Saturday, September 8, 2018

Patsy Mink and her Raging Hormones

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When one realizes that the entire rock n roll, dope, sex and cultural revolution was by design from MI6 Tavistock and the CIA Stanford protocols, it is of interest that not in world history was such a genital castration and rape ever inflicted upon a moral people.
It was the invasion of the barbarians in grey suits.

The following incident  would be lost in the Truth of it if not for Dr. Edgar Berman who was Vice President Hubert Humphrey's physician and friend, who had been appointed after  the 1968 AD in the year of our Lord to take testimony from democrats and liberals on what the party had to do to save itself. 

Edward Bennet Williams

Berman was on a panel with Joe Califano, Morris Abrams and Edward Bennet Williams, and after Teddy Kennedy and other notables had testified in businesslike professionalism, Berman noticed a group of placards shuffled about in back of the room, with three women attached to them.
Bennet Williams had nudged Berman and said, "How would you like your son to marry one of those three".

The mood was light and as it was 1969 AD in the year of our Lord, Berman had never heard the charge of sexism before that day. 

Patsy Mink

The leader of the vagina mob who were to become feminists funded by the CIA, was Patsy Mink AKA Congressperson Patsy Mink, who immediately started telling the men on the panel to get off the panel as women comprised 53% of the population and over half should be seated on that panel.
The men on the panel disagreed and thought this rhetoric deserved the satire it deserved as she was demanding a vagina be the presidential or vice presidential nominee in 1972 AD, no matter the qualifications of her resume or brain.
To this Dr. Berman in jocular spirit replied, "You do know that females have certain physiological limitations which could detract from her presidential duties on regular occasion?
Patsy reared up at this, but Berman continued being goaded on by the Bennet Williams with, "If I had my choice, at that time of the month , I would rather have President Kennedy's judgment during the Bay of Pigs than a woman's with her physiological problems."

Berman was kidding in all of it as he was not taking this seriously, and Patsy did not seem too upset, and the entire episode ended with her calling Berman's attitude sexist and it got a few lines in the Associated Press.

All was forgotten for several months, when suddenly Berman received a copy of a letter a very angry Pasty Mink had sent to Hubert Humphrey, demanding that he remove Berman from the democratic panel.

Berman again not taking this serious wrote to Patsy Mink stating, "From the tenor of your letter I would think that your hormones must have been raging". He told her not to take this so seriously, but the feminist CIA crucified Berman with the "raging hormones" quote as Patsy leaked her letter to the press, so Berman had to release his, as 3 days later Berman received calls  from the CIA Times, CIA New York Times and CIA Washington Post.

Gloria Steinem

Of course it was all press fodder, and Berman knew where it all stemmed from as Patsy Mink approached Berman as he was on a Humphrey scientific team, and had asked for a special job for her husband, as he was in oceanography and she wanted him closer to home.
Berman inquired about jobs, and none were available so Pasty did not get a perk, but she did develop a very long grudge against Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey and Edgar Berman. 

 Joe Califano 

Joe Califano smelling the scent of vagina power, was soon stoking the flames of this and it became a reality that feminists in Kate Millet, CIA Steinem, Betty Freidan and the trophy testicle hunter of them all in Ti Grace Atkinson were calling for Bermans balls to be hanging from the wall.


 Ti Grace Atkinson, Kate Millett, Betty Friedan

No one was taking this seriously as Larry O'Brien, a Kennedy man was head of the DNC and was not in the least upset and Morris Abrams called it a tempest in a teapot which would blow over, but Califano was still pushing for Berman to resign.

At one in the morning Berman got a call from Humphrey about it all as he promised Califano to call Berman, but Humphrey told Berman to do what he hliked and not worry about Humphrey as he was going to win in Minnesota, and stated, "Don't worry as the Minnesota women are not those New York and DC women". 


Mary McCarthy

It was becoming the prophecy of Mary McCarthy who summed it all up with, "The trouble with feminists is that they never smile".

In the end Berman resigned as this group was not threatening to picket Hubert Humphrey who had absolutely nothing to with any of this, as it was the Jew Morris Abrams who had suggested Berman be on the panel for his scientific accomplishments.
It was not long after that Humphrey was phoning and pestering Berman to join him in Minnesota. Berman said he did not want to cost Humphrey an election as he had been through enough.
Humphrey said he was going to win and Berman showing up was not going to make any difference. Humphrey's staff got in the phone after this though without HHH's knowledge and told Berman to stay away.

Berman did stay away, but again Humphrey was calling him and asking where he was. Berman finally gave in, flew out to Minnesota days before the election and there in front of the press as Humphrey posed with picture with his friend, was Edgar Berman before Minnesota women...........and in the end, Humphrey won in a landslide as it made absolutely no difference.

Most men have now suffered this onslaught of what began in 1969 and White men especially have been soul raped while Black men have been imprisoned in the millions from the above policy to rip the fabric of the United States apart.
This though is the story of the first time this tactic appeared in targeting an innocent man by the organizational works of sexist females.

Edgar Berman after this was always known as the "raging hormones" and it was all said in the satire all of this has always deserved.

Nuff Said
