Monday, October 29, 2018

Where was the President on Saturday

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this I am relapsed sick from the Mexican flu, the mother almost died, and every time I think I am at the end of my  rope, I am kicked further down the abyss. So I post in the hope that there will appear humane rich people  on the right as I watch time and again liberals get swamped by donations for lying and all I receive is a life with no way out.

What is this about is not having the health or energy to post a great dissertation on this, but on the day the mother tried to check out and we are still trying to put the pieces together here, I was in a fast food place watching FOX on the Synagogue Rampage, when something appeared on screen that I said to TL, "Who is that as that is not Donald Trump?"

We wondered if he had had constructive surgery, but his hair was different, his forehead was shorter and he just did not look like the President. Yes at a glance you would think it was Donald John, but as you watched the guy mimic the President walking around, the  feel was all wrong.

This was the guy who was at the Ohio rally and traveling to Illinois, but this was not Donald Trump.

I honestly am not going to inquire on this, but on the day of the Synagogue shooting, there was a Trump look alike on the campaign trail. I do not know if this was for security, if they have replaced Mr. President as Obama was replaced or if it was a just a trial run.

It was just an oddity for the day. This was a look alike not like an Obama skinwalker clone. No one else noticed this, so it is posted here and I just wonder what happened.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in  matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
