Tuesday, September 12, 2017

President Trump remember the forgotten Rod Blagojevich

I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

Matthew 25:43

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Almost everyone has forgotten about Governor Rod Blagojevich, one of the first political prisoners of the Obama regime, which began with the innocent Lawrence Sinclair, then onto John Edwards to remove him from contention against Hillary Clinton in 2016, and ended with the blood of LaVoy Finnicum and the persecution of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the Bundy Patriots, but I will not forget about this son of Lincoln, a Slavic American whose only crime was he was protecting for the People of Illinois the Senate seat that Obama had vacated, and Obama dictated it must be filled with an Obama choice alone.

In all of the counts against Rod Blagojevich, there was never any evidence that he took one penny in a bribe, but as Mr. Blagojevich notes, he has received a harsher sentence than Al Capone or a child molester Dennis Hastert.
In fact, Jesse Jackson jr. got half the sentence for stealing 750,000 dollars from his campaign.

Mr. Blagojevich's days are now vested in mopping two floors of the prison he is kept in, in Denver hours away from his wife and children, who he is allowed to see 3 time a year in their making a grueling trip.
This of course followed his first incarceration in a maximum security prison which should never have happened, but Mr. Blagojevich endured in teaching a history class to help inmates and took the extra steps of doing mock job interviews with inmates to help prepare them for the outside world.

For this inmates wrote letters in support of Rod Blagojevich for a resentencing hearing last year, but yet after 6 harsh Obama years, and now 1  Trump year, Rod Blagojevich still has 14 years on his record, after being a model prisoner who did nothing wrong except getting in Obama's way, and was made an example of.

At his resentencing last year, many inmates wrote letters on Blagojevich’s behalf. He says he has tried to help many of them to prepare for life on the outside.

It is heartbreaking in what Rod Blagojevich was put through. It is the plight of all inmates in the hopelessness of having the FBI appear, of being taken into custody, of being stripped and body searched, questioned and then the expense of trial and the final verdict of being railroaded into prison, because Rod Blagojevich crossed the deep state.

You walk in there on the first day and your heart’s broken,” he says. “You’re in there and then they close the gates on you, and you’re in prison. And you’re yearning for your children and your wife and your home, and you’re looking at 14 years. And you can’t even see the flicker of a light at the end of a tunnel.”
At the other end of that tunnel, wife Patti has essentially become a single mother to the two Blagojevich daughters.
“Life has been a challenge for the last five years,” she says. “The first couple of years were super hard, super distressing. Every single birthday, every single Christmas, Halloween, every single event would go by and Rod wouldn’t be there--so heartbreaking!”

I know that The NBC Chicago report on Rod Blaojevich was propaganda in pushing all of the sympathetic right buttons, but Rod Blagojevich has worked for a break and does not belong in jail costing taxpayers 65,000 dollars a year to mop floors in Denver.
In this though Mr. Blagojevich speaks of Faith in God and not forgetting the underdog, the forgotten man and woman in America which the 2016 election was about.

I would do a shoutout to my fellow underdogs, that are facing powerful forces among us,” he says. “Don’t ever quit. Even if you hit rock bottom, as I have, put faith over fear, you’ve got to go through the fire. Run with patience and endurance in the race that’s set before you, and if you have to, take a stand.”
“Even if the world misunderstands you, criticizes you and say you’re crazy, take a stand. Because you know what the truth is. And when you do it, my experience tells me, trust in God. You’re not alone. You never go alone. Put your faith in Him.”

As President Donald Trump forgot Americans, and only helps Joe Arpaio as a crumb to con MAGA  believers, it would be good advice for Donald Trump to pardon Rod Blagojevich, and return him to his family to prove that Mr. President has not forgotten everyone.
It would be of benefit to Mr. President in good will of those disenfranchised Chicago voters who Obama shoved over the edge with Michelle, as Mr. President will need Illinois in the disaster of his junta running in 2018 and 2020, and Mr. Blagojevich would be an excellent representative from America as an ambassador to one of the Slavic nations.

Considering the Robert Mueller which Mr. Trump is facing, it would be a good measure for Mr. President to sow some good will among those forgotten, so they will remember him, when Mr. President might need a pardon or one vote to not be impeached.

Forgive the debts of those now Mr. President, as they will owe you and will remember you, when you are in the position of Rod Blagojevich.

Bring Rod Blagojevich home to his family, President Trump.

Nuff Said
