Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Short Form of Nazi

Is the beautiful woman looking at me or am I looking at the beautiful woman?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ramin asked me this question which is quite relevant considering that America has now been overthrown within in the Jeb Bush victory lap of 2018 and Adolf Hitler's blueprint and warning concerning how different groups seize power in open societies, using the mechanisms against the people has been completed in most of the western world.

I would like to donate more but I supporting 5 women in my house. I also would like one favor. A year or two ago you mentioned a short book written by one of the Nazi leaders on organizing. What was the name of the boondocks and who was the author? Could you reference it in your blog? Hope your life gets better. Your insights are invaluable.

To answer this in short, Adolf Hitler was not a Nazi. Nazi was a racial slur against Southern Germans who were Catholics. Heir Hitler was the greatest political student since the Founders of America in examining what political governance actually was. Hitler chose National Socialism as it was the most ideal and ready platform for his political movement.

In Germany, the old princedoms, were organized into political sects run by Gauleiters, or party bosses. Hitler in his entire years  of leadership never challenged these powerful political leaders. In reality, Hitler protected the German people from sacrifice as this supposed strongman never disrupted his political base.

In noting the organizational structure of "Nazism", which was really a police state political union, while I have quoted Goebbels early diaries of Adolf Hitler in his masterful ability to control crowds like a Texas  Ranger, the nuance of the party was described by Albert Speer in his memoirs.
The above is a paragraph explanation of the Nazi system in operation which would not require reading a short book. If though, readers would appreciate a detailed expose' on global politics in it's strengths and weaknesses, there is one book which is the PHD of political insights and that is:

Mein Kampf, the Ralph  Manheim translation of Houghton Mifflin copyright, 1943

You should be able to find  this at What is nice about Archive is most books are free, and you can read them online or download them. In addition for a disposable email account which most people have for mailings, you can check out books for a period of time and read  them too. Along with numbers of recordings.

I certainly hopes this assists you, as by watching the intrigue of the 2018 midterm, listening to Donald Trump, and observing the masterful political ascention of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, I know that everyone involved in this has read Mein Kampf, and they are implementing parts of it, or all of it. The most successful are moving forward with the entire blueprint, the less successful like Mr. Trump, are being checked for not implementing the entire mechanism of the political law enforcement mechanism.
For a reality in this, Mr. Trump has been checked by his Gauleiters  and that is why the democrats were handed the victory.

I would though visit Archive and just page through books  if you have unlimited access to the internet and see what you find, as reading the discourse from history is far more revealing than listening to modern propaganda.

I apologize with being delayed.  I  had a putz being a putz online, and then my email was down for several this Greenland  HAARP freeze is pissing things up here, and then the mother needs to be reminded that we do not live in the royal palace and we need to do things to recover.

I need to do some errands so am off again, but I wanted to thank the few people who donated something, and mention that the people who did try and help out in their not having anything, that those are hot coals on the rich people's heads as the rich are not robbing only me, but now more and more poor people, and  those who are not feeling the best as in  Robo. They had enough time to review their portfolios and start figuring out how to make a donation, and this is one more reminder  that each inaction places them one degree lower in Heaven and one degree lower in hell.

I gotta jet as not all of us can live in  Minnesota and elect such gifted people to do whatever gifted political leaders do in metro and outstate Minnesota. That part is for the Viking as I do watch the politics of his land.

God bless
