Sunday, September 9, 2018

FIona Hill as Deep Throater

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Someone asked if the Op Edder of the New York Times was Fiona Hill, so I inquired about her, and will admit that there is something odd in this Op Ed as the matrix refused to lock on. That is what I meant by a composite as this was designed to be Mike Pence verbiage clever, like including John the hero McCain clever, in order to throw the most upheaval possible, in this snowflake sounding clumsy operation

Now do not get me wrong, in I have written on Fiona Hill and would you not just want to pinch her  little cheeks?

How about getting them ruby reds tattooing on your person? Man I tell you lesbian or geezer guy would just have a Hoover of a time with little Fiona.

Man that ole tongue of Fiona's is a dykes dream of penis protrusions.

Yes man, that hair is just gone with the wind in love handles to wrap your hands into in the throws of passion.

The problem is, there are two Fiona Hills. England has the MI6 call girl, you just could wet dream about, while Donald Trump has this version.

You just would think that a Trump who has such great taste in women he is paying 150,000 dollars to, to keep silent, would have better taste in women he has serving him. What is it, Ivanka has veto power in no one hotter than her gets a job?  I mean Dina Powell was tickling Jared's fancy and that Katie Walsh was the strap on girl, so I can see why Ivanka would only pick women who look like Goober Pyle dated them, but there are limits in this for scandals, as no one wants to fantasize about this woman texting the New York Times in her jammies.
I mean we all think about that sexy Lisa Page, wearing her Snow White costume while living large with Peter Strzok, but this homely woman you just want to switch the channel on.

The problem is the American version of Fiona Hill does not look gifted enough to write a poison pen letter about Donald John. FH American style would have used all these college words no one would have known what the hell she was talking about.....the folk would have thought she was complimenting Donald John with names like pettifogger and succuba.

I know there are guys out there who have a Fiona Fetish in daydreaming about her surprising them in a leather bustier and a wire whip in a thick German accent, smoking a cigarette. I mean we all would like a surprise like that, so let's just be honest. But the thing is, you just can not build a good scandal for the corpse of John the hero McCain, in a passing masturbation fantasy of a few pumps, before we move on to the hotties like Huma. I mean Mike Pence has that mop head, but you know he is always up at the football skybox with the Bush people watching them cheerleaders. Bottled water is fine for sipping, but we all want a little more color to our plastic beverages.

So while I know all of us would choose Fiona Hill in a sex survey with Herbert McMaster on the list, we are not talking about the lesser of two evils here, because thank God none of us is yet in an internment camp and are being offered to scoop out the latrine or cuddle with Herb, because the latrine is the choice, but latrines do not write poison pen letters.

Never forget the one word in COMPOSITE in which I posted first. This has been a composite from the start and will be a composite from the finish.

I had a neighbor who looked just like Fiona Hill, the Trump version. He was slower than molasses in brains and dull as a blunt object. I inquired, and inquiry is not always right, but the matrix says no to Fiona Hill, although I would be more inclined to her, if we had the MI6 version.

Always the problem with this framing of Donald Trump, just too many whores around, as no one pays attention to ugly women or women that anyone can buy.

Call me your naughty strudel

