Thursday, October 25, 2018

Confused about Fake Bombs and Fake Stories

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

See I am  a confused, but very attractive girl. See the Lame Cherry did an extensive analysis of the bombings which plagued America and had a number of people reading it.......not donating of course from their luxury but only this blog doing a detailed analysis.

The Problems with Political Bombs

The problem is after I posted this, the Gayway Pundit posted this gem:

Law Enforcement Has Surveillance Video of Courier Delivering ‘Bomb’ Package to CNN

The package did not have enough postage and was not stamped by the post office.

So let me get this straight....

After Liberty Daily noted that there were not postal cancellations on the stamps and this blog did a detailed explanation of their not being enough postage on the packages, that the sources for the Gateway coming out of 1600 Penn, were moved to report that a courier delivered the package to CNN to explain away all of these discrepancies.

Now we find out that FOX is telling the world that Florida is where this all took place......hell of a long way for a courier to go from Florida to New York, but now we are told that the new packages now have postal markings on them.......after it was analyzed that all of this looked like some group in law enforcement took these packages out of a postal sorting facility and distributed them for a proper wag the dog media event.

Florida seen as ´region of interest´ in
package bomb probe, sources say

Fox News, by Catherine Herridge, Bill Mears    Original Article
Postal markings on packages with explosive material sent to prominent Democrats have helped federal investigators refine the focus of their investigation, with Florida described as a “region of interest,” two sources told Fox News on Thursday. The investigators have not said whether they believe the suspect or suspects are in Florida, or if all the packages were mailed from the state. New York and Maryland are also in focus, Fox News has learned. A government official noted what appeared to be thick, dark electrician´s tape on the pipe bomb sent to former CIA Director John Brennan, care of CNN.

So now  we  have postal markings on all the other packages, which no one has explained why on earth a bomber would put 3 dollars in forever stamps on  package he was paying a courier to deliver?  The skeptical would Perry Mason, he was a faggot you know, deduct that the courier is a cover story for a deliberate manipulation to keep people from trusting any of this.

Apparently government officials read this blog too and noted the electricians tape, as it was missed like timer, like this blog first reported these were fake bombs, KNOWN to be fake bombs, because law enforcement was taking pictures of them before they even took them they sort of knew they were fake somehow which is quite clairvoyant.

All of the devices carried a parody ISIS flag featuring comedian Larry the Cable Guy’s signature slogan, “git ‘er done,”

Almost like someone was stereotype framing at Trump redneck, but at least we have narrowed the bomber down to 3 suspects:

Tim Allen from Last Man Standing.

 Vanessa, when you send bombs out, do what Obama does in sign someone elses name.

Larry the Cable Guy from Potato Chips.

If the bombs don't get em, send these chips as they will kill an appetite or a human in one chip.

And Mike Pence in this rare footage.

Mr. President, I get these urges to blow things. I like sticky things like stamps and tape. I....I like to hold throbbing pipes in my hands as it makes me feel powerful.

and here I thought Obama done it, or at least the guy who pretends to be Obama prancing around in public.

Oh no terrorism hits the Obama and Clinton.....mail sorters.

I bet it was Mike Pence though, as he was the first one to come out and condemn these non bombs. The person who cries wolf first..........

The Lame Cherry will give you another bit of information before your public eye. Did you look at the pipe bomb closely? Look at the wiring. The digital timer is out front. What color are the wires?

Red and is on the left and black is on the right, correct? Still don't get it huh?

How about the wires, which side is the wire smooth on and which side is the wire up and awkward on?

Don't get it do you. You missed it and it is not psychological in right and left wing or good or bad, but it is a matter of dexterity. The person who created this bomb was more dexterous left handed. The person is left handed. Look at the stamps how the overlap. That is a left handed person too.

Oh my you millionaire non donors just learned something that will probably have to be dealt with as this exclusive permeates the ether again in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

How about the big donation as you pay enough for FOX wasting your time.

By the way is Mike  Pence left handed?
