Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Latest Reversals from David John Oates

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Trump Junta is divorced from it's base and the reversals all prove this. Herbert McMaster is as David John Oates states as is all this group is in killing, aggressive and warmongering. McMaster is who the President is led by and his reversals are about going with big finance and killing.

Do not miss that Mr. Trump with the democrats pushed the debt ceiling back to December, and Mr. Trump in reversals spoke of some "evil" in December that Mr. Trump knew of months ago. There is something planned and everything this Junta is focusing on is starting a war.

I really do not want to spend nor waste any more time on this.

US General McMillian

He will not last 15 minutes - Enemies 5th cell

A city of Seoul - The war sadist


North Korea - see the battle for nukes

Stand with ally Korea - Give up you evil

US military accountable - Gun Nazi War

A North Korean threat - He seen the power

I lived in retirement - They followed your fire


Major conflict North Korea - We'll fuck regime
Clinton pardoned Marc Rich - They believe in it

Sheriff Joe unfairly untreated by Obama - The Sheriff send them mob

Russia doing fine with Finland - The battle they did muscle 


Chinese tested to help - Now they'll launch if they're serious

Joel Osteen

Big storm, shelter before storm - You must hand in your money 


Take discussion - Get to kill you

Resolve in timely manner - Go with big finance

 Endure and expand - Jerk is efficient

Understand civilian relations with military - Units ordinance

Benjamin Netanyahu

Chemical weapon attack in Syria by Syria -  Iris had the look (spyware)

Syria chemical weapons - Groom you (He is manipulating the public)
