Tuesday, September 25, 2018

That Little Fuck

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I must be getting old as I really had the opportunity to mix it up today in town, but instead held back, and I did have several options.

See we had stopped into a fast food place and ahead of us were two kids. Typical half pretty strawberry blonde girl who has seen her best days at 17 and the thing she was with. Let's call him Gangsta Gilligan, so you get the picture, with the trash pants, his plaid underwear sticking out the sides and his muscle shirt which as basically two rags held together.

The girl was working at a local grocery as she had a sweatshirt on from it.

They were sitting down and the girl screwed up our order  as she was so distracted by Gangsta Gilligan, so I had time to watch this couple. When their order arrived he was whining about it not being right and the same price. I think he was trying to wipe the mayo off, told her to pick things off it, and she finally traded with him so the boy could eat.

This went on, with casinova smooching her hand, and then getting up, hugging her and slapping her ass a few time as she raised her shirt like a cat in heat.

Then Grandpa and Grandma showed up and GG went out the door and she went to to hug him and talk for a bit, as I was watching Gangsta Gilligan, who very quickly dropped his trash off in the back of a pickup in his soft drink container. He looked in our direction, made eye contact, and then slouched into the passenger seat of the girls car being the coolest stud on the planet.

First impulse was to go out there, and smash the drink on the hood of the car. Second impulse was to tell the owner of the pickup........because he is retired, just had surgery on his wrist and is a nice guy, but I thought why ruin his day. Last impulse was to walk up and tell the Grandparents that their granddaughter has real trouble on her hands, which means trouble for them.
I though opted for just letting it go, even though the thought of grabbing this little fuck by the collar and having him eat that trash was really most appealing.

As TL and I discussed this on the drive home, it just had me wondering where the hell this girl's parents were, as TL deduced that the parents did not know as GG left the building and hid in the car.
The thing is, they left their trash on the table for the staff to clean up, and by what this little shit did, it was not the first time he did things like this, as the does it all the time. This foolish girl will probably get knocked up or used to the max  and then dumped. GG is one of those pricks the cool girls always date and then look back when they get to college and are ashamed they ever had anything like that near them.

That is what Gangsta Gilligan's life will be. He was not an athlete, so that leaves some kind of California kid transfer. You know the type in Mama gets fucked by that real player, probably marries him, gets knocked up and in 15 years finds out she has crotch rot from her dream husband fucking sluts on the side.
So she licks her wounds and hauls herself back to moral America, dragging this shit offspring with her. Usually it is some quadroons as they gotta have that black in the metro, and then haul that shit to the rural areas, where no one wants that doped up VD infested vermin around.

GG will use people. He will find sucker women to sponge off of his entire pathetic life. Always the charmer and always the player, but today smart boy made his quick move, but I was there instead to spot his mistake and catalogue it.
He will make a few of those mistakes, and I hope it is made with some beaners or nigs who will have some fun before they leave the corpse in the alley.

The blonde has manners, was taught well, probably American Lutheran, but she thinks she can run around with trash as she knows more than what she was taught. She is willing to work, and drive around this slouch, be his mummy picking pickles off his burger, and getting felt up like whore, as cheating is something she thinks she is never going to be caught in.
She already though is caught as the signs are there from the kid ducking out, leaving trash in other people's vehicles because he is too lazy to throw it away, to feeling her up in a public place, to using a girl who has a vehicle to sponge off of, as his ass  undies hang out the side.

At this point all I can think about is how much fun I could have with this GG if society simply had broken down already. Just puzzles me why some jock has not beat the bajesus out of this troll, but then the kneelers are all so snowflake that ain't going to happen. Instead this little predator will prey on people, and society will pay for it.

Then again, maybe I could pray on this and let Gangsta Gilligan get a real satan experience as he likes dabbling with the devil, so why not make it full time to see if  the little fuck learns his lesson.

Nuff Said
