Tuesday, September 12, 2017

What is beyond 2017 for Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I post this with absolutely no interests in this Trump Junta any more as relying on Donald Trump is like relying on Donald Trump if you are marooned on Mars. It is futile.
I post this because Steve Bannon confirmed exactly what this blog first alerted and warned all of you children and brats to in what was the Trump Brand, in how it obliterated Christians, and has been this hodgepodge of sticky ejaculation cementing in the Obama regime.

What you need to notice in this, is Steve Bannon never mentions Mike Pence's intrigue. Why is that? Why is it with all of this revelation that Steve Bannon knew all of this, and yet somehow Donald Trump was never counseled to go on Twitter or post a video exposing all of this intrigue, which would have stopped this coup against the President in it's overt tracks.

There is only one reason and Steve Bannon is covering all of this up, and the Lame Cherry will inform you the heart of Donald Trump in this feckless disaster which is his regime.

Donald Trump is the priss outsider of New York old money. He has always been auditioning for inclusion. He was an outcast and a blow hard. He saw the political and profit of going to the outcasts and blow hards on the right, in order to gain promotion for Trump Brand, because HE KNEW FROM REINCE PRIEBUS that a manipulation was being plotted to gather the Christian Right / Veterans / Patriot Americans under the guise of a single candidate. The Mercer's chose Ted Cruz the Canadian, as a straw man, who was supposed to be knocked down by the establishment Jeb Bush, the way Bernie Sanders was for Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump had insider knowledge and ran the table on the insiders with his WWE arena event. No one believed in him, especially Ivanka. This was Trump Brand economics in free ad space. When they won though, the Kushners swept in for influence and power. It was at that juncture that little boy Donald Trump listened to the politicians and the leftist Kushners to side with the insiders to get along, because what Donald Trump wanted  more than keeping his promises was to be accepted by the elite in this world who had like Obama mocked him in public.

That is not what Steve Bannon is telling you. Donald Trump chose the insiders, because he had no faith in God nor Christians to implement this Government, and that is why he let Jared Kushner take Christ's Glory for the 2016 victory, because Donald Trump can not accept that God did this, as Donald Trump has no idea how to pay back God which Mr. President could never do.

Donald Trump was genuine in 2016 among Americans of the heartland, but as soon as he was  given the victory, he ran for cover in the one thing he lusted after in validation by the people who had mocked him.

STEVE BANNON: The divide is, first off, President Trump and the way President Trump has always run his organizations, he will always take diverging views,  I think that's healthy. 'Cause I think for an idea, a Darwinian environment for idea is positive. Now, the one thing I disagree with is that, I think,  there has been a divide in this administration from the beginning. It's quite obvious. There's one group of people that on the campaign, that said, "All you have to do is do what you said you were gonna do in these major areas. Let's punch out one thing after the other. You're gonna keep your coalition together, and we're gonna add to it over time as you're successful." There's another group that has said, "Let's compromise, and let's try to reach out to Democrats, and let's try to work on things that we can do together." 

When Donald Trump allowed the purge of Christians and Loyalists from his Administration, he did it willingly and knowingly. He is responsible and Steve Bannon can attempt to give cover to the  President in this, but it all comes down to Donald Trump did this and allowed all of this to happen, and when he got into trouble, he kept going to the Kushner nethers, instead of getting on his hind legs like a man, and fighting his way out.

Listening to Steve Bannon whine about it will take 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years to drain the swamp is like listening to Bush Cheney saying it would take a generation to defeat radical Islam, as Mr. President apparently already did, as in the 9 11 speech, Mr. President did not mention radical Islam again.

If Donald Trump was a George Washington, a Samuel Adams, a Thomas Jefferson, an Andrew Jackson,  a Ronald Reagan, he would have sent in the mob and drained the DC swamp. If Donald Trump was the ruthless Birther that Obama was, Donald Trump would have drained the swamp as Obama built the Obama Wall protecting it, and Donald Trump is not the Birther that Obama is, by his feckless nature as proven by his fecklessness being led around on a string as Americans struggle in this genocide of America.

There is a line in Star Trek repeated by Scottie, "Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me".

Steve Bannon tells everyone that Donald Trump was fooled by McConnell and Ryan, in they promised him that they would get Obamacare, Tax Cuts and Jobs done by now. After they lied, Mr. Trump kept going back to them as a fool.
This was Reince Priebus and Mike Pence's domain, and they were in on this stalemate too. Yet Steve Bannon says nothing about Pence, and makes excuses that McConnell and Ryan had no idea the GOP was this fractured. That is an absolute defense intelligence misdirection lie by the operative Steve Bannon.

Oh and for those who require reminding, Steve Bannon was the intelligence operative who took over Breitbart after Andrew Breitabart was assassinated for stupidly stating he was bringing down the Obama regime. You remember Breitbart had the story and that the news site was going to spill all the goods, and in comes Bannon and the story never ran.
Now Steve Bannon is spinning another Mockingbird tale from the inside, stuttering his way to look the fool, in front of Charlie Rose, who is enforcing the mantra that either we can have our two parties stopping Trump or Bannon bringing it all down, which the mob will always pick the status of the death they know over the death which is unknown.

STEVE BANNON: The very first meetings we had with the Republican establishment, here was the plan that was laid out. The plan was to do Obamacare because, remember, Paul Ryan and these guys come in and said, "We've done this for seven years. We've voted on this 50 times. We understand this issue better than anybody. We know how to repeal and we know how to replace, and this is ours. That's what we're gonna start with Day One, and we will have something on your desk by Easter. By the Easter break, we'll do repeal and replace. Come back from Easter, and all the way up to the August break, taxes. Come back from the summer break, on Labor Day, and we drive home to the end of the year on infrastructure. We accomplish all three big legislative goals in the first year." They would take--

They lied and Donald Trump accepted the lies, because he was making a deal to be accepted by the deep state to validate him, instead of doing the job God put into place for.

You can believe Alex Jones in Donald Trump is being drugged in his diet Coke.........if Mr. President is drinking that aspartame brain wash, he does not need to be drugged as that chemical is a poison, and you can gulp down the Charlie Rose and Steve Bannon kook aid, because in both cases there is Melania who would know if her husband was being drugged, or is she in on it too with the Pope eh?

The fact is Donald Trump got played, because he wanted to get played. He is the same Obama narcissist of will in thinking if he just explains things, the world will follow along. Donald Trump got played by the Kushners who get played by everyone from Mike Pence, to Gary Cohn to the Chinese, and Donald Trump got played by the Habberman, Costa and the deep state, because Mr. Trump wanted to be accepted by them, more than keeping his word.

I seem to recall that we were all going to hear all of the gossip now that Bannon was out. You know the dirty shit that won't wipe off, like who is fucking who in the White House, who molests the children, who rapes the dog, who snorts the coke and has the garden that grows green from all the dead bodies, and all we get is this garbage from Steve Bannon who literally was quoting the Lame Cherry in all of the above information.

All this is, is more goddamn pied piper misdirection. Bannon is completing leftist Webster Griffin Tarpley's revelation that 2016 was to shatter the Republican Party to a 3rd rate status and leave only two parties, Hillary's and Bernies.......and as you are the same fools in not figuring out that the Deep State is implementing that by Ryan and McConnell for 2018, where instead of Hillary Clinton leading the socialist wing of the democrats, that it will be Donald Trump with conservative Charles Schumer, YOU HAVE MISSED THE WHOLE THING AGAIN, and only this blog has reached in and pulled your asses out of the abyss again, which you have dove into again.

There is again your Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, setting this all on course again, so you are not sucked in by hurricane diversions and spit out the other side clinging to Hillary Clinton's stand in, in Mr. President.

All so easy when an adult feeds in the correct data to your badly warped minds.

Nuff Said
