Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Principles of the NFL Jocktards

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So let me get this  straight.

You got this quadroon named Colin Kaepernick who hates cops, because street coons lie about cop brutality in places like Ferguson and Baltimore as the quadroon praises mass murderer Fidel Castro of Cuba.

As Obama hates White folks, and Hillary Clinton was using Nig Rage for her 2016 cracker campaign, this BLM, Black Lives Matter protest, funded by Soros is amplified and in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord it is unleashed against Whitey Donald Trump.

Donald Trump calls out these frauds, and like lemmings in a pack, the NFL all plunges over the cliff after Nig Rage, because jocks are dumb as rocks in not figuring out following racist marxists in taking knees, is telling Americans that you hate America by dishonoring the Flag and Anthem.

Just like Obama the NFL protests in London against America, standing for God Save the Queen.

Goodell Talks Demonstrations With NFL Owners, Players...

STEELERS Star: 'We Will Stand'...

Networks Refused to Show Angry, Booing Fans...

Bar uses Kaepernick jersey as doormat...

So with all that arm locking and knee taking, the NFL, of millionaires in these fraud players, figured something out this past week, and the conversation went something like this:

"Hey you f*cking c*cksucker, the ad revenues are down, because fans aren't watching, so that means our billionaire owners, won't have money to pay us the millionaire salaries, which means next year we will all be pushing g*ddamn brooms on the streets for 8 bucks and hour with the Mexicans".

Thus the principles of the NFL surfaces. The NFL players are ignorant, uninformed jocktards, who do not give a damn about racism, police brutality, Nigs, fans or America, but they care about one thing, and that is THE COLOR OF MONEY.

Just remember that about your NFL, NBA and MLB.

Oh and one more thing, in Green Bay, the fans own the team, and in Wisconsin the greater portion of those fans all have guns for hunting. Probably why the Green Bay Packers were not taking knees as those armed Cheeseheads might take things into their own hands.


In the old days, the NFL would have handled this in players who disrupted the game accidentally got a helmet to the knee, ending their career and the problem of one problem ended before it became a problem for everyone in the NFL.
