Saturday, September 8, 2018

That Blackophile Wears Off

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

“Though we have decided to end our marriage, we still love each other very much. We will continue raising our kids together, running our businesses together and supporting each other’s growth. There is no beef or drama — just evolution,” Jones and Carter said in a joint statement.

This is what happens when the lust wears off in  being sullied up by a Negroid. I have had neighbors who were white women going through this same thing, and my idiot cousin just got divorced from her Negroid minister husband, because the Black wears off in the thrill of Nigsex is gone.

This is the reality and few like Clarence Thomas get married and stay married as marrying for Black wears off, the women move on and leave their quadroons on society where the children have to deal with being an outsider in both worlds.

Van Jones should have married a good Black woman and his wife should have been a lezbo without the status children to mess up their lives.

Nuff Said
