Friday, October 26, 2018

Our Father Who art in Heaven

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The beginning of the Lord's Prayer is the introduction by Jesus the Christ to His Father and your Spiritual Father. Jesus was not teaching you how to pray, but Jesus was revealing to you the Person hidden in the Old  Covenant or Testament.

In the Old Testament God is Named, Elohim, a plural which Muslims scoff at to their eternal hell fire doom demise, because God is a dynamic Being Whose Thought as Christ and Whose Presence in the Spirit of God coming from the Father and Son Jesus is alive  too, and Adonai or Lord.

When Christ appeared the revelations of God became manifest to humanity. It was too much for the blasphemous Pharisee and apostate Saducee to comprehend, as one group believed they made themselves wonderful by the blood of Abraham and the other was wonderful in Abraham's blood laid dead in the grave without a resurrection.

When Jesus in the Greek used the word Pater for Father, He was introducing the ancestor of Adam, the first human created by God. This was the parent who would bring to humans the likeness passed on to becoming Spiritual.

patér: a father
Original Word: πατήρ, πατρός, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: patér
Phonetic Spelling: (pat-ayr')
Short Definition: father, Father, ancestor
Definition: father, (Heavenly) Father, ancestor, elder, senior.
HELPS Word-studies
3962 patḗrfather; one who imparts life and is committed to it; a progenitor, bringing into being to pass on the potential for likeness.

For those missing in the above the blasphemy of the Vatican and the Pope. Pater is the name bastardized by the Roman Catholic in stating the Pope is the image of God, and that nonsense that he is Christ's vicar on earth. There is only one Father, that is God. To use that name Pater is blasphemy against God.
In fact, Pater is where the fiction of Peter was the first Pope of Rome. That was instead Pater Simon the warlock who tried to purchase the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and ended up in Rome founding the Catholic or Universal religion which brought in all the cults and laid "christian names" on them.

Jesus willed for us to address God as the Father, for He  is the Father  of Life and Spirit, and all of us. In being our Father, there is Love there, and not doom and hell as Muslims claim, is void in eastern religions, obliterated in mother witchcraft, and is unknown to Jewry which worships itself in being so special to itself.

The Introduction

Our Father who art in heaven.

What does this mean? With these words God tenderly invites us to believe that He is our true Father and that we are His true children, so that with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.

It is the simplest of actions which makes the eternal God your personal Father, and that is all you have to do is accept His Redeemer in His only begotten Son, Jesus, as your Savior to Redeem you from human physical death to Spiritual Life.
As this is so simple, one can not comprehend how satan has been so effective in stampeding hordes away from their own Salvation. People know they do not measure up, and in fear hide from God, instead of going to His Love, but instead boldly go around mocking that their sins are legal and they do not need God.
Everyone needs God right before they die,  because afterward comes the Judgment and in that it is too late.

Galations 3:26

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus

This is our Father, the Father of the Lord Christ. He is in us, through us, with us, and around us, by the Holy Ghost Whom He set to help guide, comfort and Inspire us.

Ephesians 4:6

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Romans 8:5

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

This is the division, in there are two sets of offspring on earth. One is Spiritually reborn to Life in God through Jesus Christ to the Heavenly Father, and the other is dead either to the carnal world which they mirror in soul frequency in their money, possessions, sex, drugs, sports or the eternal death of satan, in which both are at enmity with God.

The Christian has  a God in Heaven, Who teaches them to call upon Him as Father. His Son, Jesus, is busy ministering with millions of Holy Angels for these Spiritual children's growth in Spirit, and the Holy Ghost is the Regenerative Force Who makes the Christian Body of Christ One with the Father, now and for eternity.

This is the Our Father of Christ's Christians in the only Way, Truth and Life, through Jesus the Christ, to be Spiritually adopted into the Family, Elohim of God.
I pity those fools who deny this and have chosen eternal death in being so vain, teaching their religions over the Gospel of Christ.

Nuff Said
