Thursday, September 28, 2017

Donlock Trump

Carpetbagger Cohn

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I voted for Donald Trump, because of his Promises in 2016 AD in five areas:

  1. Donald Trump promised to appoint law abiding Judges, instead we got Sodomite Neil Gorsuch who protected lying foreigners in his first decision.
  2. Donald Trump would secure America from foreign invasion, instead we got the floodgates opened in legalized amnesty foreigners poured into America to replace American workers.
  3. Donald Trump promised to end Obamacare, instead we got Obamacare rationed death cemented into America.
  4. Donald Trump promised that no one who earned less than 50,000 dollars a year would pay any income taxes, instead we got the poor income taxes raised from 10 to 12 percent. 
  5. Donald Trump would make peace with Russia, instead we got Donald Trump invading Poland and diplomatic war with Russia.

Here is the proof for those who forgot about the Trump  Tax Plan, which most people decided to vote for Donald Trump over.

Donald Trump Unveils Tax Plan -

Donald Trump unveiled his new tax plan ... earn less than $50,000, you'll not pay any income tax. ... of their business income in taxes," Trump ...

Donald Trump slashes taxes for poor -- and wealthy -

Sep 28, 2015 · Donald Trump is vowing to drastically cut ... would pay no income taxes under Trump's ... Trump's tax plan broadly mirrors that of one of his ...

Here is the proof of what Gary Cohn foisted upon America, in Goldman Sachs gets it's taxes cut, but poor people get gouged in another tax hike.
So you get this, a person earning 30,000 dollars a year, 2% means 600 dollars more a year in taxes. That is on top of 13% in federal income taxes already of 3,900 dollars, so Donald Trump, with Hope Hicks  and Stephen Miller moving his lying lips for Gary Cohn just spiked poor people's taxes to 4,000 dollars a year, and he has the New York Valued to call this a tax break.
The only thing Shylock Cohn did not write into the bill is mandating the IRS to cut out corneas and kidneys in poor people, to make them pay up with blood  or money. At least, that part has not yet been made public.

Bottom rate rises from 10% to 12%...
Eliminates state and local deductions...

I knew Donald Trump was a swindler in how he made his fortune in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. I will explain this in Mr. Trump never uses his money, but always suckers other people to put up money for his ventures, and when the deal goes bankrupt, he leaves investors holding the bag. That is what all of these rich people do and every poor person ends up paying for it in their banks charging them for checking, because banks have to make up for Donald Trump's 100 million dollar real estate disasters.

That is what pouty Jared Kushner was whining about in his disastrous 666 billion dollar property. He suckered rich investors to funding the deal he controlled, and then when everything fell in price, he was pleading with his friend to write it off, and the guy said, "This is real money in almost a billion dollars, and you want people to just lose 300 million dollars because "you worked your ass off".

This is why the Lame Cherry is so disgusted in the Trump Shylock Tax as this is all about Donald Trump, especially in Trump Brand. See when Don Sr. goes room cold, in current federal tax, his children will probably have to sell Trump Tower to pay the taxes which will be owed. That is a bad thing, but it is what drives Trump in this death tax repeal, because he does not want little Ivanka to have to sell Trump Tower. Sure Donald tells people it is about farmers and their land, but farmers already beat the system in putting their kid's names on the land, so this is really about billionaires like Donald Trump who like Warren Buffett hide things in trusts and charities, so they can then hire their worthless children to manage the funds for a million dollars a year.
All Donald Trump is doing is making sure these ACCUMULATED FORTUNES of the 1% remain permanently fixed into the rich families. That is the fact and that is how dishonest Donald Trump is in this art of the deal, he is using poor people for cover to keep his swindler fortune like all these rich people, not telling anyone, but telling the poor what a great deal it is in their taxes are going up another 600 bucks a year.

That should make the Big Koch Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter pleased, as they always say the poor never pay taxes which is a damned lie, because poor people pay more in taxes than anyone, and for the fact in this, the IRS forms make you pay taxes if you earned a 100 dollars, so that is complete bullshit in what you keep getting told that poor people do not pay income  taxes.

It gets worse for the poor in they are having their state income tax deductions removed too, so that should spike to another 600 dollars for most people that Mr. President will be collecting from each of you.

Donald Trump has fulfilled his Jehu destiny.  He is a product of the state and is busy lining his pockets like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. All this post is about though, is making it official that Donald Trump has destroyed every reason I voted for him and to  refute Rush  Limbaugh in saying that Trump supporters will support Trump at anything and Sean Homo Hannity saying like a parrot that Donald Trump has kept all of his promises.

Donald Trump is a person who takes care of Trump Brand first and last. He is a proven liar and I no longer trust him, nor believe a word  out of his mouth. I am sorry that everything I predicted about taxes  is  come true in Americans will be screwed over and the rich will make out like bandits again, because that is the pattern with Donald Trump. He  rants a great deal. Things stay the same, then he rants in blaming others for things as cover for policies and promises he never intended on keeping.

You do not need to read Donald's lips. His actions are proof of the serial liar he is.

.....and no I am not going to be suckered by Steve Bannon in trading on Trump's name to elect people like Roy Moore. I know what Donald Trump is, and he has nothing in common with a real Patriot like Roy Moore.

For those not familiar with history, the carpetbaggers were rich Jewish investors who swept into the South after their defeat in the Civil  War by northern interests and were buying up the South for pennies, exactly as Goldman Sachs did in Obama 2008 in Lehman Brothers, and this is the same Shylock that Gary Cohn is, but now we have the Donlocks  exploiting the last pounds of flesh out of Americans.

Nuff Said
