Monday, September 3, 2018

John the hero McCain: Just More American Than You

John the hero McCain
More American Than You


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I know that none of us can match the grief and fury over the passing of John the hero McCain, as his furious daughter, Meghan, but what will be do without even a John the hero McCain event now to get us through the next hours?

FOX will be silent. CNN will move on. CNBC will be viewerless again. It is with great difficulty after the organized pageantry of the John the hero McCain Funeral Week, that we  weakly are left to seem to go on alone without our hero, John the hero McCain.

The thing is, I seem to keep seeing John the hero in the photos which pop up online.

For instance, here are 4 mourners along the hearse route of John the hero McCain, and in the window, I have discovered upon further investigation, John the hero McCain sitting up and looking quite alive in the back seat.

Then there is this one on the horse parade route, where as the mourners were making a 90 degree right hand turn, there was someone standing by the stone pylon who looks just like John the hero McCain  taking in all of this orchestrated adoration.

Lastly, at TAPS, in the background hidden by the bushes is another figure who looks just like John the hero McCain. It seems in every photo of dead John the hero McCain is one of live John the hero McCain, as if he had faked his cancer and then faked his own death in a political retribution by the deep state on President Donald Trump.

None of us, perhaps save Meghan McCain and her swarthy skinned sister of equal bulk who would not be joyous to know that John the hero McCain was still with us. I understand the girls are concerned about their feed bills, but by the weight they have put on, surely they could survive a few years on the bulk they have larded up in not having their massive trust funds, while we who worship John the hero McCain could have him back to fill our lives with all the things John the hero McCain was known for.

I leave this tribute in John the hero McCain, Just More American Than You, with this adoring post.

Nuff Said
