Sunday, October 28, 2018

a hell of a deal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So I was in the thrift store with TL awhile back, and looking for cheap bug out bag stuff, and there was this pile of forensic scissors and other grooming stuff, including two of these toe nail cutters, that looked like the wire cutters we used to cut piglet teeth off so they would not rip the sows tits up, as pigs have razor sharp teeth.

I never really paid much attention to these things as I do not have horse hoof toenails, being of the delicate sort, but as these were in the mix, I thought they would be good to have along in the great tribulation.

So I get home, set them on the computer desk here, and a few days later they disappear. I am busy as hell and have no time to deal with this as I know it is the mother who stole both of them. So it is like  month later, that I spot one in the mother's bedroom in her scissor stand, and I take it back and wonder where the hell the other one is.
I confront her, and of course she never does this stuff as it is some mystery cat that is always moving things and stealing things. I tell the mother that I want my stuff back. The reply is what is it I have taken, and I inform her I know what it is, and when I find it she will know.

So.........nothing appears.

So I wonder..........

So the other night I thought, "OK I am going to try that horse hoof clipper out", and I start lopping off pretty long toe nails that should probably sporting Raspberry Blush polish if the world gave me time, and I get the little ones done and toenails are flying to hell and gone as this thing is a non directional clipper.

I get to the big toe nail and squeeze off and it goes pop and I wonder where the toenail went and that is when I see I have crippled the clipper, as the damn thing broke. Shit from China no doubt.

I honestly do not have the same groomsman as Trigger or Silver. I do not have horse hoof toe nails, but that thing broke like it came out of a Cracker Jack box.

Then the Holy Ghost said to me today, "You know that is probably why that other clipper did not show up as the mother broke the thing, and was not about to buy you a new one, nor tell you that what she stole, she broke".
Thing is if she just would have asked, I would have said go ahead, but of course, it is instead stolen and now broken and new sins she is going to have to answer for.

It is like existing in a nut farm here sometimes and I just detest it. Unless there are consequences, this mother simply keeps doing the same evil things. Like I make her go to town with me now to wash cat shit off things, and by miracle the cat is pooing solid and not shitting all over...........except thankfully TL pointed out the bedspread in the mother's room had cat shit spots on it. So she gets shit on, and that teaches her a lesson, but she would rather have a bedspread with cat shit on it, than tell me about it, as I would haul her ass to town to wash it.
News for her is I found cat shit on a few other items, so she is going to be sitting there doing clothes soon enough again, as lessons will be repeated enough times that someone stops acting like a clipper breaker and learns of the consequences. I think I might order a clipper and charge her for it. She does seem to understand money as a penalty and if she has to pay for things she steals, then there will be less of that going on.

So I found out before the great tribulation that clippers work. Just not clippers from China which break like Cracker Jack prizes. So I think I will venture to the farm store or something and see if I can find an electric clippers like we used for hog teeth, and give that a go as that will probably be industrial enough to last. I just won't ask the fat ass who was in the farm store today as he would not walk his fat ass over to the horse section to locate something for me, after all I got from him was, "That's all the iodine I have is a 1% solution".
Fat asses who can't look for something in the computer really piss me off like most of these culls who are stealing my things...........and the lesson in this for all of you chumly is that China stuff is all through America and it breaks and when things melt down, all that shit is going to make a hell of a problem for all of you.

In words and pictures........
