Monday, October 29, 2018

The Breakable China

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For Richard  Nixon's National Interest, Gordon G. Chang, has written one of the finest white paper on China ever published. It is exemplary as it mirrors everything what this blog has noted on the paper tiger, and the warning of this is  as Donald Trump moves on the DIA policy to reshape the world in the power struggle which led up to the planned first world war, the realization is that China with 200 million fodder in uniform it is expedient for China to march them  out in a coming upheaval  or Xi will be hung with all the other communist scoundrels of Peking. This is why Xi has become dictator and fashions himself an emperor as he bribes the military with new toys, as either China is a pandemic which conquers the world or China is a cancer which will eat itself.
This is the disease of Harry Truman's communism for China and HW Bush's evolving China from a millet field to an industrial waste to exploit as Birther Obama admired the Slant Eyed Slave Plantation of Asia, as China will not die pretty under Donald Trump. The Peking Girl will  either rot with a world stench or make a stench of the civilized world.

For all  of the bravado of Iran and Russia, there is one reality and that is Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of the European Super State is cutting China out of the mix as much as Europe is cutting America out. The Europeans are signing deals with Japan and Indochina. Europe has rejected being annexed by Xi's One Belt and One Road, and in rejecting Chinese annexation of Europe, has injected a gangrene into China which will rot the communist state. A decomposing America and a rotting China both locked in conflict makes for expanding business for the Imperial European Global State.

The time of Chinese arrogance has vanished in the mass politic. Only Xi as dictator is sure of his police state as he hides behind it.

 And as China approaches the landmark anniversary, many Chinese are swiftly moving from supreme self-confidence to deep anxiety. Xi may remain sure of the regressive and assertive course he has set, but if so, he is alone.

 China is a paper tiger, a double book account built on slave labor and investment from the globalists. China was not a miracle. China was a created illusion, meant to arise to this time and to collapse in epic festering death.
Bill Gates in his African policy has already created the new slave state to exploit. China is being replaced and in the interim, the Indian will suffice. Asia is to be depopulated of it's billiions and Africa's billion was create by George W. Bush for a new global market expansion.

There is a growing awareness that China’s next downturn will be severe. Chinese leaders, it has become evident, will prevent adjustments until they no longer have the ability to do so. And, when that fateful time comes, their system will undoubtedly go into free fall

When China goes into economic implosion, it will be swift, and more to the reality, China must either acquire expendable assets by consuming lesser nations, or the necessary advent will China must invade the only undefended resource it can occupy and  that is the Mideast oil.
For those who think America is a safeguard for the Mideast, be aware that Donald Trump has had all of this weighed out for him. If it comes to war,  it is far better to have a nuclear war in the wastes of Asia and sands  of  Islamic lands,  than nuclear missiles in America and China occupying Alaska.
China will have to move out to neutralize the discontent within.

DISCONTENT IS widespread, and economic decline is one of the motors of unrest. In August, for instance, protestors traveled to far-flung locations to gather at the offices of defaulting companies, like conglomerate HNA Group in Hainan, or to the center of Chinese power. In the capital, hundreds of police had to “lock down” the city’s financial district in the face of demonstrations against failed peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms. Hundreds of thousands of investors across the country have lost money in these “P2P” vehicles, and they are, with some justification, blaming the state for losses. They therefore converged on the offices of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and a critical Communist Party body: the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the anti-corruption watchdog.

The “financial refugees,” as they call themselves, unnerved Chinese leaders. These types of protests are of special concern because the 1989 demonstrations in Beijing and 370 other cities were originally fueled by mismanagement of growth, specifically inflation. This time, discontent is more of a concern to the regime because two generations knowing nothing but increasing standards of living are facing the prospect of a severe downturn.

China is not just a nation with one albatross around it's neck. The dragon has three terminal conditions. China has zero resources from energy, to mineral wealth to water. China is sucking the life out of the world as her grave is already dug.

China has peaked in humans to use up. It will soon be a nation of 400 million dead and a work force not able to sustain what survives.
Third, China is off life support. She has sucked her last dollars out of the United States and Europe has zero interest in feeding this dragon Euros.

First, there is extreme environmental degradation. Decades of pursuing growth, especially during the 1950s and the four decades of the reform era, have left the country with poisonous air, black water and toxic soil. Water has become scarce, even where it was once plentiful.

Second, demography will inhibit China’s growth. China’s economy grew fast in the reform era in large part because of the “demographic dividend”

Third, China no longer enjoys the support of the United States or even the European Union. Decades of Beijing’s predatory trade practices have changed minds in foreign capitals as have Xi’s overtly aggressive and belligerent geopolitical moves

The interesting part in this is Xi's main enemy in  China is Pepe the Pig whom he has banned, but in an issue which shows how little control Xi has, Peppa is still more a of a fixture across China than the image of Xi.

The reality in the first shot of the Asian war, it was dictator Xi against a pig, and the pink pig won.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
