Saturday, October 27, 2018

How to Talk Mexican

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The other day this blog featured them damn Mexicans and little did I know how unsettled I would be that a follow up would be needed. I will never understand white people's need to make pets of Nigs and Beaners. Jesus you put these pets in front of white folks and they respond better than having a dog to pet, and these foreigners play it for all it is worth.

Well today I was in a foul mood, a really bad mood after a very bad month, and who should be in the thrift store but these Mexicans. You remember that drooling kid with the Fischer Price toy who was like 8 and the toy was meant for a 3 year old? Well there was another kid and this must have been his cousin, Asstardio, as this 4 year old brat all he would do is laugh. I swear to God he could see Jesus crucified and he would be laughing. All of these kids are like barking dogs. This little shit  I really wanted him to go away, but he would not leave my area, and then he kept rubbing on me as he passed by and the last thing I wanted was to catch some vermin disease in what he was carrying.
Last time I was in the store, these brats were screaming and running, and the gal in there told them to stop running, and all they did was run away from her and hide like goddamn coyotes peaking out of the clothes. The thing is the mothers of them were there and knew damn well what was going on and could not have given a shit, even after the woman told them to behave.

Well I had enough today and started sorting DVD's loudly by snapping them. TL said my face showed I was really angry and I was as in if looked could kill. Interesting thing is Asstardio stopped rubbing on me, as one more time and I was going to tell that breeder who bore him to stop that kid from rubbing on me as I didn't like it one damn bit!

As the time went on, I noticed as I glared that the the two kids, one was a girl and I could not tell if the one clinging to the larger teenager who looked like a damn 20 year old as they breed early, had gotten the message and looked terrified.
Now here is the thing in a world of white folks petting the vermin, in where on earth did these little asstards learn to recognize people who hated them? They sure don't get that in America, so is this the dope dealers, the slave traders, their Uncle Pepe who rapes them on visits?
ICE sure as hell does not do a thing to this trash, and this vermin knows how to play Americans, as Americans like feeling superior in petting the swarthies, so where in this wonderful Beanerland is there something that these animals by instinct recognize and all of these pew sitting Americans do not recognize as the predator danger in their midst.

I remember a few years ago when this all started how a pair of Mexican coyotes who were running this shit into the brier patch, had along a very white, California type gangbanger who was locking in on eye contact with me and he was coked up looking for a confrontation.

Well after the Asstardio event, we went out to the fast food place, and were sitting there and who should come in but two Mexicans who were making eye contact in thinking we were part of their tribal rights. I was watching with TL the FOX coverage on that Mexican invasion and the Beaner boys were having a good time laughing.
I thought, "OK you bastards, you are getting aggressive and you think that Mexicans can shit on Americans in this new invasion convoy and are enjoying the humiliation of Donald Trump, how about you back up some".

See the first thing you need to know about Beaners is they all speak American better than Americans, love talking Mexicans to feel superior, are insulting you in Mexican, and they are always listening to what you are saying.

Like the other week with Asstardio's cousin, the Drooler, I told TL in front of her that I had a gun and other interesting things. Lo and behold, she came into the fast food place and was grinning at me from outside and making eye contact inside. Apparently she thinks I am some hombre desparado who likes shooting Beaners. I have no idea where she got that idea as I never said anything like that, but she sure was interested in me making polite after telling her bunch of beaners who were interested in me, and the reality is this really ugly low grade DNA female learned  to be polite and smiling and it was not from me petting her retarded offspring.

Meanwhile back  at the aggressive beaners, I decided to narrate FOX coverage with something about the fake bombings and this Mexican caravan were related, that it was government generated, and it was about intimidating these terrorist democrats in shutting them up, which it has, and when these beaners start murdering Americans, and then there is going to be a crackdown by the government.

It was amazing in these smart ass Mexicans stopped laughing, and got really quiet as FOX was not so entertaining any more. In fact when I was talking about the crackdown the one cockier one made eye contact with TL and TL stared him down and said, "GOOD", with a sneer.

The Beaners soon enough left the place and climbed into their vehicle paid with American jobs as they work in a cow rape dairy, and having local tags they think that they have now possession of the land, thanks to John Kelly's Visa Vermin open borders.

It is unsettling in these vermin are now getting more aggressive, but will still respond to Mexican communication if you know their communication paranoia. They are all impolite creeps who listen to American conversations. The reason they are so loud in chattering in Mexican is they want to flaunt how superior they are in your not being able to understand them. It is amazing though in conversations about ICE raids, guns and government crackdowns how quickly they quiet down. Just like they begin noticing that you are not petting them like baboons, not getting out of the way, not acknowledging them......oh I made one Beanerette walk around me and for the first time heard one say "excuse me", to which I ignored her and never moved. See the vermin prey on American polite and when you stop giving off the aura of patsy and that you are unpleasant, you never threaten anyone as that is illegal, and you never need to stare anyone down as that is gang confrontational, but just like animals in the wilds, they pick up on your not wanting them around.

I do not recommend this for anyone in the least to mimic, as petting rapists is no more of advice as having a persona that you are not a damned fool who likes being played by an animal due to your good Christian nature.
It is a point that these foreigners all judge American good will as a weakness to exploit and know that Americans are patsies and they are relishing Donald Trump being made a fool of, and being hauled away to jail, as 40,000 beaners cross the Rio Grande.

I have more disgust for these American racists who pet these vermin like dogs, in acting like they are being charitable, but it is all about their wanting some taco nigger to feel superior to. That will change in every community once the Mexicans rape some kid to death, and then it will be shock and excuses in they never knew.

I just hope as Donald  Trump's DIA attempts to save him from impeachment, that they do crack down in sending a message to these arrogant bastards being dumped into our Christian world to vote democrat. The President is not going to stop the slave labor as his cronies made that deal, but it would help to put the scare into them.  Just having law enforcement seize a few thousands vehicles and hand them over to Americans, a few of them roughed up while being apprehended, would keep allot of American nethers from being raped and parents burying dead kids.

Always know that these vermin are all listening to you and sizing you up for they are all predators looking to play you and if you let them get close enough, they will do what they do in Mexico or Mecca in rape and murder you.

Just why was it that I voted for Donald Trump two years ago? It certainly was not for more terrorism or for more rapist vermin into these United States.


Nuff Said
