Sunday, October 7, 2018

Live Long and Kavanaugh

I promise to be a live long and prosper sodomite like you Johnny.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the deep state diversion for the deep state Brett Kavanaugh is over and Christine Blasey Ford and all the other women who were terrified to insanity by Brett Kavanaugh hanging around old lesbians on the Supreme Court in rubbing his crotch on their nethers, we can now return to the reality of Brett Kavanaugh in what this blog has warned all of you, in Brett Kavanaugh is the best judge that Barack Hussein Obama got onto the courts in his 3rd term under Donald Trump.

For those who still have not figured this out and those that believe me without proof, I am going to provide the proof from the Blaze, in Brett Kavanaugh's own words.

Brett Kavanaugh lays out his guiding judicial philosophy ...

Kavanaugh then wasted no time getting down to brass tacks, succinctly explaining his judicial philosophy. "My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law.

I will first ask all of you, in do you think Anthony Kennedy was a good Justice? Someone who protected your American right wing rights? Or do you think Anthony Kennedy was a traitor to Americans in making constant rulings for liberals, which did indeed destroy God's Christian America, when Kennedy advocated Obama sodomy as national law?

The fact is that Brett Kavanaugh praised liberal turncoat Anthony Kennedy who perverted marriage, because exactly like Neil Gorsuch another fag justice, Brett Kavanaugh is for sodomy.

“Thirty years ago, President Reagan nominated Anthony Kennedy to the Supreme Court. The framers established that the Constitution is designed to secure the blessings of liberty. Justice Kennedy devoted his career to securing liberty. I am deeply honored to be nominated to fill his seat on the Supreme Court,

Next we come to the Judicial Philosophy of Brett Kavanaugh. Forget all the bullshit you have been spewed on about Kavanaugh is pro Second Amendment, because Kavanaugh is on record stating that he will only rule on PRECEDENT and will NOT MAKE LAW.
Precedent means Kavanaugh will ONLY rule using past Supreme Court rulings. That means Roe vs Wade is a past ruling for aborticide. That means Obamacare as a tax to penalize you with as John Roberts wrote an entire new legal structure for Obamacare is the law of the land, and Anthony Kennedy's sodomite overthrow of America is what Brett Kavanaugh agrees with.
That includes past Supreme Court rulings upholding gun control,  rulings against White people for minorities, rulings against Christians for cults, rulings against Americans for Trump Visa Vermin, are all precedents which Brett Kavanaugh has sworn to uphold.

“My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law. A judge must interpret statutes as written. And a judge must interpret the Constitution as written, informed by history and tradition and precedent,

For those who were listening to Sean homo Hannity drip over Susan Collins hour long thoughtful speech about Kavanaugh, I can tell you why Susan Collins voted or Kavanaugh as she is as pro baby butcher as another Senator in Doug Jones of Alabama that Donald Trump helped steal an election from in Roy Moore, and Brett Kavanaugh promised Susan Collins that Roe vs. Wade is the law of the land.

Susan Collins: Judge Brett Kavanaugh said abortion was ...

Aug 21, 2018 · Sen. Susan Collins said Tuesday that Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh told her the legality of abortion was settled law. The Maine Republican met with the president's nominee ...

So for all of you who gulped the Kavanaugh jism thinking he was some Sam Alito, forget it, because he is what this blog stated in he is further left than that lesbian Kagan who used to go shooting with Scalia. Brett Kavanaugh is going to cement into federal law until the end of the United States, everything Ronald Reagan was against and everything Barack Hussein Obama made into law illegally.
Brett Kavanaugh on precedent is going to uphold all the anti Christian apostasy which God rained fire and brimstone down on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Everything the founders in Christian morals wrote in the Constitution, will be obliterated by the hardened cement of Brett Kavanaugh rulings. That is what he stated from the beginning and he never deviated from.

This blog warned all of you. This blog informed all of you that America needed a right wing activist Judge, a Gideon to restore America against the unConstitutional evil of the land, but in this grande diversion and deception, America has exactly like Earl Warren, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, John Roberts were and are.
Is it not amazing that not any justice ever on the left swerves to the right? It is always these agents of change who are put on the court by Republicans, telling us they are conservative and all they are embeds of the deep state. Brett Kavanaugh no longer has to make unConstitutional laws, because they are all there for him to rule for, and he will rule for pedophilia when it comes up to the court and John Roberts with the liberals on this Trump court vote 7 to 2 to implement this final phase of perversion to steal America's children.

Live long and Kavanaugh. He told you he was going to uphold Sodom and Gomorrah, and he will be the best judge of Obama's 3rd term under Donald Trump.

Nuff Sai
