Friday, November 3, 2017

Kevin Spacey Accused Pedophile

News has emerged that disgraced Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey set-up a child grooming agency for Hollywood and D.C. power players.
Earlier this week, Spacey was accused of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy, as well as drugging and raping Justin Bieber and Zac Efron when they were underage.
As the scandal continues to unravel, disturbing details about an alleged child-grooming group named ‘The Kevin Spacey Foundation’ has emerged.
The Kevin Spacey Foundation is an organization of “mentors, advocates and educators” who work with hopeful emerging artists to “discover, fund and co-produce transatlantic musical, dance, theater and film projects,” according to its website.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a most troubling account which has surfaced in an interview from a now adult sodomite, who was a troubled child, having been molested by his 25 year old cousin, after molesting his older brother, in having met Kevin Spacey at 12 years old, and was seduced at 14 years old by Kevin Spacey where sex took place four times in the Spacey apartment.

This child was confused and infatuated. It is a most disturbing account of a pedophile and a child.

I called him on the phone the next day, and he told me how he was in love with me and wanted to see me. I went and saw him at an apartment he was renting on the Upper West Side. He had a black Labrador named Snake. He might’ve been walking that dog in Central Park when we bumped into him that night. We started a sexual relationship that first visit, which mostly involved me fucking him.

What followed after this was a meeting later, where this child stated that Kevin Spacey was in the process of raping this child, but the child was able to get away and run from the apartment.

He told me to come over, and I went to the apartment. And I thought we were going to kiss and tell each other we loved each other and I was going to go. But he wanted to have sex, and this time he wanted to fuck me, which had never happened to me before.
He said he wanted to top you?
He did not say. He just did. I guess he must have come up behind me and yanked down my baggy jeans, and he goes to fuck me and I’m like, “No, I don’t want to.” And he pushes hard, and grabs me, and starts shoving up against my asshole, and it hurts like a motherfucker. I again tell him no, and he tries again. I am strong enough, thank God, both somewhere in my brain and in my body, to get him off of me. I’m sturdy, thankfully. I throw him off of me and I run crying down the stairs and out into the street and then suck it all up and go have dinner.

Recall at this point in Kevin Spacey is accused on the record of assaulting another child, and this child told a relative and a friend. Then there is the actor on Gay Trek, Anthony Rapp, who was the first to come forward and tell the sordid details of Kevin Spacey attempting to penetrate this child too.

Kevin Spacey is now deflecting the charges of violent pedophile rape, through his attorney, and denials, and a most interesting defense "I am gay so not guilty" and "I was drunk so I did not know". Odd thing about the law is that there are not Obama exemptions  for raping children for being gay, and there is not any exemption in "I was drunk your Honor", so rape and murder do not count.

Who Kevin Spacey is, is summed up by the child he was in the process of raping.

I would call him that to his face. I would call him a pedophile and a sexual predator. When I turned 25, I looked at every 14-year-old boy I could see, to try to understand what those men had seen, because I still on some level thought I had been a tiny adult. That whole year I was 25, I tried to just see the ones who were like six-foot-two, and 200 pounds — they all looked like children. They all looked like somebody who was 10 years old four years ago. Nobody looks fuckable. Nobody … I couldn’t conjure it up. I couldn’t conjure up the desire. It was nauseating to think of having sex with them, and that was, I think, certainly when I understood, on a very deep level, these men were fucked up. Up until then, I just thought about him as somebody who had really done me wrong and tried to rape me, but not as somebody who had functioned as a predator. And then, if you’re interested in sexual predation, you start to read about it, and you realize all these patterns and techniques, and it all kind of falls within a set of practices.

As this blog has stated, there is a complete difference between what Harvey Weinstein was engaged in with adult women, who he paid off and rewarded in their careers. The difference is children are not mature enough to make any decisions, especially a 14 year old child who is being molested by his pedophile cousin and being validated by Kevin Spacey, as Spacey apparently is bending over the bed and letting the child empower themselves by fucking an older male.

Where is Attorney General Jeff Sessions or for that matter the British Scotland Yard investigating all of this, as serial pedophiles do not have statute of limitations, no more than claiming one is gay, has had alcohol is an excuse for assaulting little children.

There must be a grand jury convened and Kevin Spacey indicted on the evidence as the entire work environment Kevin Spacey has had constructed for him by studios, so that he could prey upon other young men.
This has just started to shake out, and already 3 young boys have come forward with like stories. There are special circumstances in this concerning children and there is evidence in this beyond Kevin said, Boy said.

Where is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?

Man Describes Sex Relationship With Spacey at 14...

'He tried to rape me'...

'HOUSE OF CARDS' Staff Talk 'Predatory' Behavior...

Foundation Pulls Website As Child Abuse Accusations Flood In...

ADVOCATE: Why Name Was Redacted In '01 Story...

Kevin Seeking Treatment...

There is absolutely no psychiatric treatment for pedophilia. Thee only remedy is removal from society and no release from prison where the predator is kept from his child victims.
