Monday, September 10, 2018

I Dreamed of the Bluebird Wallpaper in My Room

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the days before Hubert Humphrey died of cancer, he told his friend and physician, that he dreamed of his boyhood home in Doland South Dakota and the bluebird wallpaper of his bedroom.

As a historian the Lame Cherry ponders a great deal about the realities of world politic, particularly America. In America, she has produced three great statesmen who never achieved the presidency, but were greater than any in any other office.

Ambassador Benjamin Franklin

The three are Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, who was never elected to office who was the greatest scientific inventive genius, with a profound understanding of economics and a greater talent at international diplomacy.
Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri was the finest Senator America ever produced. He was a most progressive Democrat whose implementation of the homesteading of the American wilderness created thee American Dream in Jeffersonian land ownership and self determination.
Hubert  Horatio Humphrey from Minnesota was the best diplomatic ambassador on international relations as Senator and Vice President. His good will was the greatest of service to America.

Senator Thomas Hart Benton

All  three though for their legendary accomplishments greater than the Presidency, all share three colossal failures. For Franklin, he became too much the Francophile in forgetting France had her own intrigue over America. Thomas Hart Benton could not overcome the slave issue of America in simply allowing industry to replace the Negro. Hubert Humphrey failed in what Thomas Hart Benton succeeded at in Benton empowered the poor in their working for property they earned, liberating them from government. Humphrey in his good intentions of welfare and training, produced a sloven dependent class of people who no longer possessed thee American work ethic.

Vice President Herbert Horatio Humphrey

The failures do not taint these finest of Americans no more than their monumental successes make them omniscient gods. Each possessed at one time the ultimate solution and each could not in another time not discover that ultimate solution which would later harm America.

Benjamin Franklin shepherded French support in the Revolution of 1776 AD in the year of our Lord. America would not be a nation without that diplomacy. Thomas Hart Benton settled America's Manifest Destiny by placing homes with babies on wilderness contested by Europeans yet. Hubert Humphrey husbanded a diplomacy which created belief in other nations that they had a voice for their nuclear or trade concerns in the White House and the Congress.

One birthed America, one created the American identity and one kept America from being scorched earth.

Franklin and Humphrey were both of the same type in gregarious ability in an affable nature which could communicate to foreigners an understanding of their unvoiced concerns. Each served America during the most trying of times. While in some cases it was decades before their efforts found a leader capable of directing the machinery of their invention, George Washington did appear, Theodore Roosevelt appeared and Ronald Reagan's appearance, produced the vision their progenitors dreamed to make them an American Reality.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, setting the historical record in it's reality for the understanding of all humanity, as no one else can.

Nuff Said
