Sunday, September 9, 2018

We Love You To Death

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As a celebrity, I do not think a great deal about professional betrayals, but if I were to mention names, some you would recognize and shock you for the bastards and bitches they are. They all knew my situation, the poverty, the need of a home, and in all their wealth, they just use me and leave, as that is the world of the trinket friend.

All of you  though have by now gained an experience in mine, in the ingratitude of the President in what all of you did and gave, and he has returned nothing to make your personal America Great Again. It is the same betrayal and I got a lion's share of that dose, especially when even topping Obama, I got my own personal white drone flying over the brier patch grabbing Wifi and taking my picture in the yard.

This post though is not about me or you. It is about how all of the well known people, republican or democrat are all frauds, and treat people with the same betrayal and disrespect which I receive professionally daily. The best example of this is Hubert Humphrey who died in the late 1970's, and was known as "good olde Hubert", as he forgave readily and everyone knew they could scew him over.

A confidant once told Humphrey after his lost in 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, that "Hubert your problem was not Richard Nixon or Republicans. Your problem was your friends and democrats!"

Dr. Edgar Berman, who was an interesting savant for Hubert Humphrey as friend and physician, was always honest with the man he admired and always stood by him, and even stood down when feminists started attacking Edgar Berman for his joking with their ludicrious demands. Berman though was protective of Humphrey and one of HHH's real friends which is a short thing today in this world and was as short in the era of Hubert Horatio Humphrey.

Berman loved Humphrey so much, that when HHH died, Berman wrote a book which went scorched earth. He literally named names, told of betrayals and exposed every scoundrel who made contact with Hubert Humphrey in the holier than though liberal sphere.
I am going to list the people and what they did, because they were all alive in 1979 AD in the year of our Lord, and none of them sued Berman, because it was all true. But it reveals the same icons which are in snowflake land today are the same as before. Nancy  Pelosi savaged Cindy Sheehan after using her and Barack Hussein Obama destroyed his Governor who still is in prison in Rod Blogojevich, just because Obama found it expedient.

It starts out with Isaac Stern in 1968 as HHH was a promoter of the arts, but Stern as his beloved friend took Humphrey aside and said because of the war in Vietnam, he could not support Humphrey and would stay neutral.
This hurt Humphrey as it always did, very deeply as he was against the war, but had to be loyal to President Johnson policy.

In Humphrey's last battle for Senater Majority leader against KKK Robert Byrd, the great supporter of Labor in Humphrey, found his entire union and labor force gone for Bob Byrd, because as it was said, "If Humphrey won, they would not pay for it, but if Byrd won, Byrd would make them pay for not supporting him".
The great examples of liberal idealism and loyalty on display.

Washington was as Lyndon Johnson laid down the rules, "A friend was to be used, rewarded or punished, according to how that friend acted". Humphrey only rewarded an forgave his friends.

Four of Humphrey's most trusted advisers abused his trust and were caught up in shady deals. Humphrey instead of cutting them off, forgave them and always  looked for ways to help them.

Humphrey began the Americans for Democratic Action, the ADA, a sort of forerunner of Soros, Obama, Clinton front groups.
John Kenneth Galbraith of the group proudly stated after 1968 that he did not vote for HHH in the election against their hated Richard Nixon. Then again not until it looked like HHH had a chance to beat Nixon in the final days, did the ADA co founder in Joe Ruah offer his "support" to Humphrey and let bygones be bygones.

It was not just long distance relationships, but close ones like George McGovern who used to live by Humphrey who turned on him in 1972 and then even Fritz Mondale, soon to be Vice President who thought "Humphrey had lost his moral compass". That was directional thought from Fritz Mondale as Hubert Humphrey had gotten this kid elected as Attorney General of Minnesota, handed his seat to Mondale when he became Vice President, made Mondale co chair of this 1968 campaign, and pressed Jimmy Carter to pick Fritz Mondale for Vice President.
This is the same Fritz Mondale who was trying to manipulate Edgar Berman to appoint him to the Supreme Court, as Fritz just did not like politics, when Hubert Humphrey won the White House.

For all of Humphrey's loyalty to President Lyndon Johnson, Johnson backed Richard Nixon over Vietnam policy, dried up funding for Humphrey from democrats and then had the audacity to threaten Humphrey if he did not obey all orders that Johnson would take his home state of Texas from Humphrey to defeat him.

The worst of them called Humphrey a warmonger in Galbraith, Ruah, Califano, Reston and Ribicoff. The political terrorism unleashed by Senator Gene  McCarthy of Minnesota and fanned by Bobby Kennedy in the 1968 election was all aimed at their friend of Hubert Humphrey.

Bobby Kennedy went out of his way to smear HHH in stating this civil rights leader was out of touch with minorities, as McCarthy did his worse in laying the blood of Vietnam on Humphrey's hands.

Jesse Unruh the political power boss in California, in public wagered 1000 dollars that HHH would not win California. Great loyalty from a fellow democrat.

Even Walter Cronkite, CBS' voice of God who glommed onto Humphrey at every event for celebrity with the Vice President, did his worst in smearing HHH in linking both Mayor Richard Daley and Humphrey together as the two most wicked people at the 68 convention in Chicago, when Chicago police were trying to restore order as anarachist were pissing and shitting all over that city literally.

Even Correta Scott King, the widow  of Martin King, Martin King's father, and Jesse Jackson all praised Humphrey as the only white man they could trust. Five years later they dumped Humphrey in 1972 AD in the year of our Lord. For the real story in these fine black leaders, who chose George McGovern over the man who helped them in civil rights, it was a fact that McGovern bought them by having rich donors donate 300,000 to the King Foundation where Mrs. King was getting her salary.
Jackson at the convention exhorted blacks with this zinger, "Vote for McGovern, not that man from Minnesota who sent blacks off to die in Vietnam". That was rich as Humphrey had HEW grant 40,000 dollars to Jackson's self help group which passed 400,000 dollars. That is what loyalty looks like in liberal land.

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan had pledged his vote for Hubert Humphrey as majority leader, but when the time came, Moynihan instead told Edgar Berman that he had not pledged at all, Moynihan was just enthusiastic when Humphrey asked him.

Men that Humphrey had helped for years such as Senator  Dennis De Concini of New Mexico, Edward Zorinsky of Nebraska, John Melcher of Montana, all betrayed Humphrey with a myriad of excuses as Byrd was their future.

Two of the worst were Asian Americans Daniel Inouye and Spark Matsunaga. After all Humphrey did  for civil rights so these men could even be elected as democrats to the Senate, meant absolutely nothing as they sold out to Bob Byrd.

But they all appeared at the "Love Humphrey to Death" honors, even Bella Abzug who had never pledged any support to Humphrey and had not talked to him in five years.

They were all there though in death for Hubert Humphrey as the least they could do, seeking absolution or the sins that would put them into hell. It is the way things are apparently in nothing changes.  Shirley McClain who never supported Humphrey appeared at a dining table receiving adoration as all was forgotten and all was the same as before, as all of these  holier than though celebrities living off the public, were rewriting their fiction of how wonderful they all were, in it was they who had forgiven HHH for showing them how flawed they all were.

Nuff Said