Thursday, October 5, 2017

When America had Political Leadership

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Jean Kirkpatrick is a name which is not familiar any longer, and yet in the Administration of Ronald Reagan, she became the line in the sand voice against evil in the world at the United Nations. In those years, the United Nations was an us versus them. There would never be any semblance of doing what was right, so Kirkpatrick's education was in that reality, but her reality was to draw in the line in the sand of God's America against Satan's world.

The lesson from Jean Kirkpatrick rings true today, as Barack Obama thought he was salvation, that Donald Trump now thinks he is justice at the end for a nuclear missile and Hillary Clinton thinks her virtue is what will save the world.

"I conclude that it is a fundamental mistake to think that salvation, justice, or virtue come through merely human institutions."

Education was not wasted on Jean Kirkpatrick as the most powerful woman in the United States and second most powerful in the world,  in she abandoned the peaceniks, what would become the Obama resistance, for the world of political philosophy of what the world could be, and that it all came down to government is based on human nature, and you can not change human nature.

 "As I read the utopian socialists, the scientific socialists, the German Social Democrats and revolutionary socialists—whatever I could in either English or French—I came to the conclusion that almost all of them, including my grandfather, were engaged in an effort to change human nature. The more I thought about it, the more I thought this was not likely to be a successful effort. So I turned my attention more and more to political philosophy and less and less to socialist activism of any kind."

It is lost now that there is a different between Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regimes. America now run by Mr. Trump's presence in the White House is an Authoritarian regime, while his adversaries tend to be Totalitarian regimes, who for a surprising reason, do not want to be ruled by a foreigner in Mr. Trump and who do not want to be enslaved by Mr. Trump's international financiers.

"Authoritarian regimes really typically don't have complete command economies. Authoritarian regimes typically have some kind of traditional economy with some private ownership. The Nazi regime left ownership in private hands, but the state assumed control of the economy. Control was separated from ownership but it was really a command economy because it was controlled by the state. A command economy is an attribute of a totalitarian state."

The closing service in this education from Jean Kirkpatrick is the age old fact, in America is playing with monopoly money in the fake currency of the American future against the nuclear chess of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.
That begs reading again, so you comprehend this fact, America is attempting to enforce a regime upon the world for crooked globalist bankers, bribing the Pentagon to fight them, with paper, while those opposing this economic enslavement are using the hard assets of nuclear warheads.

  • "Russia is playing chess, while we are playing Monopoly. The only question is whether they will checkmate us before we bankrupt them."
  • "Americans need to face the truth about themselves, no matter how pleasant it is."

America has never faced that image in the mirror, they just keep telling the mirror, mirror, that they are fairest of all, and that daddy doing something is all that matters, as the American leadership judges the American People a greater threat to prosecute than the nations with nuclear weapons.


Nuff Said
