Saturday, September 8, 2018

One lame peg and one connecting string, what could go wrong....

It was kind an artist created what I had in mind

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Reality is a straightening out experience and it reminds me of a 5th dimension gyro in how what satan does to me, literally affects a process where your lives are placed into jeopardy by the distraction.

For example today, the mother played what she thought was a trump card, in telling us that, "Maybe you should just move out". Yes now that is a gem of a thing in a womb has done nothing but be vile in clever ways for the years we have been here, to discover that in being told she is known for all her tricks from harming the cat in feeding the Puntz to her nasty torturing of us, that without that joy, "We should just take the cat and leave".

It is pleasant to have a sinus headache, all the care I am in Christian ethic providing this ungrateful woman, that a person who can not drive, has not cooked a meal in almost a year, done nothing but lays in bed, eat and sits in a chair when not feeding the cat in her room from some hidden food stash, to have someone throw down and think she is in power enough to blackmail me into submission.

Now I know there are genuine people who care about us in being homeless and there are the majority who think that none of this matters to them and are probably pleased, but this is the popular girl who God chose to write the time line to put Donald Trump into the White House against all odds, shredding the deep state's plots and plans.  This is a person of Spiritual positions which have been effecting millions and billions of lives as the chessboard pieces are move for peace and safety.

The backwash which this blog warned of is returning with greater than sent force, meaning the blow which this blog warned of which Jehu was supposed to neutralize is in full force and coming. You can believe all  the propaganda you like about great times in the American economy, but that is not the case, and the 100  million foreigners in America are being augmented by the Visa Vermin pouring in, in entire families now, as I witnessed this today with my own eyes in these filthy Mexicans, one of whom had a 20 IQ 5 year old playing with a Fischer Price 3 year old set,  as they nattered on about me in I had made a comment about carrying a gun and they thought that I did not understand..........
Yes until the one who made the comment made certain she made eye contact and smiled at me, which I smiled back, in letting her know I am not going to be raped like Mollie Tibbets in Iowa.

In any case, 1 in 1 Americans now face a foreign enemy, and it is 1 to 1 as the other 1 is geezer America and they will be eaten by these foreigners when fast food runs out.

It is a most interesting death trap the order has created in America, and whatcha gonna do when the bad boys come for you and the popular girl is fixed upon my homeless situation as you  rich people sit in all your luxury thinking you are safe.

Am pondering now the uncle who by a simple prayer was gimped up and now on pain dope. Perhaps I will discuss with God my stepping back and allowing the clash of all these important nations to start devouring in some hot wars, which will progress to the abodes of all these rich people in safety across the globe.
One old man's words weaponized against him, and how much more simple will it be to use  100 million idiots having said stupid things about themselves in releasing that power.
The reality is all I have to do is not be focused and just move out of the way as that is what the majority would prefer and then it would all begin amplifying in washing back.

That was my day today. I was sick and someone tortured me. I was homeless and someone blackmailed me.

It does seem  that the time line has appeared to generate a most just recompense. It will be interesting to see how the world fares with just one little girl pulled out of the slot with all the connective weave.

Nuff Said
