Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Best President Trump

If only the father chose like the son
Don jr. should have been President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By the tale of the tape, I know that America elected the wrong Donald Trump, because the Donald Trump that is the American one, is Donald Trump jr.
D 9 is responsible for the one person who is implementing Trump Promises from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, and that was Don jr.'s choice of Ryan Zinke for Secretary of the Interior.

While the Kushner's brought in Morning Joe, Hillary Voters in Dina Powell and Gary Cohn and Donald Trump brought in Hillary voters, Herbert McMaster and John Kelly, Don jr.'s choice for Interior has proven to be thee only one which is rolling back regulations and turning America's lands back to the People.

Sec. Zinke is not perfect, but he has stated the facts in he is attempting to move certain Interior Departments as BLM which has been shooting Americans and rustling their cattle, out of Washington DC and located in the Western States in a defederalization of these agencies to be more responsive to the People.

Zinke: One-third of Interior employees not loyal to Trump ...

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says nearly one-third of employees at his department are not loyal to him and President Donald Trump, adding that he is working to ...

He has stated that 1/3rd as in the Bible, the dragon sweeping 1/3rd of the angels to corrupt them, that 1/3rd of Interior is not loyal to Donald Trump sr. and simply refuses to implement the return of power to the People.
It is in that, that Zinke is attempting to cut employment rosters, but when one understands the tens of thousands of Interior Department employees, one understand the immense problem of this bloated fiefdom, as all government is.
There literally are over 1000 Interior employees per state which is beyond ridiculous and why trouble keeps cropping up in their criminalizing Americans.
I tried to ask for comment from Interior and have been ignored, and in my first inquiry Interior handed the request over to Fish and Wildlife and they ignored the email, as no one will respond to the media to answer for what these high paid trolls are really inflicting on America.

Interior chief Ryan Zinke wants to shed 4,000 staffers in budget cuts

One of the worst problems America has, and that means wildlife and pet owners are these international treaties. Donald sr. wastes his time on football protests, when the problem is as Zinke noted is these treaties which ban Americans from managing their own wildlife.
For example the CITIES treaty of the 1970's protects CORMORANTS, not because they are endangered in America, but because they are endangered in Mexico. So America foot as bill of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, producing game fish for people to eat, but the fish ducks eat them all first, instead of Americans going out and cropping these predators down.
The same reality is in wolves. I covered the story of the Mexican Red Wolf and revealed that Sen. John Thune GOP had no damned idea what the wolf problem was, as he was all for protecting them, as he had no idea that a Mexican wolf was not a grey wolf eating the hell out of everything in America.

He also said the Endangered Species Act has been "abused" by environmental groups and bureaucrats alike, which has stalled development.
The designation of animal species granted protections under the law must be less arbitrary, Zinke said. "There is no off-ramp" for species to be taken off the endangered list, once it is determined that a species numbers are adequate and it has recovered, he said.

This is the situation which Sec. Zinke faces, and as he said that Donald sr. wants things done yesterday, Zinke has to do things legal as this corrupt system protects itself.

You do not hear one thing from the Trump cabinet in fixing anything, from Obamacare to taxes. The Veterans Administration has made some strides, but the care Vets need is to get rid of the VA and let Vets choose their own care in public hospitals and save those hundreds of millions of dollars.
All we ever hear of is Ivanka prancing around, handing our money out, only to little girls, and now in Detroit telling children to study computers. Well what the hell good is that, when Bill Gates and Donald Trump are dumping Indians by the curry load into America to replace White American programmers?
Absolutely nothing, but that is this Libtard which permeates the Trump Junta.

It is why the Lame Cherry in all of these disappointments, praise is deserved for Ryan Zinke. He has opened up hunting, fishing and recreational access again to a number of monuments, and is now in the process of attempting to fix Interior, but it is not enough. It is though the proof that Donald Trump jr. knew to pick Americans who had the right stuff, and if the Trump cabinet had nothing but Ryan Zinke's managing this government, Donald Trump would have had victory after victory, people would not be disappointed to dumping Trump and we would not be looking at nuclear war from every corner of the planet.

Don jr. should have been President, as he knows the Americans to pick and he is much better at management. I would also note that he would have kicked the Kushner's to Kosherslavia 5 months ago and we would not be facing this disaster.

So in the anti America Trump Junta, there is one spot of light in Ryan Zinke at Interior, not moving fast enough and not gutting that department thorough enough, but at least initiating some things that Western Americans wanted done, compared to the rest of the Trump appointees who rule for Hillary Clinton.

Don Jr. Helped Pick the Interior Secretary - NYMag

Don Jr. Helped Pick the Interior Secretary Because ... Angerer/Getty Images. Donald Trump Jr., ... the elder Trump choose Montana congressman Ryan Zinke as ...

Nuff Said

