Sunday, September 9, 2018

We must judge candidates not on Jew things but Juicy things

Don't judge me on my lies, judge me on how
 good I am with old lesbians.


EXCLUSIVE: Private school, a waterside home, luxury boats, a jet-ski for four and a maid - Democratic Socialist Julia Salazar's brother reveals truth about the childhood she called 'hardscrabble'

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I believe that we have to judge leftists in America by a different political standard than the Truth, as take for example the leftist foreigner, Julia Salazar of some doper nation down there run by the Vatican.

Salazar is in New York running for some political office, but has been getting into problems by saying she is a Jewess, but her family says she is not a Jew. Her family has been saying allot of things like she is a liar, as she was not some poor wetback, but her old man was successful and her people in South America are all rich as hell too.

Salazar has been criticized for identifying as a Jew despite her mother Christine insisting she was baptized a Catholic and Alex stating that none of their relatives are Jewish.


My knobby knuckles are the real girlfriend experience

Take the above photo of Salazar  with that communist Cynthia Nixon who is running for office. They seem to be joined at the hip, although Nixon seems like she wants to wife beater her young dyke by the looks she gives.

See if you look at the photo, most people miss that an old lesbian would really get turned on by. Salazar has some big ole knuckles on her, like a milkmaid from Siberia. Those knobby knuckles would send an old lezbo writhing. Better than butt beads up the arse.
That is what I mean in the new  leftist politics. We can't do that Bill Clinton truth thing as with a rapist of that Barack Obama citizen thing for a Birther, because this is a new world of politics.

We instead have to judge how Obama manages terrorists and Bill Clinton takes bribes for the benefit of the rich. Salazar with them knobs is something which is substantial and ok as long as you have lots of clean wipes.

The same goes for Salazar's lips and overbite. Put them together on an old lesbian and nibbling them nips with those buck teeth and sucking on G spots with that Hoover mouth is the thing democrats put real stock in.

 Julia validates what a hot old lezbo I am

See you dress Cynthia Nixon in that gramma Hillary dress, and she just beams as Salazar listens intently. That is the way it should be. Old white lesbians like Hillary with Huma, as them tan skins just have that adoring look down. Granted in foreigners that adoring look translates as, "I figure I can get old Ellen DeGenneris to make my career, before I find me some cock to worship.

See what more could you want than a Vatican commie, dressed up as a Catholic School Girl, some knocked up white woman promising that is what is coming for the priest between this young virginal communist's legs, and the votes just pour in.

I have wrapped  these hands around old lesbian nun vulvas

See them big meaty hands Salazar has are just what an old lezbo or old priest wants. Get a good grip on things. Yes mam, conjures up those young Jeb Bush memories of the housekeeper and he ended up marrying one and now all those old lesbians who were watching Consuela with her rumba in her rear, are thinking of all those baby dills that ended up under their beds after their cherry got picked by the maid.

So let's not think of politics anymore in the old ways, as we got all these Trump Visa Vermin pouring  into America and politics is now a lesbian wet dream. We got to judge candidates not on Jew things, but on juicy things

That is what has been wrong with the elections of late in dividing America in Obama Clinton voters all were thinking of wet spots on the nethers and Romney Trump voters were actually listening to the issues.

We  need more hairy foreign women with sideburns is what I say. Throw in tramp stamp tats and you just haul in them old dyke votes as they think they will get lucky too like Cynthia and Hillary. Yeah nothing like a woman who needs a good shave on her face to hide the 5 o'clock shadow. Proves they got them male hormones surging so there is none of that weepy sex stuff going on in being needy. Just some hard driving, swat them on the ass, send them home and some rough make up sex, and what more could you ask for?

Vote for me I have sideburns
