Sunday, September 9, 2018

From the Mouths of Baby Kasich

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well is this not more pleasant now in the much respected Republican #NeverTrumper, Governor John Kasich, confirming the Lame Cherry exclusive  that Q and others are not attempting to make their own that John McCain's brain cancer was a hoax in it had been cured, but that McCain had been succumbing to geezer senility and they had to put him down, or it would be discovered as he went veg head, and it would ruin the coup mission McCain was on.

Better yet, Governor Kasich said McCain was put to death, because that is what he was, he was put to death by an IV drip, on the special suicide day of Teddy Kennedy, just before Labor Day, as no one would pay attention in the September lull.

McCain conspiracists say his brain cancer was a hoax - The ...

McCain conspiracists say his brain cancer was a hoax. ... A post on Sunday from the leader of a prominent conspiracy forum wrestled with whether McCain killed himself or surrendered: "Suicide ...

Watch: John Kasich Says "John McCain Was Put to Death" (Video ...

Just when you thought politics couldn't get any crazier. Enter John Kasich. When he's not eating a free lunch or stuffing his face at varying eateries, he's saying Sen. John McCain was killed.

It is highly upsetting that the Washington Post did not mention wonderful me which is highly suspect, as if someone is sowing Mockingbird distraction, as to what McCain's coordinated continued coup against Donald Trump, as in New York Times composite Op Eds, is all the same evolving operation.

But then Dana Milbank, that heart throb, even makes the point that John the hero McCain might not be dead.

Even for Trump, this seemed churlish. Unless there is another explanation: John McCain is not dead.

But then that sounds again like the Lame Cherry pointing to mysterious photos of a living John the hero McCain at the funeral and in Vietnam.

See Edward Lansdale would I suspect be pleased with the Lame Cherry diffusion of the John the hero McCain legend, as McCain set up 5 days of hero worship, followed by internal smears from the Herb McMaster and John Brennan group.

Former CIA Director John Brennan, who had his security clearance revoked by the Trump administration in mid-August, said on NBC's "The Today Show" that he sees "all the warning signs of a looming disaster" at the White House.

An Army Of #Resisters: "Dozens" Of White House Staffers Say "Wish We Had Written NYT Op-Ed"

In review, with the FACTS, the Lame Cherry has negated the John the hero McCain legacy.

John McCain committed suicide.

John McCain did not have cancer.

John McCain is alive.

For you non donor deadbeats, as you were jacking off to the size of your stock portfolios, this blog by God's Grace neutralized one of thee most toxic anti American forces against America, and turned it all around in John McCain's family was expendable for John McCain.

Lovely in this blog had Governor John Kasich and Dana Milbank confirming and repeating the information a week after the news cycle. As the McCain forces move on, further taint McCain as in the NYT op ed, Meghan spending her fortune on donuts, that leaves this little blog to turn John the hero McCain into Elvis has left the building.

Feed the bananas and the chimps jump and you deadbeats are still picking the shit balls off your asses.

Am pleased that mafia dope boy Kasich was let in on McCain being put to death. I suppose it saves putting a horse head in his bed, as some faggot was whispering to Kasich types some tall tale of 3 foot long syringes and McCain battling it with his dick, only to be put down

