Thursday, September 7, 2017

Darwin's Dog

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading some worthless ramblings of bloggers when I came upon this story of a dog that was poisoned by a lawn care product.
Before you, get all worked about this, just remember whose blog this is, and what the punchline is going to be.

While we were waiting to hear, we did a little research/remembering on our own, and discovered the culprit: poisoning by lawn chemicals.  There is an abandoned field near our house, where we let Dexter run and play.  Someone keeps it mowed, and apparently they also apply copper sulfate to the grass.  One time when he came back, he smelled really strongly of copper, but we didn’t put two and two together until after his blood test.  The symptoms of copper sulfate poisoning/copper overdose match his blood test results and other symptoms perfectly.
When the vet called with the results of the other test (which were fine) we ran our theory past him, and he agreed that was almost certainly the culprit.  So we have to wait three weeks for the copper to leave his liver, and then we can go ahead with his neutering.
This makes me so angry.  Why are we still pouring poisonous chemicals onto our lawns and into our gardens?  And this was an abandoned field, for pete’s sake!

Ok to take this apart, in we all know that if you owned some land, next to a development that you would just love to have it as the place that dogs and cats, urinate and defalcate on, as this is my blog, you would just love to have lot where people are letting their dogs and cats piss and shit on it, as everyone loves piss and shit on their property. It is why there are signs all over the place, "PLEASE BRING YOUR DOGS AND CATS TO PISS AND SHIT ON MY PROPERTY AND WHILE YOU ARE AT IT DUMP A LOAD TOO!"

So now that we have this down that we all love  people with their pets letting them run wild, to piss and shit on our lawns, gardens and land, we can examine part two of this.

Of course this is an abandoned field, because the owner is MOWING IT. Meaning  the owner has upkeep and expenses which the county are assessing them, to keep the weeds down, and this owner is paying insurance on this property too.
So there is no such thing as an abandoned field. This is private property whether the city owns it for a park development or an investor owns it to build more houses on it someday, there is no such a thing as abandoned property with someone mowing it.

As this progresses, copper sulfate is not exactly unnecessary, in it is used to control fungus and used to control moss on properties. A great deal of it is added to fish ponds to keep the bloom down. Some landowner fed up with dogs and cats shitting all over his grass, that he has to mow, and a belt slips off, so they have to be covered in dog and cat shit changing a belt, might even put it down on their property to end the problem, as they might conclude these were feral animals, as no competent pet owner would ever let their pet run free, as that would be criminal and a source of SPCA filings of criminal neglect.

Things are changing in America the nut house, but your rights end where another person's begin. Your pet ends when it trespasses on another person's property. You might get some loon legal entity to side with you in charges, but your pet will be just as dead.

In  my rural location, I get non stop lake people from the city, cruising down our road as going on the highway, would mean their drunk asses would be jailed. So I get bags of garbage, beer cans, campers dumping their shit and piss on the roadside, and piles of leaves, as farmers can always use another beer can, load of garbage, human shit and dog shit on their road, as we would not be cutting hay for our animals who have to eat that poison and die.

So we have a dog and owner constantly trespassing on someones property, making it a hazard, as those happy puppies  always bite people away from their masters, but it never occurs to the pet owner that they are breaking the law, only that the landowner is to blame for not keeping that property maintained as a welfare shit station for fido as we all like paying for Muslim and Mexican invaders, so why not subsidize peoples dogs  that shit on our  lawns.

These are the same  people if you were on  their driveway parked, in their neighborhood having a beer or decided to walk across their back lawn to get to the neighbors on the other side, would be speed dialing the cops to come and arrest you.

None of this is going to change and it will only become worse as the Bundy's are driven off historic rangelands for corporates and your DNA is collected by the feds as their property to exploit. It simply is a record of how far America is gone, in everyone sticking their noses into other people's business and then blaming people for not liking it.

How would this Bob Barker cut the nuts and ovaries out, like it if Dexter decided to cut their nuts out and ban them from having sex in exchange for going over and shitting on the neighbor's lawn as a after all it is just like sex.
