Saturday, September 8, 2018

How to save the next Mollie Tibbetts

How many cows were raped before Mollie Tibbetts was?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the rape and murder of Mollie Tibbetts, where the men in her lives let her down, the state of Iowa let her down, the fact is John Kelly and Crissy Nielsen of Homeland let her down, just as every small community in America who has women and children has been let down, because that is what we deal with every day in these goddamn foreign vermin dumped into our communities.

 ICE Raids Dairy Farm Where Illegal Alien Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts Worked

On Thursday, ICE agents led an investigation at Yarrabee Farms where Bahena-Rivera worked since 2014 when he was first hired using an alias and stolen ID. The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation was also present during the raid, but officials said they were only there to assist ICE and the Department of Homeland Security.

In reading the above I am exasperated as ICE knows  goddamn well, as every state knows goddamn well that these Mexicans have nothing but a criminal and illegal element in their midst.
I can tell you stories of my neighbor Dan, whose brother in law runs a dairy in Wisconsin, and ICE was thought to have pulled into the yard and the goddamn Mexicans flew out of that barn like locusts into the corn fields. It took them hours to get back to work.

Last year I was speaking with a guy I went to school with. He  runs a chain of tire stores. He told me personally that the Mexicans who work for him are all fake social security numbered. When he mentioned this to the state department of revenue, their reply was, "We don't care. Just get a number that works and as long as that works, we do not care".
So you understand this, I reside in a state so Ronald Reagan Republican Blue, that there are not democrats elected.  This kind of criminal enabling is from Republicans and on orders out of Washington DC and the Chambers of Commerce.

Last week I was watching the Mexicans in the thrift store. The new Trump crop are light skinned and every goddamned one of them has the tats and those baseball hats. We now have Mexican mafia established and that ain't under Birther Obama. That is Donald Trump, John Kelly and Crissy Nielsen who legalized all this foreign rape cock horde.

That dairy farm where Bahena-Rivera worked, Yarrabee Farms, owns the property and trailer where the illegal alien had been living and which, allegedly, many Mexican nationals frequented, as Breitbart News reported.
Eric Lang, one of the chief executives of Yarrabee Farms, is the brother of Craig Lang, who was the president of the Iowa Farm Bureau. The Farm Bureau has chapters all over the United States, with the goal of increasing the number of low-skilled foreign workers, specifically those on H-2A visas, who are allowed to enter the country every year.

There is nothing that stinks worse than Mexicans in a dairy. It is a smell of disinfectant and mingling of cows and milk. It is a scent which is like none other, and when I try to tell TL about it, as TL has never scented it, TL has no idea what I am  talking about, but I can smell them beaners without ever sighting them.

If you want to witness animal cruelty, just zero in on these 100 to 10,000 cow dairies, where the cows never see the light of day. The Mexicans beat the poor animals and yes the Mexican fuck the cows, just like the Mexicans were fucking the horses in San Antonio's stables a few years ago.
Wow you don't read those kinds of facts in your FOX media now do you Trump Clappers or #NeverTrumpers.

As I have warned all of you, these Mexicans do not stay here. There are hubs where this syndicate dumps them. Iowa for one is a major hub in the northern United States. Colorado, California, Illinois, North  Carolina are several of the other hubs.
After they get their feet wet in America and their backs dry, these rape cocks filter out across America to various other more established metropolitan areas. Kansas City has a complete housing class of them as do other areas, and they are getting most aggressive.

Without a doubt this rapist murderer, Cristhian Bahena-Rivera, had been stalking Mollie Tibbietts for some time. He knew where this girl jogged and I will bet you money that she talked to and smiled at this community pet Mexican, as the Lutheran Social Services and Catholic Charities all tell their pew sitters to be nice to these pets.
So when I tell you that Tibbetts father and boyfriend got her raped and murdered for not arming her, and her Church got her raped and killed for telling her to be kind to these goddamn vermin, it is equal that those highway patrols of Iowa who prey on WHITE AMERICANS FROM OTHER STATES ON THE INTERSTATE never stopped one beaner wagon as the Chamber of Commerce owns the Governor just like Donald Trump is owned by the same rape enablers, which allows all of this to operate. 

 and what do you think those automatic milkers are used for
but sex toys ejaculating into your milk.

Our American communities are overflowing with these vermin. When we had to replace our flat tire, there were three of them in the tire shop without fear, but checking out the women, as that is what these vermin do, and they know every blessed woman in the community and if they spot one female alone, every damned one of them knows it just like they all knew Mollie Tibbetts jogged alone, where and what time.

I am going to resurrect what the Lame Cherry posted here long ago and hopes that small communities will begin to call this the Tibbetts Rule. It simply states that all businesses must put up a 10,000 dollar bond for every Mexican or Muslim they import as legal protection for the municipality or county against lawsuits, which is non refundable, and these businesses all sign "employment agreements" making them legally responsible for any accident, injury or murder, including the cost of trials in the millions of dollars without bankruptcy as an option.

If every small community would just force these measures through, it would END these foreign vermin appearing as Trump VISA Vermin or as these shadow Social Security documented. Start taking things away from this group of millionaires and by God the problem ends.

A roofing contractor has to put up a million dollar bond in every community that they put on shingles and that bond stays in the community for 5 years when they employ Mexicans, you will be surprised how soon that only Americans are employed, at high wages and the costs of roofing stay the same.

ICE knew goddamn certain as did Iowa State Police this dairy was employing illegals and nothing was done about it. There are a thousand sites like this in the major players across America. In the county next to mine, they have nothing but corporate hog and dairy operations. I was stunned in driving by with TL last week in watching a silage operation. Silage is corn chopped for feed and packed into piles. Literally this one dairy I was watching from a mile away, four wheel drive tractors looking like tinker toys on top of that huge pile which was at least 4 stories tall. And the kicker is, there was a bigger one next to it as football stadiums are not this large.

It is an entire industry, and I will inform all of you something else too as is the case in Iowa as is here, so you understand Mollie Tibbetts blood is on your hands too. The land around these dairies is all owned by people who do not live in our community, but once did. See the dairies rent these lands for quite a sum, and these people are receiving a large sum of money in cash rent. That cash rent is blood money as it comes at the expense of dairy cattle being abused and the blood of Mollie Tibbetts soaking into the ground.

All of this shit has to be hit, and that means landowners in all of your counties. If it is not family farm, if it is not someone who resides in that county, then those landowners need a tax levy placed on them of another 5000 dollars for that land, as they are making out like bandits on cash rent, and that money NEVER goes into your communities, but is spent elsewhere.

If the Tea Party has one ounce of America in it, this should be the platform which it's members and Trump voters should be putting on every ballot. Just like slavery in England, you can tax foreigners out of existence. If Iowa had done this, Mollie Tibbetts would still be alive thinking Mexicans can be made pets of and voting for Obama and Hillary.

Those are the facts and saving your lives and your children's lives is still an option, but it will require people who are connected to actually get off their asses and start implementing something which will matter in the guts of taxes, instead of debating the higher ideas of pews and pulpits.

Yes you are racist for wanting to protect your daughters from rape and murder, and the question in this is as Newsweek protects the foreigners, why is it that only some White Nationalist" group is trying to protect American girls, and Tibbetts own father is against it as racist?
It is about trillions of dollars going to these Nazi conglomerates and states like Minnesota telling White Christians to get the hell out as the foreigners are the priority in this American Genocide.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
