Saturday, October 27, 2018

The False Advertising of Facebook's Domestic Terrorist.

Hi, I'm Katie and am here to terrorize Americans.

Katie Harbath.........Ah she doesn't look like this, so why is her account not in limbo for false advertising?

The real Katie Harbath is below, so keep reading.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Facebook Threatens Triple Amputee Vet’s Wife After He Appeared On Fox News And Huckabee

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In the saga of Ashley and Brian Kolfage, which most of you have probably heard of by now in Facebook attempted to destroy this cripple's life, I finally figured out why Facebook came after me. It is all in the profile of Ashley Kolfage in Facebook only employs brown bagger blimpies and they are all on the PMS warpath against attractive women.
See here is Ashley Kolfage who is almost as hot as Mrs. Mike Cernovich.

I guess this is the anti Katie zone in all the things Katie Harbath will never be.

Here is the Facebook blimper who has gone after Ashley Kolfage.


I only delete accounts of women with men, women who are pretty, women who are thinner than me, women who ......that is allot of women....

You can see why they call her Blimper at work.


I promise my little water buffalo, I will only hire women fatter than you to terrorize attractive American women.

Here is another photo of her at work and have a puke sack ready for when you see how this woman presents her Michelle Obama crotch shot in public. It is just Ashley Judd NASTY. Girlfriend the size of that tampon must be the dimensions of a Bounty paper towel roll. Lord God that is just something that endangers the rain forests in that bush jungle needing a tree a day to sop up that natal discharge.

There are lots of pictures of this........what is her name? Katie let me check as it is Katie Harbath. That must be from the well fed Harbath's who survived the Irish potato famine in not needing to eat for 3 years as they had genetic fat supplies akin to a blubber whale.

Here are a few of the more pleasant ones I guess..

There were five of  us when we started.........Blimpo did you eat the Indian guy?

Yes great idea, pose with a fatter girl to make you look slimmer.

Do you think red makes me look fat Rotunda like Mrs. Zuckerberg?

I have come to Canada for a relationship as Justin Trudeau has proven that Canadian men have no standards.

Say  aren't you the one  Mrs. Zuckerberg hired that she calls Blimpy? 

Can I have my Facebook account back Blimps now that I pretended to be your friend on 

With one billion men in India, and the offer of free internet service for life, we could not find a lesbian husband or a normal husband for the Blimpy. Now may I have my account back?

Here Blimpy is running the Facebook Glamour Seminar with another girl who is apparently Mark Zuckberg glamorous I suppose.

I would like to say that fat women can be glamorous and if you disagree I will delete your account.

Can I please have my account back now that I mailed your mum this picture we dated Blimpo? 


 Look it is in the Facebook guidelines in the boss can call anyone over 250 pounds Blimpy, Blimper, Blimpo or Goodyear.

 I am really not fat. I just have a guilt complex in Mark Zuckerberg makes me terrorize nice people and I eat for the stress.......I have to stay fat or Mrs. Zuckerberg will fire me......and putting pretty girls in limbo is just like sex.......well I am told it is like sex, not that I have ever had sex.

This terrified woman said it all.

What do you mean this gift means I sold my soul to Facebook?

 Yes this is the world of Facebook, which Mark Zuckerberg now refers to in speeches as Fatbook, as he has hired so many plumpers that the company has actually sunk 6 inches into the California sands as they have so much additional weight concentrated there.

There is good news and bad news. The oceans are not rising which is the good news. The bad news is my wife made me hire all these plumpers and California is now sinking because of that.

We should all be like Ashley Kolfage in praying for Katie Harbath, as she works for a Jew who  hates Jesus and let's face it when you got all what Katie has going on, she is going to be looking for ways to bully other innocent people to make up for all the food she can't eat, as China would starve, in her frustrations of being a Fatbook Employee.

Does anyone have a pretty girl I could terrorize for you.........for a Big Mac and double cheese I will take out her cripple husband too.
