Friday, September 7, 2018

When the DIA Is Lindsey Graham Unhappy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was alerted to this video from the John the hero McCain funeral where the person who posted it is saying that John Kelly gave Lindsey Graham the evil eye. You can watch the video and it would be better with it muted as the narrator gets in the way in distracting from what needs to be focused upon in forensic psychology.

What I noted in studying this is Graham is not so much looking at Kelly, but behind Kelly where Mattis is. Now if it was Mattis or someone else, Graham does do the "shift in time" or he is creating a new chapter in his life by the way he moves his hands and arms. That is one episode ending and another beginning.

I am certain in this that Kelly and Mattis are displeased as Graham is the one who invited the President's suckings in Ivanka and Jared, and they are both going to hear about it in the extreme later from Donald John.

 Watch though John Kelly, not in the "sign of the evil eye", but his body language. He is deliberately running his fingers down the crease of the  McCain memorial. Kelly is agitated and is doing a little waterboarding on that paper.

It is fascinating as in this series, Kelly is turned by someone, who introduces him to two adoring blonde girls, and in this Mattis does turn around again and seems to be locked in on Huma Abedin doing the hug with Graham.
In that again, I want to know why in the hell Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton's personal muff vacuum was racing across the room to Lindsey Graham to express her feminine hand waving sympathy and Senator Kelly Ayotte who is behind Graham from Maine does the handshake with Abedin too.
Yes Clinton and McCain were trolls together for Ukrainian Nazis, Obama Syrian ISIS and ass raping Muslims in Libya, but for a Muslim woman married to the Jewish pariah of Anthony Wiener, these two Republicans are most intimate with Abedin, and points to why the Wiener Email server and Abedin emails which were picked up by Saudi and Jewish intelligence forwards, was passed over as the RHINO were giving protective cover to Abedin, led by John McCain who was hip deep in the Pissgate dossier distribution.

That is what is more telling to me in the forensic psychology. It was Kelly running his hand over the crease in that memorial as that is certain, and Graham in his hand shift, which psychological pointed to, 'Yes I am McCain's boy at the funeral, now I am an Abedin Muff Driver, and now hand shift, time to fool the public again as I go back into the Trump mode of fooling the public.

As this blog noted, I had no doubt that the McCain conduit who approached President Trump was Lindsey Graham in delivering the McCain message to stay away. What I am more interested in, who was it that personally delivered the message to Sarah Palin. She knows and  that is the troll the world needs to have exposed.

I do not stand up for Lindsey in the gay ear Graham, but he was right in going to Cindy McCain in following this blog's advice in trying to protect the McCain family from John McCain in Kissinger fashion. Graham could hardly know that he was being set up in the Trump kinder to be savaged, as all of this shit smears Graham too, as much as everyone there in this horrid spectacle.
This New York Times op ed reeks of McCain vintage too. And after this blog pointed to Herb McMaster as the logical source, no one is bothering to follow that up by design in this composite of more WWE Trump Theater.

What I focused on in this video was the DIA minders of Kelly and Mattis. McCain was their scion and Kissinger being in the midst says this was all globalist sanctioned. They were the thumpers there not representing Donald Trump but the DIA's interests. I would view Mattis' glare more in terms of, "You dumb f*ck Graham, you are blowing the illusion hugging that Muslim as no one is supposed to see we are her protectors from behind the curtain.

And as you notice, Graham was talking to Kelly later, and not getting his testicles ripped off his pelvis.

Nuff Said

