Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Two Gun Overlap of Stephen Paddock


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is at situations like this, that I miss Jim Marrs experience and investigative platforms in the Las Vegas shooting involving Stephen Paddock, to provide a groundwork to build off of, to counter the fake news driving this story for Mockingbird.

Las Vegas Shooting

In the video and audio recording of the opening minute of the shooting, the Lame Cherry first noted in the first salvo that I was hearing the distinct slap of vintage World War II machine gun fire.
In assessment, the first salvo is 50 rounds to this bleating crowd who mill around like sheep waiting for the wolves to gut the next flock.

It is the second wave of shots in the video and audio clip which convince me something is amiss and the public is not being told the correct story  line.
If one listens carefully to the audio, it again opens up with the heavy slap which was the first salvo, but is joined after a few rounds by a light metallic automatic.

There are definitely two firearms going off at the same time.

We know in this that someone fired a 50 round burst, emptying their clip. The firing stops in what would be considered reloading a clip into the rifle. Perhaps a position change took place, perhaps knocking out a second window in the 30 second silence, but when it begins again, there is the solid slap, then overlaid with a lighter metallic slap.

Could the shooter be pulling a Rambo in firing two weapons, in one each hand. That is a possibility.

Then again Stephen Paddock is not exactly muscled John Rambo of special forces.

There is far too much irrelevant information being dumped into this, including the reports of scopes on the bipod rifle which was pictured. Scopes impede rapid fire and would be in  the way.
There are references to bump stocks, which Paddock was reported to have. These are gimmick replacements to cause more rapid fire. What one is listening to though does not sound like a bump stock, as these are recoil inertia generated, and it would require this old man to move his finger from the trigger as it was recoiling, to make it stop.

It concludes these were full auto conversions and all of this is more confusing data to hide what really was taking place.

To return to the two firearms, as in the above video in the last interview, the woman states there were two firearms, which she is intimating there were two shooters, is an ear witness account, and again this is not about echo or other diversions. The above proves two weapons are being fired. That concludes either one shooter firing two weapons, or there was a second shooter which is the statistical probability.

We know that it was over 30 minutes before the police arrived. We know that it was 72 minutes before they breached the hotel room. As I do not have unlimited internet and downloads for the entire firing sequence to assess different rifles by sound and by single shot or multiple shots, it is more than probable that after the opening salvos, someone could have left that room and walked out of the hotel or gone to their room.

There is far too much in this of double information. We discover that this Filipino maul was wired 100,000 dollars this past week. She was discounted in this far too quickly as reports keep mounting that Stephen Paddock was a One Man Jihad.
He had almost 50 firearms. It was stated that he made money gambling, but how many people do make money before the casinos pull that plug as in card counters. There is a great deal of cash moving through Stephen Paddock and appears laundered in the casinos.
No woman is not going to notice an arsenal of weapons, a car packed full of chemical explosives, bombs in her home and a man changing his patterns to liking country music to opening fire on country music.

Las Vegas Shooter Wired $100,000 to Philippines Last Week

Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock wired $100,000 to an account in his live-in girlfriend's home country of the Philippines in the week before he killed at least 59 ...

What he enjoyed was country music and he suddenly hated it to slaughterfest, but was so enamored of a hostess he just met a few months prior in the spring of 2017 and moved in with her, that he wires her account a six figure amount?
Was that money laundered, a pay off, or how convenient was it that this Asian was out of the country when all of this was being initiated for over a week.

There is the addition in this that Stephen Paddock would have tested these firearms. One just does not show up at a gun range with a full auto as it draws attention. This means he was somewhere in Nevada conducting these tests.

In looking at this from the outside, Stephen Paddock looks like Frank Sinatra in trying to launder money for someone. His cut was the revenue he was generating, as he traded in tokens and it was lucrative.
His father was a bank robber and it would reason that Stephen Paddock discovered a way to feed his gambling with laundering money.
It would fit that the Filippino maul, who was a high end hostess, would have made the contacts with Asian organized crime, meaning China and this was how the money was moved.
The firearms are a necessity to protect the cash, and in these types it is the next step that someone knows  about full autos, and they appear.

There are all sorts of situations which could be involved in this as they have been before as on 9 11 in short selling airline stocks. We know that Mandalay stocks fell. Was something involved in this that Stephen Paddock was threatened and his family to open up on a crowd to cover stock trades, or was it that Stephen Paddock dipped into the money laundering, lost too much and was given this option.
There are far too many questions in this as Stephen Paddock did not flip out in the least. He had a purpose in this, and when one can hear two full auto weapons being discharged at the same time, in overlapping bursts, that is not logical it is coming from the same shooter, as the  brain dealing with recoil, would tend to only be effective pulling both triggers at the same time, and not these start and stops.

Remember this is a minute into this event. The crowd of bleaters has finally figured out to move and disperse. Two weapons discharging at the same overlap, indicates two shooters picking out pockets of opportunity.

It is that probability which is troubling in a second shooter was on location. Perhaps the individual was there to make certain that Paddock went through with the shooting and left once the slaughter started.
We know Paddock shot at the police through the door, thereby assuring a lethal response. We also know that Paddock is dead, again reported suicide, but if he had orders to not come out alive due to the consequences, that would again make sense.

Whenever the evidence does not match what is becoming the official story, and it is grinding toward gun control, this time pressed by the British on Americans, and it has been seeded that Stephen Paddock was crazy, when the evidence shows a very detailed individual of sound reasoning, and now the reasonable chance that a second shooter was in that room and left before police arrived.
There is far too much diversion involved in this and where people are being led away from, is the very place that this investigation should be focused upon.

In the below forget the diversion of the "note".

Before the photo which was warned about, there is another photo in this series which poses problems, as it is Paddock dead on the floor, with gloves on. For the record, it is difficult with gloves this bulk to put ones finger into the trigger guard, pull the trigger, control recoil as the gloves are slippery and bulky.
More to the point, Paddock has just put a 357 magnum into his brain with 580 foot pounds of energy, and as you notice this type of energy, whether Paddock was sitting on the floor or standing, somehow is foot is neatly tucked under a tripod without knocking it over and slid under it.
It is prohibited to move anything in a crime scene, so this photo reveals in a violent death, Stephen Paddock managed to slide his feet forward like he was tucking himself into bed.
The body position is wrong.

The following is the photo which Alex Jones of Infowars posted yesterday.

For the forensic analysis. It is evident now why the police and first reports had a puzzled aspect to them, querying this as a suicide. The reason is the first troubling issue of the scene is littered with spent 223 casings. This would probably be the "second" light gun heard in the second salvo.

What is bothersome without knowing exactly the position of body and the room, with windows broken out there appears to be too many casings scattered all over. When firing out a window, the casing should be grouped when ejected from a rifle.

Now for the casings, if Stephen Paddock shot himself which appears to have puzzled police, there should not be spent 223 casings on top of the blood.
That casing arrived there after the body fell.

Furthermore, the revolver above the head is probably the suicide weapon. The problem in this is recoil and gravity would have dropped the gun FORWARD and not behind and up from the body.
Bodies when brain shot can dance like a dead chicken, but this photo indicates the body dropped without movement. The revolver is in the incorrect location.
There should not be blood stains on the front of the shirt either.

No matter if the shot was to the chest in the heart or placed into the mouth, the revolver is in the incorrect position and the bullet casings of the 223 can not be on top of the blood.
If one examines the photo closely, this appears a head shot, with the bullet a 357 magnum traversing from right bottom jaw to top left skull, due to the bulging left eye, which was displaced by the hydroshock of the bullet pressure inside the skull.


None of this matches the reports in Paddock firing through the door and wounding a police officer. Meaning if Paddock was dead, he could no fire a weapon as those 223 casings indicate someone else was firing after death. That leaves a second shooter who could have vacated the room before police arrived, but it does not explain who was shooting through the door, unless the shooter got out of the room through some yet undisclosed route.

In all of the above photos of the corpse, the shell casings must  eject right as that is the ejection port as most people are right handed. If one observes the casings, there is a line of shell casings three feet in front of Paddock's feet, and we know that casings are above his head in the blood pool. A firearm simply is incapable of ejecting spent shells in a line of over 10 feet, as there is a continuity in the force to expel shell casings.
Below is what the casings should appear as, in firing from a fixed position as Mr. Paddock was out a window. Paddock could pivot in forming an arc, but he could not strew a 10 feet line of casings from a fixed position, especially with a 223 which is small case size.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as there are multiple false narratives being generated in this deliberately, to cover up evidence which those on the ground heard and which digital recorded, and now this photo of Stephen Paddock points to more proof in the 223 casings of a second shooter in those two rooms.

Nuff Said
