Thursday, September 28, 2017

Deja View

Liz Stewart

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a most interesting experience of last night, as TL and I were sitting together and TL said to me, "Hugh Hefner died".
I replied, "I know that is an old story. He died like three or four weeks ago".

The problem with this is, Hugh Hefner died yesterday.



How betrayal gave birth to lifestyle...

I know for a fact that Hugh Hefner died several weeks ago. I remember thinking about it when his son took over Playboy and brought back nude chics. I looked that article up in the Hollywood Reporter and it was August 24th.........and I recall that Hef was dead then as my memory recalls.

Hugh Hefner's Son Cooper Plans to Remake Playboy "For My ...

Cooper Hefner has assumed creative control at the brand his father launched 64 years ago as he brings nude images back to the magazine while lamenting the ...

This is not that misinterpreted Mandela Effect, but is what it is, as TL and I were discussing this, TL remembered me yacking about Hefner dying. The reality is though, it appears this is what the Lame Cherry calls Deja View.
I do not have this as much as TL does in seeing the future in dreams, but in this instance, I dreamed Hugh Hefner went room cold before he did. No details, nothing important, but I knew he was dead.

I honestly believe the connection between the matrix and sensitive souls is melding, and people are learning things of the future. That is why so many think they "remember things" from the past, in that they were dreaming them in reality, but were witnessing the future.

I know I read this and saw this. I just mockingly keep saying I want to read the paper of the lottery numbers before they come up. It has always been my goal to do something like Dick Algire was attempting in I want to read the news before it happens. Would save me a great deal of problems.

So far I just have seen disquieting events or worthless things like Hugh Hefner dying.

With that I end this with what Playboy was, and it was not that dirty old sod Hefner, it was the women who overcame being exploited due to their being beautiful, and made something positive of their lives.

Lisa Welch

