Getting it done Together
The Lame Cherry is not one to defend Donald Trump, for the simple reason he does not deserve it, and with the entire DIA has his cover, he enjoys his WWE diversion politics to enrich Wall Street which keeps him in the White House as he sold America's oil soul to the nation rapists in robbing Americans to oblivion as he replaces them with Visa Vermin.
This blog though will always defend the President when he is unfairly attacked or when some asstard halfwit such as Slate in this Fred Kaplan offering such profound advice as below while calling Donald Trump stupid, actually is endangering the United States of a nuclear war, because Fred Kaplan in his war gratuity salaries produces a false narrative.
Trump seems to think—he may genuinely believe—that Kim is his friend and that personal friendship is the only basis for international deals. He seems to think that the talks are stalled because the bureaucrats on his negotiating team don’t know how to make deals. As he has claimed on many other matters, only he can fix this. Last week, after Kim was reported to proclaim “unwavering faith in President Trump,” Trump tweeted, “Thank you to Chairman Kim. We will get it done together!”
The Lame Cherry will instruct and inform you what the Donald Trump policy now is in the Junta, as Donald Trump has told everyone what he is up to in the above tweet.
We will get it done together.
That is the entire Trump policy. Kim Jong Un knows American culture better than Americans. The fact is Kim Jong Un is more American than most Americans. He is a brilliant man, leader and he has the one trait which everyone overlooks in he has self control. This may be dismissed, but the fact is Kim Jong Un does not do the Saddam Hussein Presidential Palaces or the Obama lick my ass adoration events. Kim Jong Un is a very disciplined man who is able to say NO, and in bringing forward his sister, he has proven that he has no psychological problems in needing validation.
Once that reality is present, we can turn to Mr. Trump who in review, was told by Herb McMaster to blow up North Korea and by Jared Kushner to eat beautiful chocolate cake in trusting China so the Kushner's could make out like bandits. Both horrid policies which wasted 18 months of Trump's time.
For a background in this, so you understand this, beyond what this blog explained is the issue.
Friday, September 14, 2018
The Mind of Kim Jong Un
As this blog informed you what is on Kim Jong Un's mind, now by God's Grace I will tell you what is on Donald Trump's mind.
China wants North Korea's mineral wealth. Russia wants North Korea as a focal point to distract US military might.
North Korea does not want to be eaten by China, Russia or the United States.
Donald Trump in telling Kim Jong Un that they will get this done together is stating that China can not be trusted, as Donald Trump tweeted that. Russia can not be trusted as Russia would gladly trade a vaporized Korean sphere for Russian pre eminence in the Asian theater. Nuclear pollution would cripple Chin and Japan, and force a major withdrawal by the United States.
So in understanding the expendable Korea strategy of Russia and the eating Korean strategy of China, President Trump is telling the astute Kim that there is another option in joining the Capitalist Club. The United States with Japan will acquire all of Kim's minerals, making North Korea the Saudi Arabia of mining in trillions in wealth. North Korea places it's nuclear arsenal like Japan into limbo storage, then joins the major axis of Japan, South Korea, Australia and Singapore, in being too big to be eaten and will not be incinerated as Kim is part of the western club.

The Kim Family
The simple Trump policy in this is, Donald Trump is telling Kim Jong Un, that the world is Kim's oyster with complete security, and all he has to do is sell his minerals to the right brokers, and then invest his money into western banks fueling that debt. The Trump Maxim is whispering West and East Germany in time with the capital being in Pyongyang as Berlin, just as the communists and capitalist unified, and the way it all melds together is the color of money. South Korea provides the immense technological stride. North Korea provides the raw wealth.
It is evident in this charm festival that Donald Trump is not that impressed with the socialists of South Korea, and is more in tune with the natural abilities of Kim Jong Un. The hint will be that a unified Korea will take place under Kim's son as in Kim Jong One, which would be a most attractive legacy for the Kim leadership, who have proven for communists the most adept at managing production resources, beyond the slip shod of China or the rough shod of the Soviets.
Now you can make the judgment of how large of asstard Slate is for posting their ignorance in public and how their readers are as large of asstards for sucking this shit straw, because Donald Trump does have a policy now, and Donald Trump does know what he is doing. The deep state is still trying to say Trump is a half wit and be impeached, but in this case of evolving policy with Mad Dong Mattis, John Bolton and John Kelly, Donald Trump in his cult of charisma, actually does have a policy which is sound. He is in the process of taking North Korea from China and Russian destruction and setting up a process of making North Korea and South Korea as the next Japanese economic power base in Asia.
If North Korea and South Korea move forward together, the technology of Japan, the finance of Indochina and the markets of the world will create one of the most lucrative financial structures in the world. Couple American Alaska oil and Vietnamese oil to fuel this, this Asian rim becomes the power structure and China becomes a feudal few billionaires and a stagnant structure, as Korean Japanese advancement power past the old smoke stack industries that China is stuck in.
This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and once again Donald Trump does not deserve what this blog just accomplished for him, by informing tactfully what his policy is, but it is necessary for Americans to understand the policy, and not become pawns of uncertainty which would breed a nuclear war, which is not correct policy.

Kim Jong Un and Kim Yo Jong
Kim Jong Un wants to rule a united Korea. This Trump Policy if implemented correctly would provide that outlet in the mind of Kim Jong Un, where Kim would in exchange agree to accept the nation status of South Korea, as the signatory of a peace treaty.
The one problem in this is President Trump must be the Theodore Roosevelt honest broker in the Russo Japanese War, in they signed the peace treaty, not America. The treaty must be, between North and South Korea. This can not be American centric.
Nuff Said