and includes secreted missiles. The rough name of it is podslushivayushchiy or eavesdropper. It listens for active radio signals from lives targets and "decides" which one to acquire. Each operational part has two designated targets to choose.

President Elect Donald Trump has stated that he wants to get along with Russia. The Lame Cherry agrees completely.


Proving The Rigged American Vote

Editor's Note: This will be a stand alone post

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans  have heard the denials and mockings from the White House spokesperson who got into 1600 Penn Avenue from election fraud, Secretary of State from Iowa who certify fraud elections, and Paul Ryan who benefit from fraud elections, attacking Donald Trump in stating the voting in America is rigged.

It falls to the Lame Cherry to settle this, and this is important on this Trump Debate # 3 to know if Hillary Clinton is lying again about vote fraud or Donald Trump is telling the Truth again about rigged American elections.

Certainly if the elections in America were legitimate, no stories would appear, but let us see if there are any links of vote fraud in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, putting all of these insider crooks into office to make inmates of Americans.

Forget for a moment the casino software to flip elections by 15%, the way Kasich and Cruz put their names on Donald Trump votes, Bev Harris in her fractal voting, and how all of us have seen Harry Reid in e voting have his name up on Republican ballots, just focus on the 51 links below which you can find in the exact same search links, states claiming" no vote fraud here", and then up pops people being arrested for the very crime in those states.

Some states are better at hiding vote fraud. Some have such Republican or Democratic majorities that vote fraud is impossible, but in every instance we know of something in our states where someone was stuffing ballots and someone got into office or got a job, when someone else got elected.

The links below prove that Donald Trump is absolutely correct in vote rigging is widespread from the media collusion with GOPliters and Hillary Clinton, all owned by these oligarchs WHO OWN THE VOTING SOFTWARE and make a fortune off of these fraud elections.

Of course a Secretary of State from Iowa, like all of these Secretary of States are going to say like the vote frauds in the White House, that the elections are not rigged, because they all knowingly certified fraudulent elections and would be prosecuted.

No one else has done this, but below is a list of 51 examples in every State in America of someone rigging elections, as all of the big vote fraud never gets prosecuted due to the oligarchs it would put into prison.

Stolen Election from Alaska? | Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Dec 6, 2008 - It would be helpful not to know every other presidential election since Alaska began keeping records has had a larger turn out than the one we ...

Clinton Does Best Where Voting Machines Flunk Hacking Tests ...
May 16, 2016 - Bernie Sanders Election Fraud Allegations .... Alabama is also worth looking at, with a minority of jurisdictions having machines more than ten ...

Arizona Secretary of State Confirms Election Fraud - US Uncut
Mar 30, 2016 - Arizona's Secretary of State has confirmed that election fraud took place in the Arizona primary on March 22. During yesterday's testimony at ...

Vodka for votes: Arkansas rep, operatives await sentencing in fraud ...
Fox News Channel
Oct 22, 2012 - It was part of a scheme to steal an election in eastern Arkansas that included absentee ballot fraud and buying votes with money, food and ...

Jun 24, 2016 - Acclaimed BBC reporter, author and election fraud expert Greg Palast exposed the fraud in Florida in 2000. In How California is being stolen ...

Colorado voter fraud revealed: Slew of ballots cast by the dead spark ...
The Washington Times
Sep 23, 2016 - A CBS affiliate’s evidence of voter fraud in Colorado has sparked an immediate investigation by Secretary of State Wayne Williams. Election sleuthing by Brian Maass of KCNC-TV in Denver exposed multiple instances in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting.

Connecticut investigating possible ballot fraud in governor's home ...
Jul 27, 2016 - Three days before Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy spoke at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, his hometown Democratic ...

Votes For Bernie Sanders Disappear In Delaware: Another Example ...
Apr 27, 2016 - In Sussex County, Delaware, for example, Bernie Sanders was ahead of ... From reports of election fraud in Arizona to mysterious surrogate ...

D.C. Democrats perpetuate election fraud in primary - Washington Times
The Washington Times
Jun 13, 2016 - Tuesday is Democratic primary day in the District of Columbia, and no surprises are expected.

South Florida district is rife with absentee ballot fraud - › Florida
Jun 6, 2013 - REP. JOE GARCIA: The chief of staff for the Florida congressman recently resigned after admitting to a fraudulent absentee ballot scheme.

Voter Fraud Battles Heat Up in Sudden Swing State of Georgia
Aug 12, 2016 - Voter Fraud Battles Heat Up in Sudden Swing State of Georgia ... Georgia, that charged racial bias in the makeup of districts for local elections.

Hawaii's voter fraud troubles | Hawaii Reporter › News › Today in Hawaii › Hawaii’s voter fraud troubles
Jul 2, 2014 - Home News Today in Hawaii Hawaii's voter fraud troubles ... “They recruited people from outside the 19th district – a total of 32 known names ...

5 Examples of Voter Fraud Across America - The Daily Signal
Jul 22, 2015 - From Sea to Shining Sea: 5 Examples of Voter Fraud across America ... owner in southern Idaho, tried to vote twice in the 2008 general election. ... voters with beer and money to cast fraudulent absentee ballots for a district ...

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago
The Heritage Foundation
Apr 16, 2008 - Chicago's decades-long voting-fraud experience involved ... District Court for the Northern District of Illinois publicly released the federal grand ...

Voter fraud investigation spans 56 counties | Indiana Daily Student
Indiana Daily Student
Oct 9, 2016 - ISP began investigating 10 instances of voter fraud in late August in Hendricks and Marion counties, then extended the investigation Oct. 4 to ...

How Hillary Clinton Stole Iowa: Voter Fraud Caught On Live TV ...
Feb 2, 2016 - Uploaded by DAHBOO777 The important problem is that the Bernie counters recounted everyone, while ...

Wichita man pleads guilty in Kansas voter fraud case | The Wichita Eagle
The Wichita Eagle
May 4, 2016 - Secretary of State Kris Kobach on Wednesday secured his fourth voter fraud conviction in a case against a Wichita man accused of double voting in Kansas and Colorado at least twice – and Kobach said he plans to file more cases soon. ... Weems, 77, is the latest Kansan to be ...

31 Kentucky counties report election fraud Tuesday - WSAZ
May 18, 2016 - (WSAZ) – Attorney General Andy Beshear says 76 calls about election issues were called into the Kentucky Attorney General's election fraud ...

Louisiana mayor Don Cravins Sr encourages voter fraud in ...

'Go vote again tomorrow': Video shows Louisiana mayor whose son is Sen. Mary Landrieu's chief of staff encouraging voter fraud as final US Senate contest's runoff ...

The governor, echoing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, said the electoral process is flawed and could lead to voter fraud.

Massive Non-Citizen Voting Uncovered in Maryland | PJ Media
PJ Media
Oct 29, 2014 - An election integrity watchdog group is suing the state of Maryland, alleging that it has discovered massive and ongoing fraudulent voting by non-U.S. citizens in one county. ... The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury ...

More Possible Voter Fraud??? Now in Massachusetts! - Daily Kos
Daily Kos
Mar 1, 2016 - Granted, I do not know all the details of this situation yet but it's worth reporting on before it's too late. An entire precinct in New Bedford, ...

Undercover video exposes eye-popping ease of voter fraud -
Aug 2, 2016 - An explosive undercover video shows just how startlingly simple it is for anyone to commit voter fraud in Michigan – even when the voter ...

Rampant Voter Fraud Alleged In Minnesota | Power Line
Power Line
Jul 1, 2016 - A new voter fraud case before the Minnesota Supreme Court claims 1,366 ineligible felons have cast at least 1,670 fraudulent votes in recent ...

Mississippi NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud ...
The Daily Caller
Jul 29, 2011 - While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme. In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted ..

Missouri Governor to Comment on St. Louis Election Fraud « CBS St ...
Sep 6, 2016 - ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon is in town this morning to make a special announcement regarding the city Board of Election ...

Guest opinion: LR-126 perpetrates fraud targeting Montana voters ...
Billings Gazette
Oct 13, 2014 - The initial purpose of the referendum was purportedly to prevent voter fraud. The title proclaims, "An act protecting the integrity of Montana ...

Voter fraud is not a big problem in Nebraska - Nebraska Radio Network › News
Aug 8, 2016 - The voter ID controversy continues. Nebraska Deputy Secretary of State for Elections Neal Erickson says voter fraud hasn't been a big issue ...

Nevada election cops fighting fraud | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Las Vegas Review‑Journal
Jul 14, 2016 - When will people learn? Election fraud doesn't pay.

New Hampshire voter-fraud probe into Sanders campaign expands ...
The Washington Times
Feb 19, 2016 - The New Hampshire voter-fraud investigation into Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders’ campaign has grown with the release of a second undercover video showing out-of-state staffers saying they exploited the law in order to vote in the Democratic presidential primary.

Voter Fraud Cases: Voter Irregularity Reported at Polls in New Jersey ...
Nov 6, 2012 - While few instances of voter fraud have emerged, a disturbing number of irregularities in poll sites have surfaced.

Arrest made in Española voter fraud investigation - The Santa Fe New ...
The Santa Fe New Mexican
Jun 7, 2016 - Arrest made in Española voter fraud investigation ... on suspicion of voter fraud in the Española city election that saw an incumbent councilor ..... Artist gives New Mexico School for the Arts trove of tools, books, sculptures (0).

The election official who spoke his mind on vote fraud | New York Post
New York Post
4 days ago - Yes, Schulkin's remarks are embarrassing to his fellow Democrats, who inevitably insist that voter fraud is a myth. But it's not like his ...

New evidence of voter fraud in North Carolina alleged |
The state Board of Elections revealed Wednesday that more than 35000 people may have double voted by casting ballots in North Carolina and another state ...

Blocking North Dakota Native American vote unsuccessful. Can Hillary ...
Daily Kos
Sep 10, 2016 - You just walk in on the day of an election and cast your vote. ... of any evidence to show voter fraud has ever been a problem in North Dakota.

Mike Connell Ohio Voter Fraud - The Huffington Post

Mike Connell Ohio Voter Fraud. ... Ohio Elections, Elections, Mike Connell Dies, Election Results, Mike Connell Ohio Voter Fraud, Mike Connell, Mike ...

Luther candidate, wife charged with voter fraud | KOKH
Aug 24, 2016 - The Oklahoma County District Attorney's Office says man who ran for Luther City Board of Trustees and his wife committed voter fraud in an ..

Clackamas Woman Indicted For Voter Fraud . News | OPB

Clackamas Woman Indicted For Voter Fraud. ... Oregon Justice Department spokesman Jeff Manning. "This follows nearly a month of investigation by the Department of ...

731 Pennsylvania voters may have cast 2 ballots or voted elsewhere ...
Pittsburgh Tribune‑Review
Jan 8, 2015 - The figures show “there's potential voter fraud in Pennsylvania,” said Carol Aichele, who added she is powerless to investigate or prosecute ...

Rhode Island Democratic Rep. Cicilline Accused in Massive ...

Congressional candidate Anthony Gemma accused Democrat Cicilline of massive voter fraud in Providence, Rhode Island. The Providence Journal reported: 

Voter Fraud: Dead People Cast Over 950 Ballots In South Carolina ...
Alex Jones
Jan 23, 2012 - Yet more evidence of voter fraud has emerged, this time in the wake of Saturday's primary in South Carolina, where it was reported that at least ...

Feds Probe Voter Fraud in South Dakota | Fox News

WASHINGTON - Federal officials confirm that a vote fraud investigation is unfolding on Indian reservations in South Dakota, home of one of the tightest U ...

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 ...
The Washington Post
Aug 6, 2014 - Voter impersonation is a dumb way to steal an election, which is why it ... of election fraud, including "registering to vote in more than one place, voting ..... .org/documents/404111/tennessee-davidson-county-with-cases.pdf.

Largest Voter Fraud Investigation in Texas History Underway ...

Largest Voter Fraud Investigation in Texas History Underway in Tarrant County | Home of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and Texas Scorecard 

Utah Voter Reveals Fraud: “I Literally Had Over 50 Ballots In My Hand ...
Alex Jones
Mar 23, 2016 - One of the voters described the caucus as a vote with “no apparent controls, no credential checks, no ID checks and ballots being handed ...

In Vermont even fraudulent votes count | Human Events

Fraudulent votes, legitimate votes, every vote. In Vermont, even fraudulent votes count. The situation arises in big elections, such as the 2012 presidential election ... 

He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to ...
The Washington Post
Sep 29, 2016 - “Oftentimes we hear our Democratic colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn't exist in Virginia, or it's a myth,” House Speaker William J.

Dead Voted in Washington Governor's Race -

He said he hasn't seen the problem of dead people voting occur in Washington. Voter fraud is a serious crime that may be punished with up to 10 years in prison and ...


Men sentenced in Lincoln County voter fraud case - Business ...
The State Journal
Aug 29, 2012 - Special Court upholds election of Logan County, WV circuit judge ... to Lincoln County and Southern West Virginia that election fraud must stop ...

Pair admits guilt to voting fraud | Wyoming News |
Billings Gazette
Sep 7, 2016 - CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — A couple has pleaded no contest to misdemeanor voter fraud for casting absentee ballots that listed a former address.

2 Charged With Election Fraud | Wisconsin Department of Justice

2 Charged With Election Fraud These individuals charged on the heels of the Initial Appearances, yesterday, of 5 Milwaukee County Elections Fraud Defendants