Saturday, October 27, 2018

A Lame Cherry Lapse

For those who actually read this blog through, and have shown themselves to be human, I am going through something which might interrupt posts eventually around mid November, as I do not have the Table Of Duties of Martin Luther completed as things have been rather unsettled here, and for Wednesday I posted a little of what my day started like today. By evening it was much worse and I am facing the impossible and no Christian should be faced with this.

I will try to keep the normal posting going, but I do have a shattering point and here am I once again beyond mine. I do not have the luxury of quitting, as I have responsibilities, but my coping response is not lashing out, but instead I go quiet as I no longer want to feel. I have suffered abuse, torture and soul rape. The scabs have all been picked off and like all Vulcan, it will be willpower focused onto the thread of God light which is my hope to return.

I am shutting down who I am now to try to preserve me. There simply is not enough of me left to deal with this many upheavals. It is why satan has been unleashed in God's plan. There are so many revelations in this, but here am I bleeding Spiritual blood and the insights are locked in me.
There is no emotional win in this for me even as all is God's purpose for His greater Glory.

God bless the Good and may the Light and Love of God be in each of you wicked non donors who have the responsibility of the rats gnawing in my walls.