Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Wisdom of Canada

Dude I tell you Canadians exist, we are not fiction!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Like today our subject is Canada, where is it
and how did it get there.......


 Dude, like this pizza confuses me in there are more
than meat and potatoes...



I miss Canada man, it is like Manitoba is a whole nother world...


You're such a hoser man, we ain't Canadians 
when we wear Hawaiian shirts, then we are Cubans!!!


See man I told you the Mounties would arrest us for 
being Cubans dressed in Canadian shirts!!!

What do you mean they moved Canada to the moon?


Do you think cannibalism counts when we ate that Snicker bar.

We found out Coleman fuel is a food group
and in Nova Scotia you can marry one.....

Ok like enough wisdom from Canada for today
as it is like making my feet hurt.
