Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Direct Link Established Between Forests and Fracking

How much does a forest weigh exactly? | equiterre.org - For ...

Introducing the newest contributor to our blog, world-renowned scientist Catherine Potvin. "How much does a forest weigh? This strange question is at the heart of my research as a professor of ecology at McGill University.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes we all can now agree on this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, by the evidence, of what is really causing all of the planet's earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions and whatever else that mother earth is suffering from, and it is not mankind which is the cause.......well it is in part from leftist flat brain science.

Scientists discover that the world contains dramatically more ...

The study also finds that there are 46 percent fewer trees on Earth than there were before humans ... more trees need to be planted than previously ...

Yes the culprit is not fracking that is causing earthquakes, but those damned trees.

Look at the history of things, in we discover as humans started populating the planet, more trees started appearing, and over the thousands of years, more earthquakes started and in greater volume. That is what is cause and effect.

See everything used to burn down, but when American leftists stopped forest fires a horrid situation began. all them tree roots, rooting down in the soil, and all them trees lumbering to the heavens, started all this pulling on the earth's crust.
It is one thing for a prairie of grass to be waving in the wind at 6 inches, but put 60 foot trees in forests, weighing tons, compounded by years of wind tearing at the surface in those deep rooted roots, well you just end up with earthquake stress.

That is what of course is pouring lava out of Kilauea in Hawaii. You got all them American trees waving in the wind, and pulling on that tectonic plate  and there is that Pacific plate just a being stressed out, and next you know you got lava puking out of the earth as them damned trees  got the earth surface stretched thin in that spot.

Do plants emit carbon dioxide at night? - Quora

Plants produce CO2 (Carbon dioxide) all the time as a metabolic product of respiration, but when light is available, they can use and fix some of this CO2 as a substrate in photosynthesis.

It's them trees that cause all that CO2 them liberals natter about too. It is not cars at all and besides CO2 is good for the atmosphere as that is where the earth stores all them hydro carbons. Yes Carbon Dioxide and Hydro Carbon are carbon out of the air, and we need that heavy air to make things to extend life here.
Yes burning coal and oil is the best thing for people and all life forms, but them trees get in the way of it all in producing more CO2 stored in the earth where it needs to be released.

Yes we need massive forest fires and lots more inefficient cars burning fuel. We need to get rid of them trees in their tearing the earth's crust apart. We need to start handing our environmental awards to frackers and people who cut down trees in volume, as they are the only reason life is still on this planet as them trees have just about killed everyone and everything.

It is safe to say that if the trees are not culled in the next hundred years, the earth will rip apart to one big volcano in mother planet trying to save herself of them harmful forests. This is something we all can agree on as we need to save the earth from over forestation.

Fortunately along with forest fires by trained professionals, we also have an immediate salvation in we need more fat women. Yes women need to put on another 100 stone who are plumpers and turn into real fatties and we need to pass a law that no thin women will be allowed. Forced feeding of thin women, will store a huge supply of CO2 energy in their fatty cells.  There is nothing like fat chicks to put on weight quicker than mother earth can ever make a ton of coal.


I also advocate free gasoline to all Americans who can really put that CO2 back into the atmosphere in Carbon Monoxide where it will do some good and we can all breathe a sigh of relief as sucking up exhaust is you healing yourselves, as you never saw cancer in an exhaust pipe now did you?

OK, now we all agree on this, that the world in order to save itself needs more forest fires, less trees, more fracking, less thin women, and more fatty chicks. This is the convenient truth and we can thank Al Gore who did his part in getting fat, and it is why the world did not end from global warming, because leftists put on tons of weight like Hillary Clinton.

Earth must go on a tree diet, and primates must start putting on the tons.

Now you know the secret of all of this science in cause and effect.

Nuff Said

