Friday, September 29, 2017

The World in Which We Live and Die

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

All normal minds reading this, whether they voted for Barack Obama for peace or Donald Trump for peace, soon enough opened their eyes and noticed that Mr. Obama was droning the world to death in his Nobel Peace Prize, and that Mr. Trump can not seem to find enough nuclear wars to start in China, Russia, North Korea and Iran.

Whether it is Ash Carter and Susan Rice for Obama or James Mattis and HR McMaster for Trump, the headlines are all the same scenarios of finding some new nation to shred and a new way to antagonize global nuclear powers.

Don’t sleep easy!’ USA sends chilling warning to North Korea as nuclear tension escalates

There is more to this than just the Pentagon national socialist money flow to conglomerates, which looks to Dollar debt hegemony for Wall Street finance, and Soros theft of national resources of nations while degrading Western powers to slave status, and it all began in the strange book after September 11th, 2001 from  the Naval War College in Thomas Barnett.
Everything you have been chafing at, comes from the core doctrines of this globalist view, which divides the world into two groups:

A functioning core in the west and functioning core in the east.
A non integrated gap in the 3rd world.

If one notes the genius of Barnett, that this genius neglected to note that having two polar extremes in east and west, would produce the Obama Trump friction point America is in, as this "fix the unfixable" in regimes like North Korea, Syria and Iran ratchet up nuclear wars to the Barnett's first level.

In that, Barnett ignores the Lame Cherry doctrine in there are three divisions in the world, The first world led by America, and emerging nations of the second world as Argentina and Russia, with a cesspool of 3rd world arenas Mercedes totalitarian states as communist China to the racist states of Negroid Africa.

Thomas Barnett, a research professor at the Naval War College, offered an innovative explanation of the link between globalization and terrorism in a controversial article for the March 2003 issue of Esquire entitled “The Pentagon’s New Map.” According to Barnett, 9/11 revealed the emerging geopolitical reality that the world’s most important “fault line” was not between the rich and the poor, but between those who accept modernity and those who reject it. The former part of the globe Barnett called the “Functioning Core,” the latter, the “Non-Integrating Gap

Barnett in his liberal globalism which everyone is uncomfortable with, because his mediation is financiers dictating the terms of the loan shark exploitation of peoples and nations, as one size does not fit all in religious, trade or ethnic disputes, has created the nuclear war horizon world all are now held hostage in.

Barnett advocates the slave traders, by ignoring Chinese and Indian slave exploitation, and the importation of the slave class to the West in order to dislodge the productive and stable classes, so those nations can be overthrown from within.
That is the worst ignorance of Barnett in he fails to comprehend in his liberalism that liberals always are engaged in forming races into their image, when race does play a role in how peoples respond in production, stability and community.

This is where the US military of the 1950's fighting wars over there for stability, transformed to trade, and under Barnett became the US military which installed Obama community organized terrorists whose main objective was to provide dope and prostitutes for exploitation in second and first world nations, for the bank accounts of the liberal financiers of Europe.
This was taken one step further under Obama, in the lunacy of making the US military a sodomite anus of socialized conditioning, so the military would not function in it's role to kill and destroy the enemy.

In Barnett's last utopian statement, he advocates exporting security, security which has become Obama blowing up stable regimes, and placing terrorists organized for profit into situations as in Libya and Iraq, neglecting to note that Russia has it's own terrorists in Assad in Syria and China having Kim in North Korea, to produce their own interests, which are as greed and self motivated driven as anything in Europe and America.

  1. Systems of rules called Rule-sets reduce violent conflict. Violence decreases as rules are established (e.g., the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding) for dealing with international conflicts.
  2. The world can be roughly divided into two groups: the Functioning Core, characterized by economic interdependence, and the Non-Integrated Gap, characterized by unstable leadership and absence from international trade. The Core can be sub-divided into Old Core (North America, Europe, Japan, Australia) and New Core (China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Russia). The Disconnected Gap includes the Middle East, South Asia (except India), most of Africa, Southeast Asia, and northwest South America.
  3. Integration of the Gap countries into the global economy will provide opportunities for individuals living in the Gap to improve their lives, thereby presenting a desirable alternative to violence and terrorism. The US military is the only force capable of providing the military support to facilitate this integration by serving as the last-ditch rule-enforcer. Barnett argues that it has been doing so for over 20 years by "exporting" security (US spends about half of the world's total in military spending).
  4. To be successful the US military must stop thinking of war in the context of war but war in the context of "everything else", i.e. demographics, energy, investment, security, politics, trade, immigration, etc.
  5. In recognition of its dual role, the US military should organize itself according to two functions, the "Leviathan" and the "System Administrator."
    • Leviathan's purpose is the use of overwhelming force in order to end violence quickly. It will take out governments, defend Core countries, and generally do the deterrence work that the US military has been doing since the end of WWII. The Leviathan force is primarily staffed by young aggressive personnel and is overwhelmingly American.
    • The SysAdmin's purpose is to wage peace: peacekeeping, nation building, strengthening weak governments, etc. The SysAdmin force is primarily staffed by older, more experienced personnel, though not entirely (he would put the Marines in SysAdmin as the " Mini-me Leviathan"). The sys Admin force would work best as a Core-wide phenomenon.
  6. By exporting security, the US and the rest of the Core benefit from increased trade, increased international investment, and other benefits.

Correctly, people on the left and right detested this much embraced Soros and Kushner policy, as the left correctly assessed this as an excuse for perpetual war for profit of the few, and the right diagnosed this US execution squad that Obama created, would break under the strain of constant use and nations forever engaged in conflict will bankrupt themselves.

What neither assessed and Barentt to his utter folly did not make the focal point in this is, when the United States and allied nations begin killing people and breaking nations, they will be defined as aggressors and other nations will begin arming in a weapon's race and a global war will be initiated.

The short of it is, what brought about 9 11 was global financiers, using the cover of American power, shifted the blame to America and made her the target of repressed peoples, and what Barnett conceived and Obama birthed has made the United States a nuclear target for terrorists and those regimes threatened by the neo McMaster's perpetual threats to nuclear powers.

Barnett writes that he received a great deal of hate mail when his Esquire piece first appeared. Critics on the Left accused him of attempting to justify US aggression and “perpetual war.” Critics on the Right argued essentially that “peace is divisible:” what happens in the Gap may be terrible but it does not affect the United States. US Intervention in the Gap will lead to an American “empire” that will corrupt both our souls and our political system. Others simply asserted that the job is too big for the United States to accomplish and that the risk is not worth the cost.

Knowing the source of this neo Communist Manifesto of the 21st century solves nothing, because this leviathan is in process destroying the nations which implemented it. Obama strikes nations, it produces enraged invaders, and the result is a police state in once free nations and the stressed native Peoples cease supporting regimes they voted for, as whether liberal or conservative, they are all producing this same insanity of societal rape by 3rd world cock and being overpopulated by 3rd world vagina, as the Citizen is forced to bankrupt themselves for all of this Neo Five Cornered Map of global suicide.

This was written Friday, August 4th, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said
