Sunday, October 28, 2018

Synagogue Rampage

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was over at my uncle's yesterday seeking  to warn  him about not trusting my sister or her husband as they apparently have been feeding a story about how much they are doing for him, as caretakers, when that was not the case at all.
As I told his daughter this, she appreciated the warning and informed me that they  had the power of attorney so all was safe, and that is when story of the Pittsburgh shooting broke. I thought it was  about the Steelers so I paid little attention to football stories.

I wonder at the headlines  in Robert Bowers committed a RAMPAGE at a synogogue, according to FOX. Why is it not a rampage when Christians are shot down, I do not understand, but then liberals at CNN were quite expressive that is was not a mob chasing Homeland Security Director  Nielsen from a diner. I wonder what accounts for a rampage, is it 11 dead that means a rampage or is it only a shooting at 10?

It is is puzzling in rampages that why is it worse when Jews were involved. FOX anchors were dripping with venom over this shooting and now it the trophy of the right that Bowers hated Trump and apparently Jews.

At Least 11 Dead — Several Others Shot, Including Two Police Officers at Pittsburgh Synagogue; Killer Shouted ‘All Jews Must Die’

These Bush or Obama older voters are really feeling disenfranchised, exactly as Reagan voters were feeling under Obama. One group though has been conditioned that there is not any hope, and the other believes in another election or God will save them.
It is the era of the displaced and the immigrant as in the time Teddy Roosevelt was shot. The media ramped up violence when their propaganda for the robber barons did not steal elections.

Suspected shooter in deadly church attack identified



 No Rampage Church Shooter

I noticed FOX reported that this Bowers did not shoot children. For all the rampage that sounds more like a humane side of the newest monster before we move onto  the next one.

I wonder why no one mentions that as Jews were attacked, just how much of this attack had to do with Jarvanka in the spotlight. In that why has the President not issued an order for a panel, led by Ivanka,  because she is a Jewess to do whatever panels  and commissions do.

Finally, after millions of dollars spent on cop firearms, upgrades, new weapons, new calibers, we have the police of Pittsburgh who either can not shoot or should have had their old 38 Specials gunning, as none of this is what would be acceptable in real time situations, and yet it is. Police spray and pray they hit something and in this case a fat old man was not injured  enough to die,  while the fat old man injured enough people  so they did die.

Pittsburgh police bullets not lacking power, FBI test shows ...

Police officials said during a news conference on April 12 that they would ask for a test of their .40-caliber handgun ammunition because officers had raised concerns about the bullets' firepower ...

Just some thoughts on a synagogue rampage which no one else will mention as they never have matter anti matter exclusives to make the reader think.
