Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Unfair Life

Baby Puntz convinced life is unfair as she almost froze to death.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being an adult now in producing this blog and more responsibilities in TL and keeping things together with God's Grace, I do not have the time to contemplate things like I used to. This morning I was contemplating the Puntz again in how life is never fair and downright murderous beyond the lies we tell ourselves.

Puntz was born very late in August 2 years ago with 2 siblings. Her mother had her under an old mower and that cat raised hell crying all the time. They eventually came out and another cat kind of foster cared for them, but it got cold early in October and one day Puntz was under a blanket I had placed there and I thought she was dead. As I fed cats, she came alive and inside of me triggered was, "That's it, you are going inside".

So I stuffed her in a box in the oven with a wire rack on top and for three weeks all she did was eat, which she is still doing in eating all the time as starvation never wore off in her mind.

I took care of her siblings but both were soon dead. It was not the cold, but these Manx cats do not survive the best apparently, and that is a sadness I wonder on as why the Puntz and yet the two siblings are dead and they were probably nicer cats than Puntz.

I have no delusions like most people. I can see what is  good behavior and not. Puntz is the cat I got and that is all that can be said, as I would not want a cat in the way on my lap all the time, and Poot is not that. Poot allows somedays me to pet her a few pets, but I better not pet more after the head snaps to the side as I will be clawed or bit.
The other night as I was helping her as I always do in going potty, she growled at me afterwards, then she came over and bit my calf muscle.....not to be mean, but that is Puntz, in she just interacts that way, like when I have my arm around TL, Puntz will take a swipe at my arm, or claw me to get me up.

She can be very nice and cute as she talks a great deal when I ask her questions. Yes we talk about kitty cracker, being lifted up, going potty and things she needs. Puntz always converses with me, but will never lay by me or be "nice" to me as I think she should. She is nice in her way.

I adore this cat and have absolutely no reason to. She is more work in pissing and shitting, cleaning up, walking through a battle zone of her moods, but I adore this cat more than I have ever liked a cat, and I do not like cats. She just has her own personality, like coming over for a piece of cheese........she only eats smoked cheese and it must be hand fed. We have improved as she used to growl and bite me for that treat too. Probably something with the mother teaching bad habits.

That is what I contemplate in the Puntz in what God teaches, as I suppose all of you think you are so much more loved of God because you are not one of the millions who are in prison?
Do you not think that those people in prison, even with heinous crimes were kids with hopes and dreams like you, but something bad happened and a series of bad things devolved their lives, and they made the bad choices which got them to where they are, and perhaps some of you got away with your bad choices and the cops did not have a bad day to throw you in jail in taking it out on you.

That is what I believe in this is the Christian message as the Bible has zero explanations on this besides some people are made to dishonor and some to honor. That is unfair and is not any explanation when it is you and life turns out like shit for that moment and forever changes.

What this is all about is choices. People at any time have the will to stop making bad choices or choosing to abuse themselves further. The Puntz is no better than other cats who died around here because there was no room in this inn. Rich people are no better than people who are having a hard time of it as God does not love them more or reward them more. In fact the Bible says the rich get their reward here and not going to Heaven. Is that fair? It is fair to the people laid up, living in trailers and suffering now, because they get their reward later and the rich who did not help them, get hell.

The Puntz unfairly treated in catching mange last year from
outside cats and being poisoned by big pet food companies while
fairly drinking from my cup. 

Any person can stop what they are doing, whether like me homeless, someone in jail, someone abusing themselves or others, and just walk away, and struggle in Christ to not do bad things anymore.
I know of a kid around the brier patch who got into trouble, ended up in the state pen, but once there swore he was going to rebuild his life, get a job, have a family and amount to something, and by God this kid has done all of that. It took a great deal of work and he still has that record, but he is proving to the community that he is someone they can trust again.
As I typed this I was away as Puntz was in need of poo time and nothing happened, so in return she rolled around on the floor and wanted to be petted, but just only so long as she took a swipe at me in her affection for me, and now I am back and Puntz is her sniffing on me as that is how things are.

The thing is God loves you the way I love the Puntz. God may love you the way He loves me which seems unfair, which really pisses me off at times, and which is not that cuddly big bank account kind of love. God though does love you and He is always there, will support you in the struggles and will never fight you........that is satan fighting you as it wants you to destroy yourself in making the wrong choices.

Life is unfair for poor people, but then life is unfair in Heaven for poor people too, because they get the rewards for being Faithful as gifts from God in never earning them, and rich people get hell. That is about as unfair as it gets, but no Saint is going to be complaining then about the uneven rewards system.
It is about hanging on now in not destroying yourselves. It is sad when I think of the dead kitties who did not get taken in, but I know  God does not waste any life, and He probably has those siblings of the Puntz in some garden in Heaven. Their time here was short, Puntz's is longer and in all of this I get to contemplate the sadness of how unfair life is.

I would that people would just take the step to God and keep sticking with God no matter what trials or satan throws at you, as it does not seem to solve anything, but if you contemplate the right choices, you do have the reward of every day not having to keep track of your lies, do not have to worry about who is going to be coming after you from a gang member, an angry neighbor or the cops, and when you go to bed at night you have honesty in knowing you have not hurt someone today and will have to answer for it. Sure you have the piles of things to bitch about to God, but God is teaching in that in your coming to Him and being shown how to get things done too as a Christian in the right way, because people forget that God does give all things, but when you stopped nursing or were potty trained, the adults expected you to start figuring out how to run an oven and clean up after yourself.

That is your free will choice and your responsibility. Yes I would appreciate it if God got things done for me as I am exhausted, but that is not how things work in the unfair life He made for me. Instead I have to grow in Spirit and keep trying things which are in God's Will to get things accomplished.

No one has to like how God set up the rules in this life, but you do have to figure out how to deal with the rules, because violating them gets you into a great deal of self destruction which you really do not want and keeping them gets satanic attacks, but you have to stick with the Way, the Truth and the Life, as there is not another life to jump into, and no matter what liberals tell you, they can not pass laws and make your sins legal in the court of Christ in Heaven.

Life is unfair. That is not a revelation to most of you. Just behave yourselves the best you can, and wait it out for the unfair part in Heaven where you receive the good life unfairly for trusting in Christ and others who trusted in their cash like Cain get treated fairly for the first time in being sent to hell.


The Puntz inspecting as her property a bag of
quarter sale stuff from the thrift store. 

Nuff Said
