Monday, September 3, 2018

John the hero Kelly plants Fake News to Manipulate Donald Trump

White House Chief of Staff, John the hero Kelly

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Editor's Note: Due to the essential nature of this information, this will be another stand alone post.

It is now a known fact from the evidence of Peter Strzok and his victim, Lisa Page, that the FBI was planting stories in the media, and then using those fake Pissgate stories to frame and gain illegal FISA warrant against candidate Donald Trump and his staff.
This is criminal action on the part of those involved at DOJ and FBI. The reality is though that none of this has ended, but has instead shifted to a more sinister and macabre setting being generated out of the Trump White House by Vice President Mike Pence and Chief of Staff John Kelly, to manipulate the President on foreign policy.

FBI Agent: FBI Leaked Stories To The Media And Used Them To ...

... they leaked to justify applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ... dossier, FBI, FISA warrants, ... FBI Agent: FBI Leaked Stories To The Media And ...

The essence of this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, is the proven fact that the Austrian Government discovered and challenged an MI6 Financial Times story, used to smear Chancellor Sebastian Kurz at the key moment that he moved to host the Putin Trump Summit in Austria, a most necessary bridge in Austria being the honest broker of standing which Russia trusted and America could trust.

Who are the Traitors in the Trump White House?

The essence of the intelligence operation against Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the United States in Donald Trump and Russia in Vladimir Putin was the horrific smear by Constanz Stelzenmüller in the Financial Times defaming Chancellor Kurz as a right wing Nazi.
The essence of this operation was to pin Donald Trump with a herding tactic of "What will the press do with Mr. Trump going to Nazi Kurz and joining communist Vladimir Putin at the hip". This was a most ingenious smear of Mr. Putin and Mr. Kurz, all to manipulate Donald Trump.

Constanz Stelzenmüller, a leftist connected to MI6 Chatham House, funded by German industry for a fellowship at the notoriously liberal Brookings Institute, was quoted in the Financial Times, smearing Chancellor Sebastian Kurz which set off the breach in the European American relations, in the moving of the Putin Trump Summit from Vienna to Helsinki Finland.

Make no mistake, there is a concerted attack on the constitutional liberal order,” says Constanze Stelzenmüller, a German scholar at the Brookings Institution. “And it is being spearheaded by the president of the United States.”

This was such a stunning development that the  Austrian Embassy in America demanded an explanation why this communist was being quoted and made the Financial Times issue a retraction, all after this bizarre set of questions from an FT reporter started grilling the Chancellor over the false charge of being extreme right wing.

To put this plainly, the MI6 Financial Times, sent in a fake news situation to smear the Chancellor, which chose one of it's Chatham House associates to be quoted who loved Obama terrorism and hates Austria, Russia and America, for the purpose of destroying Austrian American and American Russian relations.

Constanz Stelzenmüller
 the Washington embassy wanted to know why he cited Stelzenmüller in his article. She described a possible meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vienna as "not wise". The summit took place in Helsinki a few weeks later.

Constanz Stelzenmüller is an oft source for this supposed MI6 right wing press, but her equal who began all of this trouble by challenging the Chancellor in Austria, was Edward Luce, FT's chief  correspondent in the United States.
As Constanz Stelzenmüller can not love Obama enough, and smear the United States in linking George Washington to Obama Muslim terrorists. Edward Luce can not be embedded deep enough in the United States Government.

Edward Luce

But who is the poison pen of MI6 who wrote the article, in Edward Luce?

His first job was as a correspondent for The Guardian in Geneva, Switzerland. He joined the Financial Times in 1995 and initially reported from the Philippines after which he took a one-year sabbatical working in Washington, D.C. as speech writer for Lawrence Summers, then US treasury secretary (1999–2001) during the Clinton administration.

That is comforting in Luce is an MI6 mole who was hands on all US security and economic policy as he was writing speeches for Bill and Hillary Clinton's Treasury Secretary!!!
The same Pissgate group of Theresa May and Christopher Steele who were framing Donald Trump and trying to install Hillary Clinton into the White House.

And who promotes Edward Luce's work, none other than Chatham House which features FBI mole Stefan Halper who tried to frame Trump associates, Contanz S who speaks there and Katie Walsh's husband in Mike Shields who proposed to the leaking Walsh at 10 Downing Street.

Chatham House

Chatham House is independent and owes no allegiance to government ... 8 "In Spite of the Gods: the Strange Rise of Modern India" by Edward Luce (Little,

The trail of Edward Luce is stagnant with Trump hatred and vitriol. He is the equal to Christopher Steele in Trump Derangement Syndrome, as in this series of tweets from John McCains assassination from the pulpit, Luce relishes the attacks against Donald Trump.

Entire McCain memorial - from the words of Lieberman, Kissinger, Bush, Obama & others, to the applause they receive - is a giant subtweet against Trump. There has never been quite such a spectacle against a sitting president.
goodness. Meghan McCain is edging very close to spitting out the word "Trump".

In this quote, Luce who champions liberalism ruling American policy, produces the fake news that Donald Trump is deliberately driving US allies to become allies with China.
Luce final assessment of President Trump is the Treky line of 3 Dimensional Chess which dinosaurs of that era still think is a valid talking point in defining someone as asstard.

Trump, as Luce points out, “has chosen to drive America’s regional allies into China’s arms. Even Australia, which comes closest to US values, wants to enter China’s rival trade group, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.”  He voided the Transpacific Partnership, arguably over pique at Obama. At a time when a rising China is setting out to return to the global pre-eminence it enjoyed up to the 17th Century, throwing its weight around in East Asia, enormously skilled diplomacy is called for. Instead, Trump has decimated the State Department, appointed an oil man with no government experience as Secretary of State – and won’t listen to him even when he tries to talk sense into him.
The current president is not a man for three-dimensional chess. He is not a man for chess at all. As Luce points out – and Green probably would if he could add a chapter – the US has entered arguably the most dangerous period in the country’s history when it comes to Asian policy, if not global diplomacy overall.

With that background, we now come to the Lame Cherry next exclusive in matter anti matter in how this operation against Donald Trump has been working to manipulate the President most effectively. After the anarchy produced by Reince Priebus lack of ability to control the Trump White House as the Kushners colluded with Mike Pence to install their polbots into every position over Christians and Loyalists, what reigned supreme then from the DIA  which placed Mike Pence on the ticket, a man Donald Trump never desired, was the appointment of John Kelly from Homeland, whose entire actions at Homeland was converting Obama illegals into Trump legals as Kelly opened the floodgates of Visa Vermin in the name of Trump.

What followed in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter of the Trump Junta, was a most remarkable event as John Kelly isolated the President from all outside information sources. What John Kelly unleashed as Kelly seized Trump's Twitter account and ran Omarosa Manigault out of the White House, was the Neo System of John Kelly dictatorial control of 1600 Penn Avenue.

Kelly moves to control the information Trump sees - POLITICO

Aug 24, 2017 · Confronted with a West Wing that treated policymaking as a free-for-all, President Donald Trump's chief of staff, John Kelly, is instituting a system used by previous administrations to limit internal competition — and to make himself the last word on the material that crosses the president's desk.

The following quote explains everything in the information control which John Kelly exercises.

It’s a quiet effort to make Trump conform to White House decision-making norms he’s flouted without making him feel shackled or out of the loop. In a conference call last week, Kelly initiated a new policymaking process in which just he and one other aide — White House staff secretary Rob Porter, a little-known but highly regarded Rhodes scholar who overlapped with Jared Kushner as an undergraduate at Harvard — will review all documents that cross the Resolute desk.
The new system, laid out in two memos co-authored by Kelly and Porter and distributed to Cabinet members and White House staffers in recent days, is designed to ensure that the president won’t see any external policy documents, internal policy memos, agency reports and even news articles that haven’t been vetted. Kelly’s deputy, Kristjen Nielson, is also expected to assume an integral role.

So you understand the above in this trail of evidence, NO INFORMATION APPEARS before President Trump unless John Kelly has read it and approved it, as this is John Kelly now, in Rob Portman was fired for wife abuse and Krisy Nielson is out of the White House, now heading Homeland Security.
As you take this one step further on the FBI planting stories, based upon the reality that only John Kelly serves up what the President reads, and all know that Donald Trump reads the Financial Times, how easy it is for John Kelly to manipulate Donald Trump, in Kelly with his connections, as Kelly IS AN OBAMA AND CLINTON VOTER, had placed with Mike Pence a British MI6 operation before the President in Edward Luce, before the Putin Trump Summit went into Austria to smear the Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, with
Constanz Stelzenmüller,  as the "expert" stating that Sebastian Kurz was a baby Adolf Hitler.

It blossomed into something even more horrific as Edward Luce posted another toxic keyboard propaganda about the time the Stormy Daniels steering operation appeared, in which somehow he linked Melania Trump in her graffiti jacket was smeared, as Immanuel Macron was said to be the last front against Nationalism.
Luce in this meandering propaganda literally smears Donald Trump as the Adolf Hitler of America, hearkening back to the 1930's Republican sound policies of MAGA.

The 1930s keep pressing their relevance. Mr Trump’s efforts — and those of European populists — to defeat integration borrow many of the tactics of that notorious decade. The 1930s playbook involved scapegoating minorities for crimes they did not commit. Mr Trump says the same of Hispanics.
For Yellow Journalism of William Randolph Hearst, Edward Luce is piss stained print of the most urinous form, and as John Kelly IS THE ONLY ONE who is putting this manipulative propaganda in front of the President of the United States, which shattered American and European relations at a necessary juncture, and then proceeded in the Putin Trump Summit, in John Kelly and Mike Pence confronting Donald Trump and making the President refute good relations with Russia, which then moved Russia to advance it's first nuclear strike force against the United States, it all is a reality of the traitors in the Trump White House, who are most adept at advancing the Obama, Clinton and Bush agenda of starting a nuclear war with Russia to be fought in Eastern Europe.

The United States backed away from meeting Vladimir Putin in Vienna Austria, in the environment of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz's good offices, at the crucial juncture of times, and the focal point of all of this was the smears of MI6 generated propaganda from Edward Luce, quoting Constanz Stelzenmüller.

There is ZERO DOUBT that John Kelly alone placed the Financial Times propaganda before the President and manipulated Donald Trump, with a big Amen from Mike Pence, who represents the Jeb as President wing of the White House.

Each of you can understand the catastrophic effects of that manipulation of the President. Trump's actions were met by trolling by Chancellor Kurz of Donald Trump, with President Vladimir Putin being invited to the Austrian Foreign Minister's wedding as Donald Trump flails about in anger at what is going wrong with his Eurasian policy.
There are a finite number of people involved in this, and when it is John Kelly putting the Financial Times smears before Donald Trump, and Mike Pence is not refuting any of this yellow journalism, as there is now a concerted effort to blame John Bolton as the enemy of Donald Trump and a greater effort to portray Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as a failure in need of replacing, the blame of the disastrous relations the United States has with Eurasia, is due to John Kelly manipulating the President by the information the President is allowed to see. That information is planted in the press, it is fake, and everyone knows it, but Mike Pence is not informing the President and John Kelly is laying it before the President as fact as the Kushner's are apparently so ignorant and on a leash that they are of zero value to protecting the President.

John Kelly is planting stories into the press which is MI6 controlled and that is the information that John Kelly is manipulating the President with, as Mike Pence remains silent as the Birther Obama, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush deep state policy surges again to nuclear war for the United States.

Once again, no one in the Mockingbird media, nor the fringe media has exposed any of this. This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, pointing to criminal fraud by Chief of Staff Mike Pence and Vice President Mike Pence, as it is this duo who castigated Donald Trump and continues to gain full power in this Trump Junta as all other creatures great and small are swept away.
These are not offenses which an employee is fired over, these are offenses of criminal indictment. This is the worst form of treachery against thee American People, as what took place this past summer shattered American / European relations  and placed American / Russian relations on a nuclear war reality, which will begin in the Mideast with a humiliating defeat of the United States and sweep into eastern Europe as scorched earth.

Peace with Russia is all vital for the United States, with cooperation in an independent Europe, so the United States will not again become manipulated into another global war. Donald Trump is being manipulated wholesale and the foundation has been set for world war. It is time for the President to re establish detente with Vladimir Putin and establish relations with Sebastian Kurz.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

