Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Suicide of John the hero McCain

Don't worry Hillary with fake cancer I'll  get Trump from the Grave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When this blog first broke the news and placed it in satire ridiculing John the hero McCain that McCain was engaged in Bed Pan Suicide, it is noted that others as that ridiculous Qanon have followed, but of course have not offered any proof.

This blog has starting with the reality that John McCain and his family planned all of his out from a Friday news release, and a Saturday death, for a Sunday talk show feature, followed by wall to wall coverage the following week.

Friday, August 24, 2018

SUICIDE ALERT: John the hero McCain not dead yet....but pending

Saturday, August 25, 2018

ALERT: John the hero McCain Departs United States

Further evidences have appeared, including John McCain chose the exact day that Teddy Kennedy committed suicide, and yes Teddy Kennedy did commit suicide by morphine drip, as the end of August is the best time of year due to the slow news cycles, before the Labor Day weekend when no one will be paying attention to anything.
 The same day death 9 years apart was a most important press release, as it was  the featured epitaph in everything from FOX to Time to USA Today.

McCain Died on Same Day, of Same Cancer, as Friend Ted ...

It was that way with John McCain and his odd-couple friend, Ted Kennedy. ... nine years to the day after Kennedy died of the same terminal disease at age ...

The Washington Post provided further evidence that this was all planned, and that John and Cindy McCain had alerted the inner White House in the Mike Pence, John Kelly and Sarah Huckabee Sanders inner sanctum of #ForeverJohntheheroMcCain, in a most interesting blurb which revealed that staff in order to smear President Donald Trump over his AS JOHN MCCAIN HAD INTENDED from the start in not inviting the President to the funeral, had been working on a release statement BEFORE McCain died.

The original statement was drafted before McCain died Saturday, and Sanders and others edited a final version this weekend that was ready for the president, the aides said. 
But Trump told aides he wanted to post a brief tweet instead, and the statement praising McCain’s life was not released.

That is prior knowledge of McCain's imminent demise and while some may say all news operations have floating obituaries without the date, this occurence at the Trump White House is unique, as you will recall what the Lame Cherry quoted by Cindy McCain on Friday, in they were stopping cancer treatment, and stopping cancer treatment DOES NOT KILL THE PATIENT IN LESS THAN 24 hours.

In all of these Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, which again were plagiarized, this popular girl is about to provide further evidence as to what was involved with John McCain's suicide, and it began with this blogs first post on the subject in the damning statement of Cindy McCain.

"John has surpassed expectations for his survival. But the progress of disease and the inexorable advance of age render their verdict. With his usual strength of will, he has now chosen to discontinue medical treatment,"

I highlighted the damning admission which only the Lame Cherry has posted exclusively in Cindy McCain notes the "disease" BUT DOES NOT MENTION CANCER, and then adds a most bizarre addition in noting John the hero McCain is a geezer, but note the word she chose in inexorable.

Cindy McCain describes not the cancer but John McCain's AGE as inexorable, or relentless, or grim. Is that not a most bizarre revelation to post in a post eulogy that it is McCain's age which is the grim condition and not the cancer?

Return with this popular girl now to over a year ago at the Senate Intelligence Hearing of James Comey, where John the hero McCain began questioning the treacherous Comey and it was so confused that all of the media focused on it.

Sen. John McCain's bizarre questioning of Comey - The ...

Sen. John McCain's bizarre questioning of ... Sen. John McCain ... asked former FBI director James Comey a series of questions at a Senate Intelligence Hearing, ...

Now progress this as only this blog will, with some basic medical knowledge in links found that cancer of the brain lining can cause confusion and that cancer treatment can cause senility.

Confusion - American Cancer Society

Many things can cause confusion, including ... High fever; Cancer spread into the brain; Cancer in the fluid around the ... Confusion can start or get worse when the ...

What are Some Causes of Senility? (with pictures)

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of senility. ... and A. Individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol ... Basically any cancer affecting the brain and ...

Assemble the puzzle now in what the Lame  Cherry exposed in the death of John the hero McCain.

McCain has planned all of this out. McCain had disappeared from view after a short attack on Donald Trump a few weeks prior. McCain over a year ago was already exhibiting the effects of senility and dementia. McCain has his wife announce he is stopping cancer treatment and he dies within hours which can not happen. Cindy McCain focuses not on the cancer, but mentions  "disease", IN NOT ONE DISEASE BUT SEVERAL, and then links it to the real problem is John the hero McCain's old age is the grim condition.

All of those facts, indicate as this blog stated that John the hero McCain did have a friendly cancer. That the treatment he was using was in fact proven as this blog has noted by past posts, to CURE cancer.

Now put this in the John the hero McCain perspective of legacy as that is all McCain cared about. McCain used that cancer for sympathy and cover to keep rationed death in Obamacare, as it was McCain's vote that kept Obamacare killing thee American public.

The night John McCain killed the GOP's health-care fight ...

... as Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) kept his colleagues and ... failures of Obamacare was that it was ... McCain's support. As the first vote began, McCain took ...
John the hero McCain has been using that cancer as a weapon for over a year against Donald Trump and Americans. It was that shield which was allowing him to politically rape Sarah Palin in blaming her and numerous other people as McCain settled scores. Now what do you think would happen if word got out that John McCain's cancer had been cured months ago, but he was suffering now in the grim reality of he was dying from senility?
All of the cover McCain had would be gone. All of the McCain sympathy would be  replaced with outrage. If John the hero McCain kept living, people would start taking heed of the satire of this blog in "JOHN MCCAIN IS NOT DEAD YET", and begin smelling a rat.

Are you beginning to comprehend why it was expedient to get John McCain into the morgue, before his senility had him tube fed at McCain Manor, and with McCain silent for a year, people would start questioning what was going on, and somewhere in there the medical facts would begin leaking out and ruin the entire epitaph of John the hero McCain and the legacy he planned to bring down Donald Trump from the grave?

That is why John the hero McCain chose Teddy Kennedy's suicide date, as it was cover in everyone would conclude that both died of brain cancer. The problem is Cindy McCain's press release for sympathy to set this all up in she states the progress of disease which is not cancer, but some other disease or she would have stated cancer or the progress of THIS DISEASE, would have been noted, as there was more than one condition, and it was John the hero McCain being geezer as in suffering from old age senility which was the grim condition, which necessitated a most grim result, in the suicide of John the hero McCain.
For those still deluding themselves in saying this was a wife who was distraught and made a mistake. That is bogus as all of this from press releases to the #ForeverJohntheheroMcCain from the White House coordination was all scripted by John the hero McCain months ago.

Once again, here is another story of an ivory tower elitist like Teddy Kennedy and Barbara Bush who just died on schedule. John the hero McCain chose suicide by morphine drip as all of these cowards do. That is their right and their choice, but when these rich people have made rationed death an American horror to the masses of people, and John the hero McCain has done nothing but use cancer as a shield so he could be a bastard to everyone from Sarah Palin to Kelly Ward, and is using his death as a weapon to try to destroy Donald Trump in bringing down thee American Government, then that suicide is no longer private, but very much public and it is time the public starts examining the above evidence in coordination, alerts, how someone at home dies in a few hours from not taking cancer medications, that points to suicide and that suicide was to cover up John the hero McCain's cancer was cured and he was dying of old age.

The fact is Arizona is state where no medical autopsies are required unless a coroner mandates one be performed. Most selfless politicians like Republican Governor and Representative Bill Janklow of South Dakota insisted on testing new medical treatments when he was dying to help others and to have his condition examined in an autopsy, but nothing of that from John the hero McCain.

All of this is going to be covered up, but this blog makes it a point to bring the evidence and ask these questions, not for the sake of Donald John Trump who has done nothing for this blog and his voters for two years, but for America, because if John the hero McCain succeeds in this coup against Donald Trump, all of us are going to suffer even more as America is ripped apart.

That is why John the hero McCain is not going to get to write his legacy week in sedition against these United States and it is time that people who are venting their hatred, begin demanding answers to the above evidences and questions for the sake of these disUnited States of America.


Go get em Johnny, turn up the heat,
as hell has allot of it!!! 

Nuff Said

